Apparently I'm a meanie head :rolleyes2
February 22, 2015
So I was in class two days ago, and the topic of feminism came up. Everyone seemed confused at what feminism was, because by the way they were speaking, it was as if everything a woman fucking did qualified as a feminist activity. They sited everything from becoming a politician, being a musician, and being a (get this shit) an SAHM as feminism in action. I decided that this was time to speak up because everyone seemed confused.

I told them that I had run into the issue that everyone was waffling over awhile ago, and that in response to confusion I narrowed my definition of feminism from "everything a woman does" to "an act that is directly aimed at ending male domination". I went on to characterize certain acts as feminist and not feminist, for example becoming a politician is a feminist act, being a SAHM is not. Because you know.. "The master's tools won't ever dismantle the master's house." If you are a live-in servant to a man, you most certainly aren't ending male domination (a-DOY!).

Then this girl pops up like: "well, I think it's mean to say that what a woman does isn't feminist, a woman doesn't have to shoulder the burden of all womankind." She had a point, because no, not any one woman has to do that, but in order for change to become a reality, some individuals need to dedicate their lives to it. Being a SAHM is not a feminist act, so if calling me mean softens the blow of reality then so be it. angry flipping off

Aside rant, my teacher (who is a Woman's, Gender, and Sexuality studies teacher) still doesn't get that I am a transgender male. I flipped shit this same day over it. We were talking about what would keep us from running for political office. I said that it would be difficult to raise money for a campaign so that, in my case, would be prohibitive. She goes on to say that I was mistaken because studies have shown that women have an equal chance of success in fundraising for a campaign. I corrected her.. Strongly.. I told her that in my case, as a PRE-Op TRANSGENDER MALE, I would have a much more difficult time fundraising than a cis-woman.. You know, that thing I'm not. I was pissed. I'm out in this class and everyone fucking knows it, except my fucking instructor who studies the shit AS A JOB. angry flipping off

And the other Trans* guy in the class (who is treated much better than me because he's post-op and thus MORE trans* than me or some shit) decides to start talking about how the media represents men terribly and I'm just sitting there thinking about how goddamned privileged that whole idea is. We are talking about the negative constant scrutiny that women face in the media, and he busts out "well Magic Mike has a bad representation of men, it's like all men have to be huge and macho!" It took all of my strength to not roll the shit out of my eyes. That shit isn't even true. There are shows with normal men, overweight men, macho men, and they are treated well on screen. Not the case for women. I mean this is pretty much the reason why I'm going to be going for a "mid-op" appearance because I don't want to be sucked into male privilege and cis-sexism and start campaigning for men's rights (as they have all of them). I mean good for him for being what he wants, but Jesus, there are bigger problems for women than what Magic Mike brings to the table for men. And good job forgetting the struggles of women after you're "safe". Just my two cents
Re: Apparently I'm a meanie head :rolleyes2
February 22, 2015
I find feminism to be a very problematic subject. I've read several feminist books including some of the 'classics' and found them to be interesting, enlightening and important. I loved Susan Faludi's 'Backlash'.

But then I also came across some rather peculiar texts, e.g. one author stated that pointe shoes in ballet had been invented by men specifically for the purpose of harming women. And this from someone who has no concept of ballet and who never has and unlikely ever will wear a pair of pointe shoes. Is that feminism? Really? How?:headbrick
During my glorious teenage years spent in an even more glorious country (I am being sarcastic) there was an unwritten societal rule that skirts were 'unfeminist' and should therefore not be worn. Well, sorry, I like skirts and dresses just as much as I like pants, and I won't let anyone interfere in my sartorial choices.

I could come up with an entire list of similarly ridiculous examples but in the end it comes down to the fact that because feminism split into all kinds of factions and experienced more waves than Heavy Metal anyone can claim that this or that is 'feminist' which in turn leads to arguments over idiotic insignificant things. Nothing will ever convince me that 'fat' or beefing are feminist. Theoretically, I could argue that eating candy is a feminist issue seeing that I'm a woman and love candy. I think this example clearly shows that at some point a clear line has to be drawn, except that this hasn't happened as of yet. Feminism has become inclusive of everything, and that's the main reason it's disintegrating into a bubble of bullshit.

Then this girl pops up like: "well, I think it's mean to say that what a woman does isn't feminist, a woman doesn't have to shoulder the burden of all womankind." She had a point, because no, not any one woman has to do that, but in order for change to become a reality, some individuals need to dedicate their lives to it. Being a SAHM is not a feminist act, so if calling me mean softens the blow of reality then so be it.
Of course being a SAHM is not feminist. It's just blah, it's nothing. Nobody argues that women shouldn't be allowed to be SAHMs if that's their wish, but to call that wish 'feminist' is preposterous. If all women were to become SAHMs and call their decision 'feminist' that would not be feminism, it would be an Etsy postcard depicting the 1950s.
Exactly, someone needs to pave the way. Women like, say, Janet Reno, Condoleezza Rice and Angela Merkel (irrespective of their political affiliations) can be called feminists, but a SAH moombie? Nope.

