Brownback admits it's all about making new consumers angry smiley
March 17, 2015
And here it folks, straight from the asshole's mouth:

Truly asshole governor

Zzelda is right, it's all about making new consumers for the business Fascist economy.

Fascist Overlord
“Frankly, one of the big problems we have in the country is we’re not forming enough families. And that is hurting our economic work and hurting our economic projection because the best place for that child is within a strong family. And if you’re not forming a family unit, you are also slowing your economic performance.”

“So, these things really tie together. And I think we really do a disservice politically when we separate them,” he opined.

I despise Brownback. I'm wondering if he's related to Mussolini. angry flipping off

And don't get me started on how he's managed the state of Kansas since becoming governor.
Re: Brownback admits it's all about making new consumers angry smiley
March 17, 2015
I didn't get any memos about Breeding for the Fatherland.
Did any of you guys get one?
Re: Brownback admits it's all about making new consumers angry smiley
March 17, 2015
And here it folks, straight from the asshole's mouth:

Truly asshole governor

Zzelda is right, it's all about making new consumers for the business Fascist economy.

Fascist Overlord
“Frankly, one of the big problems we have in the country is we’re not forming enough families. And that is hurting our economic work and hurting our economic projection because the best place for that child is within a strong family. And if you’re not forming a family unit, you are also slowing your economic performance.”

“So, these things really tie together. And I think we really do a disservice politically when we separate them,” he opined.

I despise Brownback. I'm wondering if he's related to Mussolini. angry flipping off

And don't get me started on how he's managed the state of Kansas since becoming governor.

It so funny that you mention me because I was just thinking about this exact same story, I saw it on Raw Story too and was going to post it.

I can throw in another -

And the black humor writes itself ~

An American woman is dropped down into the middle of Iran. She says - Well, Toto, it looks like we're not in Kansas anymore! But then she looks around a bit and says - oh wait - YES WE ARE!
Re: Brownback admits it's all about making new consumers angry smiley
March 17, 2015
Yawn. What else is new? Ever notice how those against abortion are usually super rich? Not a coincidence. They just throw God's name around to get the illiterate rabble to back them. Christians that actually read their bible aren't a thing like the mainstream Christians that people love to bash. We are entirely separate beings. Now if only the people that bitched about Christians were able to spot the difference... That would make my life a hell of a lot easier.
Re: Brownback admits it's all about making new consumers angry smiley
March 17, 2015
Kansas has been in the economic shitter since 2008. When other states recovered, Kansas didn't. In fact, if you look at the states that decided that GOP governors were the way to go after the meltdown of '08 (Kansas, New Jersey, Wisconsin) the economy went from being in bad recession to an all out dumpster fire. And yet, ALL of these states have neighboring states that have recovered and are now doing very well (Colorado, New York, Minnesota).

That's why you've got governors like Brownback, Christie, and Walker who continue to spew lies and nonsense. I'm frightened that these guys are in office because they are in order: 1. an idiot, 2. a criminal, 3. completely under-educated to hold such a high political office. Notice that despite failing miserably for YEARS as governors, they're not employing ANY new strategies to spark the economy.

Nope, they are ALL once again asking their voters to double-down on Tea Party ideals: 1. Sweetheart deals for corporations... even though they end up leaving anyway, 2. Projecting big surges in revenue... and then falling dramatically short of their goals and dealing with a deficit, and 3. Don't dare even utter the words "taxes" when it comes to the "job creators." We're going to keep cutting taxes for the top 1%, even though they haven't created one job in the past 10 years. Brownback's pro-breeder nonsense ties into all three of these points.

But don't take my word for it. Look up the states that have budget surpluses and those that are awash in red ink. The governors I have mentioned have successfully ran their states into the ground. And the problem isn't "not enough people, so breed more." Not by a longshot.
Re: Brownback admits it's all about making new consumers angry smiley
March 17, 2015
You forgot my state's Jan Brewer, racist bitch!


