Feh, a new thing for you to support
August 29, 2008

drinking coffee

I WILL stop paying my taxes and go on the lam and risk jail if THIS ever happens. We are finished in this country if such a thing ever fucking happens.

BTW. that's not just a consumer product, I've seen the moos chattering and campaigning in the past for exactly the same thing.

What will YOU do if this ever happens? Support it?
Re: Feh, a new thing for you to support
August 29, 2008

Fuckin liberal harpymoo should be taken out and tarred and feathered.
Re: Feh, a new thing for you to support
August 29, 2008
That's the day I get across the border to Canada. To think some fucking sprog has the intelligence and interest to actually study issues and make an informed choice is absolute folly!

Kids need fewer rights, NOT more!
Re: Feh, a new thing for you to support
August 29, 2008
scuz me, it's a breederduh that wrote that horrid article.

He should be taken out and rendered on the spot.

Notice even he says that "chyiuldrun" don't have the capacity to make decisions like this and that the extra vote actually be given to their moos and duhds.

The day breeders get 2, 3, 5 or 18 more votes than I do is the day I'm done. Shall we meet in Vancouver?

Actually, Canaduh is more liberal than we are, I can see them actually doing shit like this and then hoards of CF Canadians trying to cross over here.

Where are you safe in the west from this shit? A gated first werld community in some godforsaken turd werld shithole might be a better choice if thuh chyuildrun ever get the vote. With my middle class american salary, I can afford a high security home in a gated rich fuck community somewhere in the turd werld.
One "suggestion" from a pro-breeder group mentioned in "The Baby Boon" book I am reading was to grant voting privileges for each kyd a breeder has. That is, each parent gets to cast a vote for each kyd the breeder has.

Say what???????
Re: Feh, a new thing for you to support
August 29, 2008
deegee, is that the group headed by Gillian Thomas? The BBC did an article on her and the child-vote movement: Give Children a Vote, Says Think Tank


Under the "baby ballots" proposal, children would get voting rights from birth - with their parents choosing how to use their offspring's vote.

When a child reaches 14, he or she would then cast votes for themselves.

The new measures would encourage political discussion at home, as well as forcing politicians to do more to tackle children's needs, it says.
Anonymous User
Re: Feh, a new thing for you to support
August 29, 2008
The first link, uncommon goods, I got the impression it was just for laughs.
We're doomed on the second.
Re: Feh, a new thing for you to support
August 29, 2008
I'm picturing the campaign speeches candidates will give pandering to children. No tax on candy, lowering the price of Underjams, school cafeterias will serve free ice cream each day, free video games to all who vote for me!!!

I've always wanted to move to Paris.
Re: Feh, a new thing for you to support
August 30, 2008
I am sure it would encourage political discussion in the home.eye rolling smiley I can just imagine an intelligent conversation with Analina 13.5 months, Buttina 22 months, Shitley 41.2 months, and Baby Puketta 1.5 weeks old, about important issues facing the world today. If the kids want the vote then the breeders need to pay MORE taxes accordingly and have ALL rights to welfare and ADHD "disability" revoked.
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