Kyds on Campus. Screaming.
April 01, 2015
I am leaving class this morning, and I hear a strange sound. It's that high-pitched screech of glee. There are several of them. It's a bit too sunny out for me to see well because there's a glare on my glasses, but I see at least three shapes of very young children barreling across the sidewalk. Their handler is a bit behind them, repeating a tired "Control yourselves, you guys..." and the children run on, screaming across campus. What the fuck? This is not a place for children. There's broken glass and cigarette butts all over the sidewalk and grassy areas. This is a college for christsake.

It was bad enough that one student goes to the caf with her oversized loaf strapped to her chest, but now people are letting their kyds free-range on the sidewalks? Seriously? I've got a headache, and it's from that awful high-pitched screaming. Kill me now.
Re: Kyds on Campus. Screaming.
April 01, 2015
Ugh, I sympathize. Just yesterday I was having lunch in the student center and some cow with two or three brats comes in. I only realized they were there when I heard, over my headphones, the thundering stomps of a she-toadler running up and down the place. Great fucking parenting, letting your damn kid not only distract students who are there to study, but run around when there are a bunch of people carrying trays of food or bins full of dirty dishes that could be dropped on Snotleigh's head. :drool

But I go to a Christian college that's all about faaaambleeees and the commmmmuuuunity so I'm sure I get skewered if I dared express annoyance.
Re: Kyds on Campus. Screaming.
April 01, 2015
I know the feels. While it didn't happen often, breeders sometimes brought their brats to my college and I don't know why. I remember one lardass Moo plopping herself and her toadler down in a computer lab during finals to watch Spongebob. Mind you, you practically needed a reservation to get a seat in that lab the last week of the semester because it was the only lab with PCs and Macs that wasn't a classroom. Another stellar breeder left their she-brat in the library, who proceeded to start slapping the keyboard on one of the computers.

A college campus is not a place where brats belong, and an art school presents its own set of dangers to the widdle cherubs. People were usually working with paint thinner and spraying their work with various toxic aerosols on the fourth floor in the traditional media classes; the eighth floor was the industrial design floor with a laser cutter and all manner of sharp/hot tools; the top floor was the culinary floor, also with sharp/hot things; naked people were out and about on the sixth floor from the life drawing classes; the basement was loaded with film equipment. You get the idea.

Meanwhile, one day one of my professors had to bring her kid in because the sitter bailed at the last minute. The kid was maybe seven or eight, came in dressed in a little suit, sat in the front row and didn't make a single peep the whole time. But that professor struck me as being a PNB who took no shit from her kid. If a kid can sit still and behave, it's not that bad. It's when they start screaming and inconveniencing the paying students that people have a problem.
Anonymous User
Re: Kyds on Campus. Screaming.
April 01, 2015
My last year of college, I was an RA. This was an all women's college, but it still wasn't a suitable place for young children. I come out of my room one night to the sight of a three-year-old running up and down the hallway. I call up the RD and tell the kid to take me to her handler, and she takes me to her mom, who's one of the women on my hall. Well, I proceeded to lay into this girl about how a campus is an unsuitable place for kids. Bitch looked like she could care less until the RD mentions that she's a mandatory child abuse reporter, and a college dorm after dark counts as a dangerous environment, even if it's an all women's college. Well, that got rid of her for the night, and her little brat.

The next day, the RD and I ended up in the Campus Housing office because the bitch apparently went there to complain about us being mean to her. Thankfully, the head of the department isn't a drooling idiot, and she proceeded to explain that she was actually more upset that the RD didn't do her required reporting, than she was over whether or not this brat's feelings were hurt. She wasn't really mad at the RD, she was just making a point.

Long story short, bitch ends up dropping out within the week, and I didn't have to deal with little brats on my hall for the rest of the year. It's nice when you get the occasional happy ending.
Re: Kyds on Campus. Screaming.
April 02, 2015
Ugh, I sympathize. Just yesterday I was having lunch in the student center and some cow with two or three brats comes in. I only realized they were there when I heard, over my headphones, the thundering stomps of a she-toadler running up and down the place. Great fucking parenting, letting your damn kid not only distract students who are there to study, but run around when there are a bunch of people carrying trays of food or bins full of dirty dishes that could be dropped on Snotleigh's head. :drool

But I go to a Christian college that's all about faaaambleeees and the commmmmuuuunity so I'm sure I get skewered if I dared express annoyance.

Out of curiosity - are the Moos with kids on your campus married? Or are they single Moos?

I'm sorry you had to put up with that nonsense.
Anonymous User
Re: Kyds on Campus. Screaming.
April 02, 2015
I remember one lardass Moo plopping herself and her toadler down in a computer lab during finals to watch Spongebob. Mind you, you practically needed a reservation to get a seat in that lab the last week of the semester because it was the only lab with PCs and Macs that wasn't a classroom.

I remember finals week-- often in the middle of the night, after eating too much spicy food for dinner. Plopping a small kid in front of one of those computers so the stupid thing can watch Spongebob would be a killing offense. Not just killing-- maiming. With seniors happily splashing in the puddles of blood.

Letting small screechy things flail around a college campus, which even early on in the term can be a real pressure cooker, is criminally sociopathic. Why not host a pork barbecue in front of a synagogue? It's about as classy.
Re: Kyds on Campus. Screaming.
April 03, 2015
I remember one lardass Moo plopping herself and her toadler down in a computer lab during finals to watch Spongebob. Mind you, you practically needed a reservation to get a seat in that lab the last week of the semester because it was the only lab with PCs and Macs that wasn't a classroom.

I remember finals week-- often in the middle of the night, after eating too much spicy food for dinner. Plopping a small kid in front of one of those computers so the stupid thing can watch Spongebob would be a killing offense. Not just killing-- maiming. With seniors happily splashing in the puddles of blood.

Letting small screechy things flail around a college campus, which even early on in the term can be a real pressure cooker, is criminally sociopathic. Why not host a pork barbecue in front of a synagogue? It's about as classy.

Yeah, here if someone were to try that we have lab monitors who would tell her to get the fuck up. Students always come first. Always. I played bouncer at computer labs once or twice what my friend (lab monitor) didn't want to approach certain people. I would have relished throwing that hunk of crap out.
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