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Brownback admits it's all about making new consumers angry smiley
March 17, 2015
Yawn. What else is new? Ever notice how those against abortion are usually super rich? Not a coincidence. They just throw God's name around to get the illiterate rabble to back them. Christians that actually read their bible aren't a thing like the mainstream Christians that people love to bash. We are entirely separate beings. Now if only the people that bitched about Christians were able to spot the difference... That would make my life a hell of a lot easier.
Agreed. The ones that don't know their Bible are often the easiest ones to trick, and I wouldn't be surprised if they are some of the ones that jump behind some of these assed-to-the-nines politicians. If they read it they wouldn't be so keen on supporting so much of the rich, forgetting about humility and mercy, and remembering the thing about being stewards of the Earth. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Re: Brownback admits it's all about making new consumers angry smiley
March 17, 2015

Fascist Overlord
“Frankly, one of the big problems we have in the country is we’re not forming enough families. And that is hurting our economic work and hurting our economic projection because the best place for that child is within a strong family. And if you’re not forming a family unit, you are also slowing your economic performance.”

“So, these things really tie together. And I think we really do a disservice politically when we separate them,” he opined.

I despise Brownback. I'm wondering if he's related to Mussolini. angry flipping off

And don't get me started on how he's managed the state of Kansas since becoming governor.

Not sure about Mussolini, but he is definitely related to Nicolae Ceaușescu and sounds quite a bit like him. Sounds like this bitch is trying to reenact Decree 770 in the United States.

I have to disagree, the method I know of to slow down my economic performance would be for me to have kids!
Re: Brownback admits it's all about making new consumers angry smiley
March 17, 2015
And here it folks, straight from the asshole's mouth:

Truly asshole governor

If it's any comfort: he's had his name repurposed ala Rick Santorum. "To brownback" now means "to engage in unprotected anal intercourse". Here's hoping he winds up with a Google problem like Santorum.
This is an ancient trick . I remember reading (In Susan Faludi's 1990s book Backlash????) about a Right to Lifer femalething who addressed a meeting of corporate drones, trying to convince them to financially support "pro life" causes. She used Star Wars toys as a point of reference , showing them how many Precious Fetal Lives had been lost since1973, and how many more Star Wars toys might have been sold, if those feti were alive and whining for Star Wars toys. I kid (heh, heh) you not.
Re: Brownback admits it's all about making new consumers angry smiley
March 18, 2015
Let's hurry up with time travel so we can transport the idiotic believers in goatherder myths back to the time they want to reenact your upon the hapless populace they are in charge of.
They would rapidly be cast out as unclean for thinking they can pick and choose as they like what laws to obey.
It is the 21st century now, buh bye!
We don't need to dance around subjects by speaking in parables and taking offense at the least little direct communication, but I'm sure freedom of speech ought to take a back seat to the word of gawd and personal feewings should take preference over human rights, in their worldview. Ugh.
Re: Brownback admits it's all about making new consumers angry smiley
March 18, 2015
You forgot my state's Jan Brewer, racist bitch!

I agree that Brewer was a racist bitch, but at least she was pro-education, unlike our current governor Doug Ducey. Ducey has all the tax breaks in the world available for private prisons, but fund education? Can't do it. Arizona just spirals farther down into the shithole.
Re: Brownback admits it's all about making new consumers angry smiley
March 18, 2015
Related - in a Big Brother - ish type of way ~

The *want* to microchip their kids -

The Tin Foil Hatters were right. And so was Hitler - I have to go find that quote ~

Here we go ~

"The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation. " - A. Hitler, Mein Kampf;

Sound familiar? Ring any bells in regards to the Famblee Propaganda saturated societies we live in?

And when the Propaganda doesn't work - they'll go to changing laws.
And when people get around those laws, and / or refuse to conform ~
People like us ~
But let's try not to imagine what will come next.

The Handmaid's Tale ~

(Or maybe we should imagine - and prepare ~)

I will be dead before we get there. Although, who knows? I'm not 'that old' and shit can hit the fan FAST.
But even when I get too old to breed (approaching) I will STILL lend my voice and stand up with my CF Comrades in SOLIDARITY!!!

FREE CHOICE is extremely important to me - regarding ALL choices!

Clearly, ANY individuality must be fought for every step of the way.

BTW - while checking for typos here another thought came to me - you bet your arse that the CF are seen as not only undesirable (we don't produce for them) - but also 'rabble rousers' in that we may give others ideas ~
Do not for one minute forget that plenty of people view the CF as an 'undesirable element'.
That is a great quote from Hitler, Zzelda. I did not know he said it. Makes sense coming from a fascist degenerate like him. Of course Brownback and Hitler only meant white baybees.
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