Story here.

So some moo invited her kid's entire class of 16 students to her autistic kid's birthday party, and not one showed up. So naturally, the heifer took to social media to whine about it because it's all about herrrr and herrrr kid.

The whole town flips a shit and rallies around this tard like he's the baby Jesus, showering him with gifts and bringing in trucks and even a fucking helicopter for him to flap his arms about. Not for nothing, but what if there was an actual emergency that required the use of these really expensive resources? Moreover, aren't autards supposed to go batshit with sensory overload like that?

The comments are so off putting. The majority that I read are either calling the kids who didn't show jerks, or saying their parents are garbage. Here's a thought, moo. Maybe your kid is an asshole. Maybe he pushes other kids around. Maybe the other kids don't like him because he's weird and his constant flapping and lack of a filter make them uncomfortable. Kids can be mean, but just because they're mean to your kid doesn't mean the world has to bend over backwards to kiss his ass and make him feel better about it.
Autism = extreme lack of social connectivity.

Why would he be expected to have "friends"?

Or was the BD party not supposed to consist of "friends", but of a captive audience who was guilted into attending to praise the autard for smearing shit in the cake and having a tantrum over people touching his shiny balloons? Sounds like a blast to me thumbs upup
When I was really young I was the fat kid, bullied regurally had few to no friends, yet I always had a good turnout at my birthday parties, even though my classmates were assholes to me I still tried to be nice, there is more to this story that isn't being told

Autism = extreme lack of social connectivity.

Why would he be expected to have "friends"?

Or was the BD party not supposed to consist of "friends", but of a captive audience who was guilted into attending to praise the autard for smearing shit in the cake and having a tantrum over people touching his shiny balloons? Sounds like a blast to me thumbs upup
I wasn't popular in school, either. No, I didn't have autism, either - I'm a natural introvert.

My birthdays were held at home with a few close friends from school, and that was it. The Moo in the article managed to take advantage of her kid (as Moos are prone to doing).

It's not the number of friends but rather the quality of one's friends that matter.

What's that old saying?

If you can count the number of your true friends on one hand by the time you die, you are a rich person.

Thankfully, Red Sovine is dead. I can see him making another twee song out of that

Teddy Bear

Because publicly shaming the kid's class is going to endear him to anybody. Yeah, the brat got a blowout for his birthday party. That's not going to happen every year and guess what, people are going to avoid coming to his birthday parties because they know Moo can't whine publicly every year.

If the kid isn't getting invited to birthday parties himself, isn't having anybody over to play in between parties, nor are kids inviting him over to play, it should be no shock that nobody would show up to his birthday party. Maybe Moo should talk to the teacher privately and the teacher can talk to each student individually and find out if they don't like the kid and if so, why. Autistic kids don't recognize that their behavior are serious social faux pas and alienate them from the normal kids and their breeders need to intervene and teach them proper social behaviors if they want a chance at friendships.

But publicly shaming kids and their parents and forcing kids to interact with somebody they don't want to interact with is going to only put a bullseye on Czn'eauphlaïque.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
paragon schnitzophonic

That's got to be the funniest spelling of the word snowflake I've seen so far. waving hellolarious

This was a missed opportunity for moo. She could've used this as a way of educating the kid that life isn't fair and and that people aren't always nice, but no, she decided to climb up on the cross and nail herself to it. smile rolling left righteyes2
“The comments are so off putting. The majority that I read are either calling the kids who didn't show jerks, or saying their parents are garbage. Here's a thought, moo. Maybe your kid is an asshole. Maybe he pushes other kids around. Maybe the other kids don't like him because he's weird and his constant flapping and lack of a filter make them uncomfortable. Kids can be mean, but just because they're mean to your kid doesn't mean the world has to bend over backwards to kiss his ass and make him feel better about it.”

Couldn’t agree more. But we all know the real reason why Moo ran to facebook, and it had nothing to do with her kid. She did it for the attention. I guess she wasn’t getting enough udder rubs for being a big brave martyr moo, so what better way to get attention than to run to the media. Works every time for these cows. Hope you enjoyed your fifteen minutes of fame, Bessie.
I just registered as I had to say something about this moo and her so called 'autistic' kid. I've worked with autistic adults for over a decade, and after looking at the pics of this kid, I'm highly doubtful he has any form of autism, mild or otherwise. Although I'm basing my opinions on photographs without meeting the said kid, a few things stand out that raises the alarm bells of BS. The kid is making constant eye contact, is independently socializing using with strangers without parental figures close by, willing to wear and remove headwear, and is showing appropriate emotional responses. Kids with autism have significant issues with all these things, and I can't imagine a six year old with autism would've learned adaptive behaviors for all these issues at this age, when adult autistics struggle with them.