Feminism needs to get back to the drawing board and streamline its goals and clearly define the things it stands for instead of concerning itself with trivial stuff like other people's taste in fashion.
Re: Apparently I'm a meanie head :rolleyes2
February 22, 2015
Mainstream feminism has lost the plot. Everything a woman does is suddenly feminist and it's sexist to make her deal with any negative consequences. Take the term "slut-shaming" for example: it was coined originally to point out the double standards in acceptable expressions of sexuality between men and women. But now it's been twisted and manipulated into "It's sexist to hold grown-ass women accountable for any of their sexual choices and the consequences of such."

Then there's the wanting special treatment for moos under the guise of feminism while completely ignoring the fact that it would be detrimental to women who do not have children out of choice or circumstance (and the far-reaching effects that it would have on hiring women as a whole; the USA doesn't have paid moo leave and yet, women have a hard time getting hired or getting promotions, especially in male-dominated areas, because it's expected that they'll be shitting out babies soon enough).

Then there's the lack of intersectionality. Mainstream feminism is white, heteronormative (though lesbianism is accepted), cisgendered, middle-to-upper-class, an astonishing lack of awareness, and yet a bottomless trough of victimhood and martyrdom when called out.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: Apparently I'm a meanie head :rolleyes2
February 22, 2015
paragon schnitzophonic
Then there's the lack of intersectionality. Mainstream feminism is white, heteronormative (though lesbianism is accepted), cisgendered, middle-to-upper-class, an astonishing lack of awareness, and yet a bottomless trough of victimhood and martyrdom when called out.

Marry me.
Re: Apparently I'm a meanie head :rolleyes2
February 23, 2015
I'm an old-school (as in turn of the century) feminist myself - I'd make a lousy modern, mainstream feminist (I'm not a lesbian and love my husband too much). It all boils down to personal choice. It is OK for a woman to want to be an engineer, road construction worker, whatever, and still want to wear a dress at night and look nice for the man in her life. It is OK for a woman to take care of a man when he is ill and needs care. There is nothing demeaning about this....
Re: Apparently I'm a meanie head :rolleyes2
February 24, 2015
Oh dear. See, this is why I don't talk to most other feminists. Bitches be crazy. :crz

Ah, silly me. I don't technically count as a feminist, seeing as how I don't believe everything a womyn (*snort*) does is sacred and absolutely right, and nor do I have a powerful, seething hatred of anything with a penis. smile rolling left righteyes2


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Apparently I'm a meanie head :rolleyes2
February 24, 2015
I'm an old-school (as in turn of the century) feminist myself - I'd make a lousy modern, mainstream feminist (I'm not a lesbian and love my husband too much). It all boils down to personal choice. It is OK for a woman to want to be an engineer, road construction worker, whatever, and still want to wear a dress at night and look nice for the man in her life. It is OK for a woman to take care of a man when he is ill and needs care. There is nothing demeaning about this....

I have feminist beliefs, especially where my CFdom comes into play, but I don't live the feminist lifestyle. I am a SAHW due to my disability.

I also enjoy looking after my appearance, wearing dresses and makeup, and such. I like it when someone holds the door open for me, or pulls my chair out for me at a restaurant. I may have feminist beliefs, but I'm still a lady. I want to be treated like one.

Maybe I am old-fashioned in that sense, but I will also hold the door open for a man or another woman and be polite to others in general. To me, respect and kindness are two-way streets.

As for being a SAHM and being a feminist? I don't think that's possible. Just because a woman has made that choice doesn't mean it's a feminist choice.

If I didn't have a disability, I would definitely have loved to explore more career options. Unfortunately, I have done the best I could with the cards dealt to me and I'm glad I have at least a job from home.
Re: Apparently I'm a meanie head :rolleyes2
February 24, 2015

And the other Trans* guy in the class (who is treated much better than me because he's post-op and thus MORE trans* than me or some shit) decides to start talking about how the media represents men terribly and I'm just sitting there thinking about how goddamned privileged that whole idea is. We are talking about the negative constant scrutiny that women face in the media, and he busts out "well Magic Mike has a bad representation of men, it's like all men have to be huge and macho!" It took all of my strength to not roll the shit out of my eyes. That shit isn't even true. There are shows with normal men, overweight men, macho men, and they are treated well on screen. Not the case for women. I mean this is pretty much the reason why I'm going to be going for a "mid-op" appearance because I don't want to be sucked into male privilege and cis-sexism and start campaigning for men's rights (as they have all of them). I mean good for him for being what he wants, but Jesus, there are bigger problems for women than what Magic Mike brings to the table for men. And good job forgetting the struggles of women after you're "safe". Just my two cents

I don't consider men to be the sole contributor of the evils that generally befall women, but even I consider what that person is saying to be a downright jawdropper. Do they not think that many of the 'representations' of men tend to be more proactive, assertive and and more relying on what they do over what they are? That's why you see can men with all sizes and shapes and relationship statuses, whereas with women are never their own singular entity, but is always defined by something they are. And unlike men in media, women can never ever be single or scarred or disfigured in such a way to render her unattractive. Also she is either paired up or seeking to be paired up. If there is no man, they will pair her with a woman. No TV show, cartoon, book or movie tolerates a single scarred/disfigured woman the way they do a man. Plus as far as negative masculine portrayals, a man can be shown as a muscular beef cake, but he can be an ugly beefcake. You won't see an ugly woman anything, unless she's going to meet her fate in some unpleasant way. That is the major difference that this person doesn't seem to get.

What that person thinks is something they must have been thinking for a long time beforehand. No person gets that stupid overnight or because of a sex change operation.
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