I saw this in a Chicago Tribune link but you have to pay, but there is a study now that says it doesn't matter how much time you spend w/ your kids when younger, it doesn't have an affect on how they come out. Of course, moos and duds are outraged probably because they have been wasting time, and it doesn't affect the end product.


It doesnt matter how much time you spend w/ kids under 11
Re: It doesnt matter how much time you spend w/ kids under 11[/url]
March 30, 2015
The hypothesis isn't new. The book The Nurture Assumption: Why Children Turn Out the Way They Do by Judith Rich Harris, originally published 1998 with a revised edition in 2009, famously made this controversial argument: "children turn out the way they do" because "parents matter less than you think and peers matter more".
The hypothesis isn't new. The book The Nurture Assumption: Why Children Turn Out the Way They Do by Judith Rich Harris, originally published 1998 with a revised edition in 2009, famously made this controversial argument: "children turn out the way they do" because "parents matter less than you think and peers matter more".

that's a good point because I actually was a pretty nice child because that is how my parents raised me. But kids would be mean to me, walk all over me and I noticed that many kids I were with were let's say more negative., After awhile, I emulated them to not be walked all over, to fit in and definitely not get picked on. Ironically, once I got a little older, some ppl would act like I was too tough or too negative, which I found funny because in my youthful experience that is how almost everyone acted around ME. How could anyone say this about me when most of my kid socialized experiences were like this, in fact they were worse because other kids would go out of the way to pick on others, so that is highly negative and highly 'acting tough'. So I did come out a certain way because of peers and not parents. They would have preferred me to be a little prissy princess (and be basically friendless) .
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