No I don't think the kid has a 'mild form' at all, but rather is socially maladjusted or just is an undisciplined brat, which has no doubt been labeled 'autistic' by an over diagnosing quack or even a self-diagnosis from moo-mmy and Seeing how autism is this generation's buzzword quack-pediatric diagnosis, and carries an almost endless supply of parental martyrdom and udder-rubs. My personal opinion in this case is that the kid is a socially maladjusted, obnoxious and undisciplined brat who no doubt made him a pariah to his classmates and completely friendless, and moo-mmy knowing this full well, went on to invite the classmates (not friends mind you - an important distinction) knowing that they wouldn't attend, and then decided to get sympathy from social media by concocting the whole 'nobody wants to play with my autistic czneuphlaike, because their mean and horrible!'
P.s - no offense to those with autism here, I just can't stand those taking advantage of the label for personal gains - actually diagnosed or otherwise.
Why do I feel like we're not getting the whole story here?

This kid could be a raging asshole for all we know. Not all autistic kids have the same disposition. If he's just slightly weird or introverted, I feel bad for him. But there's a 50/50 chance he's an aggressive, shit-flinging sociopath whose parents use his disability to excuse bad behavior.
If an entire class didn't show up for free cake and ice cream, there had to be a fucking good reason for it. Is Moo sure some other kid in class didn't have a birthday that day too? My guess is this kid is just an asshole and possibly a bully, so no one likes him and no one wanted to give him a present.


"Such an amazing thing for our local law enforcement and fire fighters to do for us."

Shows how much the FD and PD in that town have to do if they've got time to go to some bastard's birthday party. I bet the kid didn't thank a single person that showed up. Well, I hope the local police and firefighters are ready to do this every single year when no one attends Spazley's future birthday parties. I can see Moo crying to the media about how those meanie-head officers, firemen and random neighborhood strangers didn't show up for the brat's seventh birthday.
trance formation usa
Why do I feel like we're not getting the whole story here?

This kid could be a raging asshole for all we know. Not all autistic kids have the same disposition. If he's just slightly weird or introverted, I feel bad for him. But there's a 50/50 chance he's an aggressive, shit-flinging sociopath whose parents use his disability to excuse bad behavior.

Apologies if I offended, the kid may be a very mild autistic, and it's that autistic kids have different disposition, and those kids may or may not display those signs i mentioned - I just feel in this case the kid may not be an autistic kid and is just a raging brat. Either way, like Camb has mentioned, once a precedent is set, there will be more social media lowing when it does happen.
As Emily Post would remind us all: an invitation is an invitation, not a summons.
Moo and speddly here are beyond the dictates of good manners by slamming anyone who didn't want to attend the birthday party - I hardly doubt this woman is a Queen of any sorts and has no rights to act so fucking perturbed by this.

This is a.sore spot with me because my own in-laws always did the same fucking thing to me - every other weekend would be a bbq, birthday party, get-together, facial waxing celebration, do-yard-work-for-us "party", etc. etc. etc. It was beyond their understanding that after working 40 hours a week I might want to do something other than sit on their couch and watch golf all fucking Saturday. I started declining "invitations", and then the shit really hit the fan. Because they were never "invitations" in the first place - I was fucking being summoned and I had better damn well have my ass on that couch watching golf if I knew what was good for me.

Spedly's moo is acting the same way. We all know an invitation to a tard's birthday party is not a casual "hey stop by for some cake if you have time!". It's: "You better fucking show up to this party or I will rake your ass all over town for hating retards!" Can't imagine why nobody wanted to stop in...
trance formation usa
Why do I feel like we're not getting the whole story here?

This kid could be a raging asshole for all we know. Not all autistic kids have the same disposition. If he's just slightly weird or introverted, I feel bad for him. But there's a 50/50 chance he's an aggressive, shit-flinging sociopath whose parents use his disability to excuse bad behavior.

The thought has crossed my mind......the little shitter probably doesn't really have autism anyways. Too many Moos used the autism card to defend their shitling's bad behaviour
The kid may be a high-functioning autistic, sure. I've worked with autistic kids, it's called a spectrum for a reason. There are some who can't even read or communicate verbally. And there are some who are average to above, and are just odd birds in some very odd ways. This kid is only seven, and at that age kids are often more tolerant and flexible when it comes to social stuff. The fact that NONE of them wanted to come to a free party, play games, eat cake, etc. is rather telling. And I don't mean just about those kids or their parents. I'm wondering if that kid is aggressive or extremely off-putting in some other way for others to shun him at such a young age.
I can't help but wonder if there even WAS a party to begin with...just Moo crying foul. Like she never sent the invites in the first place, that's why you don't hear anybody saying anything at all, no excuses, no explanations...NOTHING!

