Re: Yay, we're filthy hedonists!
April 11, 2015
aes sedai
The hypo is a whole other story. I don't show up well on lab tests and doctors don't do a damn thing about upping your dosage of meds unless they see evidence. Those tests are based off a median that in no way reflects how deficient each individual really is.

This is interesting to me. I have had symptoms of hypothyroidism since puberty, but nothing ever shows up on tests. Is there someplace online to research this?
Re: Yay, we're filthy hedonists!
April 11, 2015
Linker clearly does not have a clue as to the meaning of the word hedonistic.

Both my husband and I work full time, pay our taxes, are responsible citizens, do not have any legal records to speak of, and live clean lifestyles.

Oh and our home is way cleaner and neater than most childed people.
Re: Yay, we're filthy hedonists!
April 11, 2015
There appears to be a war on; childed vs childfree.

We childfree are not most to blame for this, as we are disinclined to snit when there are not brats up our business or annoying US. We are even known to compliment PNB's for their well behaved sprogs. Breeders though, are finding this war to be a bit of excitement in dull days of wiping up body fluids and screeches.

These warring posts are also adept clickbait for the same reason as wars of whatever kind attract attention. Such bait is good for advertisers seeking to get as many eyeballs on their WTF as they can.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Yay, we're filthy hedonists!
April 11, 2015
Wow. So my desire to not pass on the genetic lottery to offspring is selfish and I therefore lead a hedonistic life.
So very glad I was informed of this! I didn't even realize I was living a life of unrivaled passion and debauchery that would make frat boys blush!
I mean I must live this life in between work, school and general day to day activities including my gaming time that there must be many muscle bound men waiting for me in my home to give me every iota of pleasure ever imagined. I mean there would have to be since my life is obviously a void without any crotch nuggets running around screaming.
So very glad he was able to clear THAT up for me or I would have never known.

I think I need to send him a thank you card.
Re: Yay, we're filthy hedonists!
April 11, 2015
What I'm waiting for is -

With all this over population talk, and people realizing that this is a HUGE problem -

When people finally say - The CF were right.

What's holding this up?

Two things - the personal and the political. Those seeking to make money off of current economic models push breeding. And those who follow along and swallow the Propaganda - and then turn around and bleat it out to others.

There's your hang up right there.

Easiest way to see that WE are right? Come here. It's so ridiculously over crowded - you want to tear your hair out.
I want to illustrate this along the lines of the Mel Gibson / "Mad Max" character -
"Two days ago, I saw a vehicle that would haul that tanker. You want to get out of here? You talk to me."

WE have 'the answer'. WE are right!

100 years from now they'll be erecting statues to us and PROMOTING the CF lifestyle! If not flat out sterilizing people.
Re: Yay, we're filthy hedonists!
April 11, 2015
If having children was the truly selfless option, then Mr. Altruism and his like-minded comrades won't mind if the government ceases all breeding benefits. No tax credits and bonus refunds for reproducing. And all costs of childrearing, including what's generally covered via everybody's taxes like public schools and playgrounds, is solely placed on them. No more help from The Villageâ„¢.

Don't berate, denigrate, condescend, insult, or make erroneous assumptions about the childfree and then immediately afterward, have your hand out for our hard-earned money to pay for your children.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: Yay, we're filthy hedonists!
April 12, 2015
Actually, what's so bad about hedonism, anyway? Provided you're not being totally selfish about it, I mean.

Dat article, tho. The smell of jealousy is overpowering!


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Yay, we're filthy hedonists!
April 12, 2015
100 years from now they'll be erecting statues to us and PROMOTING the CF lifestyle! If not flat out sterilizing people.

Society always wants to champion "the good" but the issue there... "The good" changes with the weather. Is it sad that I can't wait to be treated as the "hero citizen" while parents slip farther and farther into the second class? Lol! I'm SO going to hell.
Re: Yay, we're filthy hedonists!
April 12, 2015
strange aeons
Actually, what's so bad about hedonism, anyway? Provided you're not being totally selfish about it, I mean.

Dat article, tho. The smell of jealousy is overpowering!

Exactly. I'm not expecting this guy to pay for my car, wine cellar, movies, food, or sex life...nor am I giving him crap for NOT living for driving, wine, movies, food, or sex. So what exactly is his beef?

Mr. Random put it best: "He's one of those people who is irritated that someone, somewhere has a different definition of "fun" than he does."
Re: Yay, we're filthy hedonists!
April 12, 2015
Exactly. I'm not expecting this guy to pay for my car, wine cellar, movies, food, or sex life...nor am I giving him crap for NOT living for driving, wine, movies, food, or sex. So what exactly is his beef?

