Japanese women starting to opt for CF
August 29, 2008
Re: Japanese women starting to opt for CF
August 29, 2008
It's ABOUT time, obviously.

Most Japanese men have been S-P-O-I-L-E-D for so long, too!
Re: Japanese women starting to opt for CF
August 30, 2008
That's great! Why do they use the word "dismal"? It's wonderful!

Isn't there a strong correlation between a high level of education and CFness? Which also means that girls and woman are getting better and better educational services. Also great!
Re: Japanese women starting to opt for CF
August 30, 2008
Well good for them, it's about time. I think it's especially empowering to women to have another choice for survival other than to cow tow to a man, be forced to live by his rules and decisions, and pop out his brood. Unfortunately, even now that most women in many cultures have that same option, they don't even exercise it. This is evidenced by the leagues of fundie breeders and this new trend of well educated women giving up their careers and livelihoods to voluntarily live like the oppressed were forced to do in the past. At least they don't HAVE to live like servants and handmaidens, if they don't so choose.
Re: Japanese women starting to opt for CF
August 30, 2008
Well, of course the men would think it's "dismal"! A childfree woman doesn't need a man to survive, nor does she need to cater to all his whims to support her and any children she may have.

I think it's past time. Japan could really do with a population DECREASE. It can only be good for those who are already living, with more space and more resources available. I really am glad to see that the CF "gospel" is being heard in Japan.

You know, this fundie nonsense of women who can take care of themselves, giving everything up to kowtow to men and have their kyds reminds me a little bit of "The Handmaid's Tale."
Re: Japanese women starting to opt for CF
August 30, 2008
Ooh, "Handmaid's Tale." Now that was a chilling book. There's something dark, deep, and disturbing about Margaret Atwood that really sticks with me after I read her works. Like "Oryx and Crake" (shudder).

I nominate "Handmaid's Tale" to the Official CF Book Club Selection, along with the recently discussed "Baby Boon." Of course, there is no official CF book club selection, that I know of, so it's perhaps time we create one. Probably on another thread, so I don't hijack this one.

(back to CF Japanese women).
Re: Japanese women starting to opt for CF
August 30, 2008
I am married to a CF Japanese woman named Fujiko.

My MIL was an early Japanese feminist who was disowned by her own family after she divorced her husband and moved to the United States. Fujiko grew up in the beautiful San Fernando Valley, and talked like Moon Unit Zappa circa 1983 when I first met her!

One hell of a CF woman, my DW!
Weird, I'm married to a Japanese man who is CF, and he complained that more Japanese women wanted kids, and would oops his friends. Though I say, the more CF, the better!

Meh, anyways, I hate how everytime someone doesn't want to breed, it's "dismal" "selfish" "unnatural", etc. The hell is up with these people, Japan is waaaaay too crowded for me. But, I'm cool with living here one some days..

Banshee Wrote:
> It's ABOUT time, obviously.
> Most Japanese men have been S-P-O-I-L-E-D for so
> long, too!

So are Mexican men.
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