Once somebody steps up from the other side of the story to explain themselves, I'm going to guess Moo is just using her kyd's Autism as an excuse for freebs.

I can't help being so skeptical.
As Emily Post would remind us all: an invitation is an invitation, not a summons.
Moo and speddly here are beyond the dictates of good manners by slamming anyone who didn't want to attend the birthday party - I hardly doubt this woman is a Queen of any sorts and has no rights to act so fucking perturbed by this.

This is a.sore spot with me because my own in-laws always did the same fucking thing to me - every other weekend would be a bbq, birthday party, get-together, facial waxing celebration, do-yard-work-for-us "party", etc. etc. etc. It was beyond their understanding that after working 40 hours a week I might want to do something other than sit on their couch and watch golf all fucking Saturday. I started declining "invitations", and then the shit really hit the fan. Because they were never "invitations" in the first place - I was fucking being summoned and I had better damn well have my ass on that couch watching golf if I knew what was good for me.

Spedly's moo is acting the same way. We all know an invitation to a tard's birthday party is not a casual "hey stop by for some cake if you have time!". It's: "You better fucking show up to this party or I will rake your ass all over town for hating retards!" Can't imagine why nobody wanted to stop in...

This is a peeve of mine, something I just can't stand. Ir really bothers me when I'm asked if I want to do something, go somewhere, etc., and if I'm not interested, the interrogations start. I get questioned as to what I have to do, where I'm going, that's so important that I can't attend whatever it is they want me to attend. The worst question is "what else have you got to do?" It's always driven me crazy that people can't accept no for an answer to an invitation. Some will even say it's bad manners to say no.

I'm just not a party person. I've always preferred the peace and quiet of my home and my own activities as opposed to parties, club hopping, sporting events, and so on. If I decide not to go to something, that decision should be respected and left at that.
As Emily Post would remind us all: an invitation is an invitation, not a summons.
Moo and speddly here are beyond the dictates of good manners by slamming anyone who didn't want to attend the birthday party - I hardly doubt this woman is a Queen of any sorts and has no rights to act so fucking perturbed by this.

This is a.sore spot with me because my own in-laws always did the same fucking thing to me - every other weekend would be a bbq, birthday party, get-together, facial waxing celebration, do-yard-work-for-us "party", etc. etc. etc. It was beyond their understanding that after working 40 hours a week I might want to do something other than sit on their couch and watch golf all fucking Saturday. I started declining "invitations", and then the shit really hit the fan. Because they were never "invitations" in the first place - I was fucking being summoned and I had better damn well have my ass on that couch watching golf if I knew what was good for me.

Spedly's moo is acting the same way. We all know an invitation to a tard's birthday party is not a casual "hey stop by for some cake if you have time!". It's: "You better fucking show up to this party or I will rake your ass all over town for hating retards!" Can't imagine why nobody wanted to stop in...

This is a peeve of mine, something I just can't stand. Ir really bothers me when I'm asked if I want to do something, go somewhere, etc., and if I'm not interested, the interrogations start. I get questioned as to what I have to do, where I'm going, that's so important that I can't attend whatever it is they want me to attend. The worst question is "what else have you got to do?" It's always driven me crazy that people can't accept no for an answer to an invitation. Some will even say it's bad manners to say no.

I'm just not a party person. I've always preferred the peace and quiet of my home and my own activities as opposed to parties, club hopping, sporting events, and so on. If I decide not to go to something, that decision should be respected and left at that.

I hate that too. Why isn't a simple, "No, I'm sorry I'm not able to make it" or "I can't that day" enough? Why must an interrogation follow? Ug.
I agree that this Moo is just peddling out this story for the attention and head pats. It's gross.
Apologies if I offended, the kid may be a very mild autistic, and it's that autistic kids have different disposition, and those kids may or may not display those signs i mentioned - I just feel in this case the kid may not be an autistic kid and is just a raging brat. Either way, like Camb has mentioned, once a precedent is set, there will be more social media lowing when it does happen.

Oh, no offense taken. I just meant that we're not getting the whole story from these overly emotional videos and news articles. As others have said, there was probably a damn good reason nobody showed up. The media loves a good sob story involving a chyuld...if it's a disabled chyuld, all the better.
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