Damn, you're paying for that?
Re: Yay, we're filthy hedonists!
April 12, 2015
Exactly. I'm not expecting this guy to pay for my car, wine cellar, movies, food, or sex life...nor am I giving him crap for NOT living for driving, wine, movies, food, or sex. So what exactly is his beef?

Damn, you're paying for that?

waving hellolarious zing.

Though now that I think about it, quality toys aren't cheap...
Re: Yay, we're filthy hedonists!
April 12, 2015
The last two letters of the spam prevention code: Fu!

Just about right really. Just another jealous fucknut breeder who can't stand that we got away with it.
Re: Yay, we're filthy hedonists!
April 13, 2015

This is interesting to me. I have had symptoms of hypothyroidism since puberty, but nothing ever shows up on tests. Is there someplace online to research this?


Get yourself to a holistic MD if you can find one. What you need to do is have your blood tested for thyroid antibodies. This would mean you have something called Hashimoto's where your body is attacking its own thyroid tissue. It's an autoimmune disease which means it will likely be progressive. (As your body is destroying the tissue, it releases thyroid hormone. so your readings might be screwed up by that.)

Without a functioning thyroid you can be dead in six months. They don't call it the "master gland" for nothing.

You might not have that--you might have a tumor on our thyroid or other conditions.

tldr: Abnormal thyroid values should always be checked out to find the root cause.
Re: Yay, we're filthy hedonists!
April 13, 2015

This is interesting to me. I have had symptoms of hypothyroidism since puberty, but nothing ever shows up on tests. Is there someplace online to research this?


Get yourself to a holistic MD if you can find one. What you need to do is have your blood tested for thyroid antibodies. This would mean you have something called Hashimoto's where your body is attacking its own thyroid tissue. It's an autoimmune disease which means it will likely be progressive. (As your body is destroying the tissue, it releases thyroid hormone. so your readings might be screwed up by that.)

Without a functioning thyroid you can be dead in six months. They don't call it the "master gland" for nothing.

You might not have that--you might have a tumor on our thyroid or other conditions.

tldr: Abnormal thyroid values should always be checked out to find the root cause.
Our member Cambion is off her thyroid replacement. I can't remember if it was to supplement low thyroid or if she needed the whole thing compensated for. Hope it wasn't because of a thyroidectomy!
Regardless, untreated low thyroid WILL result in a goiter, eventually.
I don't think her mother, as much of a narcissist as she is, could cope with two deaths in such short order... Or maybe mommy dearest would be delighted at yet another attention whoring opportunity. sad smiley
Re: Yay, we're filthy hedonists!
April 14, 2015
This guy is a complete fuckin' idiot.

I am NOT childfree to live a hedonistic life. I am CF because I didn't want to bring another human being onto an already overpopulated planet, I didn't want to be a single moo raising a child in poverty and I didn't want to raise a child with a MI, possibly passing those bad genes on to it.

As a result, I live a life of freedom and joy, not one of misery, poverty and depression. I am not contributing to the problem of overpopulation, which makes me feel good about who I am, and I'm not raising a child who could turn out to be a sociopath, tard or worse.

There are MANY good reasons why people don't have kyds, and this guy is only reading into it what he wants to see. In other words, he's JELLY of the childfree! Sux to be him.

Exactly the same here. I am very tired of being trashed, I've been through a lot in my life due to MASSIVE anxiety disorders, major depression, and PTSD. But I'm supposed to bring a kid into the world with those fucking genetics, and also my crazy mom becomming their crazy grand-moo! And I'm selfish for not cursing another human being to live with issues?

And also, our society so values the high life, and those who live it, UNLESS it is a middle class couple with no kids that save up for a vacation, then THAT'S selfish because they don't have kids. Sickening, just sickening.
Re: Yay, we're filthy hedonists!
April 14, 2015
crazy old crone

And also, our society so values the high life, and those who live it, UNLESS it is a middle class couple with no kids that save up for a vacation, then THAT'S selfish because they don't have kids. Sickening, just sickening.

Doncha know the Mcmansions, full size SmooVs, vacations, eating out 4x wk, designer clothes... it's all for the children. None of that is for the sake of the parunts. Nope.

