We have all gone through different phases in our lives

EXAMPLE: a few years ago, i got into painting, i bought all the art supplies and other crap, did some research and started painting, holy shit was I aweful, So i quit, it was just a phase. I now have NO interest in painting, it was just a quick, passing phase.

Do you think most breeders just go through a baby phase and if they would have been a little patient that phase (like many of my phases) would have passed, and they would move on to the next phase
Re: do you think that wanting to have babys is a phase?
August 29, 2008
I think many would...it is painfully obvious how many breeders don't actually give a shit about their kids. Chances are, they had them due to pressuring from a spouse, because all their friends were loafing and they wanted to be in the momma clique, or because society tells them makin' baybees is the best life for a woman. It's not entirely a phase, because of all the influence around them...some people just are weak and get sucked into these things way too easily.

So, yeah, I do think for some people, it's a phase. And with a little patience and willpower, they could make it through their phase without the burden of a snot goblin in the end. But, as with any phase, they need their desires sufficed NOW rather than waiting to see if it's really what they want or if it's "just a phase". Only thing is with other phases, you can give away or sell the components of your temporary obsession and no one will think anything of it...if you give away or sell your kid, people will think you're a meanie.
Re: do you think that wanting to have babys is a phase?
August 29, 2008
Oh I definitely think the baby rabies thing is a phase. People become so engorged with the LifeScript(TM) that they forget that it's THEIR life and THEIR choices. After following the LifeScript(TM) for a while, they wake up and realize, "what have I done?"
Re: do you think that wanting to have babys is a phase?
August 30, 2008
Absolutely, especially in stepfamilies where the woman hasn't had children yet. There's already a ton of stress inherent in the situation, and built-in resentment and having to deal with the man's ex ('cause the woman married her too, whether she knew it or not!) So I think that heightens the desire to have a child, to 1. cement the already-slightly-shaky marriage and 2. to stake a claim on the guy who will always have a bond to the vile ex.
Re: do you think that wanting to have babys is a phase?
August 30, 2008
I think that for breeders, it's a perpetual phase. The "trying" to get preggo phase is the beginning, the actual conception verification and spreading of the "happy news" elation comes next, the fanfare leading up to the "event" like showers, gifts and parties, the the actual birth where people from miles around show up with vows of support and offers of lifelong help, and then reality sets in. Ironically, post partum depression sets in about the same time that the reality phase sets in. In essence, they have been the center of the universe for a minimum of a year, perhaps even longer when they go the "IVF'/fertility drug route, and suddenly all of the people are gone, the gifts have been used and are worn, hubby is back to working overtime, and they are left with a wailing little shit bag attached to their tits all day and night.

The frill and thrill is gone as people go on with their lives and I think that they seethe with envy at the next friend, relative, or co-worker who shouts their "happy news". Their day in the spotlight is gone. Therefore, the desire for a replay is so overwhelming that they are'nt even thinking rationally. The need for their drug of choice, ie:"A BAYBEE"(and the attention surrounding it) takes precedence over every little thing including their financial situation, their deflated marriage, their lack of freedom, and even their own health and dignity. It's a phase alright, much like a manic episode with the reality period being the depressive side to the coin.
Re: do you think that wanting to have babys is a phase?
August 30, 2008
I think that it would be a passing phase for many people if there wasn't unrelenting pressure/propaganda to breed. From the way many breeders feel about their keeds, they really should never have bred at all.

I can see where the envy sets in when some childed woman hears of someone else's "happy news", and can see where they would want to breed again...and again...and again...in order to get back in the limelight. Yanno, kidlesskim, I can see that this would be an addiction--which always runs roughshod over good sense and good health.

But with all the pronatalist propaganda, what might be a brief phase, left behind as maturity sets in, it becomes a permanent sickness--and that is what I believe this serial breeding is, especially in th case of people like the fundie uber-breeders.
Re: do you think that wanting to have babys is a phase?
August 30, 2008
Absolutely its all just a phase.

Women become moos only when it is useful to them -- to secure a man, to secure a government paycheck, to secure free housing, to secure a higher status in her own family, to compete with friends/sibs, to gain attention, to create a person they can love who doesn't know better but to love them back, to create a person they can control, even in some cases to create an outlet for their cruelty and psychopathic behaviour.

It's all about THEM. But as time rolls on and they get a broader perspective of the world, they realise those motives are unsound. They're not reasonable or mature, and they begin to seem totally unimportant, along with the whole idea of having kids.

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"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
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