If they cared so much about the kids they would teach them values, like budgeting and staying out of debt, and they would also cook healthy meals for them. They would make them do chores and learn that things are not just handed to you in life. They would butt out and stop helicoptering. Instead they show them the hedonistic life of being spoiled brats and take in all the benefits of that life themselves - because we can't deprive the chyldren.
Re: Yay, we're filthy hedonists!
April 15, 2015
Yeah, I'm somewhat hedonistic. Sure, I like things my way and have constructed my life so that I often do. I'm unapologtic about it, and that's what drives these unexceptional and unimaganitive little trolls right up the wall. They want to make you feel guilty about it, but they the world 'fail' on flames
All I hear is sour grapes.
Re: Yay, we're filthy hedonists!
April 15, 2015
I can't imagine why The Week (deliberately) has no place for comments. /s If this is the kind of thought that we can expect from people with credentials in philosophy, WTF has happened to the field of philosophy? This isn't philosophy, it's thoughtless bullshit, easily refuted. Perhaps the author either doesn't get out much or refuses to make basic observations of the world and people around him, much like the fundamentalist Christians are wont to do.

He's no liberal, BTW, in a cursory review of his writings he's simply a confused and thoughtless idiot with somewhat conservative/religious leanings who, like a stopped clock, tends to be right about twice a day. He's not worth a read, the topics he writes about are addressed elsewhere and more in depth by people smarter than he is.

His ultimate question to the childfree is are we sure we have chosen the right path. The question HE faces is, is he sure having kids was the right decision when they're living with him because there aren't any fucking jobs for them as we face a population that will reach almost 10 billion by 2050? What are all these children supposed to grow up to do? We don't have enough jobs for QUALIFIED educated workers, let alone everyone. Good luck affording college by the time they're old enough to go, and good luck being employed even as a janitor, as the jobs filled by the noneducated will be in even shorter supply.

I for one am sure that my calling in life is to do good for the others already here, to volunteer to help the animals that thoughtless breeders like himself have discarded, or caused to come into existence without any home or support. In other words, whatever I can to clean up THEIR messes.

And anyone who has lived life for even a short amount of time, even in wealthy developed countries, faces hardship and suffering, some to a great degree. To refer to the CF as "hedonists" when we are simply making our way through our lives as best we can and having to cope with life's bullshit just like everyone else, is myopic and ignorant to a degree that one can only refer to as breathtaking.
Anonymous User
Re: Yay, we're filthy hedonists!
April 15, 2015
Maybe if they didn't act like a bunch of cookie cutter breeder cattle, they would have happier lives.
Re: Yay, we're filthy hedonists!
April 16, 2015
They are just jealous of the freedom we have so they'll come up with any excuse to discredit us. The fact that we are free to use our time any way we see fit is something they just can't stand. I'm not a party person at all as most of my weekends are spent at home. My Saturday nights aren't spent out bar and club hopping, they are usually spent watching sci-fi TV, without interruption. In a few weeks, we're going to a Pat Benatar concert, but such events are a once in a while thing for us. The fact we can that or anything else either planned in advance or at a moment's notice, without having to worry about child friendliness of the activity or getting a babysitter is something they are all jealous of.

I prefer living a quiet, simple life, without all the issues children entail. That's not being a hedonist at all, just someone who wants peace in his life.
Re: Yay, we're filthy hedonists!
April 16, 2015
And anyone who has lived life for even a short amount of time, even in wealthy developed countries, faces hardship and suffering, some to a great degree. To refer to the CF as "hedonists" when we are simply making our way through our lives as best we can and having to cope with life's bullshit just like everyone else, is myopic and ignorant to a degree that one can only refer to as breathtaking.

I mean shit, I have problems. I have lots of problems! I'm shit broke, I'm struggling with the concept of graduating, and I have a myriad of issues with my friends (one is going to come up to live with me to get away from his crazy ass roommates). Life isn't all roses and rainbow shits, and we do have problems. We've got our 99, we just don't have the SAME 99 as everyone else.

Bonus!: I went to my gender therapist today (first time) and my letter for Top Surgery is already guaranteed! I just have to meet with her a few more times so she can write the best letter she can.
Re: Yay, we're filthy hedonists!
April 16, 2015

Bonus!: I went to my gender therapist today (first time) and my letter for Top Surgery is already guaranteed! I just have to meet with her a few more times so she can write the best letter she can.

Congrats, catharsist. I hope the process goes smoothly for you.
Re: Yay, we're filthy hedonists!
April 17, 2015
Yeah, I'm somewhat hedonistic. Sure, I like things my way and have constructed my life so that I often do. I'm unapologtic about it, and that's what drives these unexceptional and unimaganitive little trolls right up the wall. They want to make you feel guilty about it, but they the world 'fail' on flames
All I hear is sour grapes.

Exactly. He can't stand that we enjoy our lives. And like a lot of childed people, he assumes that our lives are one long orgy of one type or another. I'm not about to apologize for knowing myself, what I want, and what I don't want. If he's trying to guilt me for having more control over my money, time, and freedom...that's a long wait for a train ain't comin'.
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