20 year old duh ruins life a second time with tat
April 27, 2015

If this tat is as permanent as the kid, this is a duh that is a full on tard
Re: 20 year old duh ruins life a second time with tat
April 27, 2015
Tattoos can be a very bad decision, but they can be mitigated with long sleeves or pants.

That being said, this guy is flat out retarded.

He also appears to have agreed to be tattooed at the most low-budget, no-talent tattoo parlor in the US.

The article says he is an "aspiring electrician." WTF? What firm is going to hire this guy? I certainly wouldn't want him doing any electrical work in my house. If he thought it was a great idea to have a hideous tattoo permanently scarred to his face, I don't really trust his judgment when it comes to maintaining the 50K volts that run into my home.
Re: 20 year old duh ruins life a second time with tat
April 27, 2015
He looks like a tard.
Re: 20 year old duh ruins life a second time with tat
April 27, 2015
I hope he enjoys never being hired and collecting welfare. Or maybe that's the idea?

I don't have low self-esteem. That's a mistake. I have low esteem for everyone else.
Re: 20 year old duh ruins life a second time with tat
April 27, 2015
I disagree with employment discrimination of tattooed folk, although I know that most people feel differently. I don't have a problem with facial tattoos myself. What makes this one so gross though is that it is a loaf's face. Keep the loaf faces and tacky designs on ass skin.
Re: 20 year old duh ruins life a second time with tat
April 27, 2015
I disagree with employment discrimination of tattooed folk, although I know that most people feel differently. I don't have a problem with facial tattoos myself. What makes this one so gross though is that it is a loaf's face. Keep the loaf faces and tacky designs on ass skin.

That's fine--start your own business and hire a bunch of folks with tattoos, including face tattoos. That's your right as a business owner.
Re: 20 year old duh ruins life a second time with tat
April 27, 2015
I wouldn't choose the fully-tatted look for myself and I tend to think facial tattoos don't look good, but I have no problem with how others choose to customize their bodies.

That being said, this was just a terrible idea. For one, I don't know if the kid's face is that fucked-up looking in real life or if the portrait is just badly done. If you're more than a couple feet away that thing looks like gangrene. I wouldn't refuse to hire someone just because they had a few tattoos, but I think a lot of employers would, and a facial tattoo can't be concealed with clothing unless you wear a niqab or a burqa. If I were interviewing this dude for a job that tattoo would make me seriously question his judgment.
Re: 20 year old duh ruins life a second time with tat
April 28, 2015
I'm not against people doing what they want with their bodies--decorate them with ink and piercings, overdo the sunlamp and get leathery (and possibly cancerous, but again...choices), donate organs/blood, rent them out, whatever. I would not get a facial tattoo (in fact, I don't have any ink, anywhere), but I don't think that extensive ink automatically means a person is sleazy, immature, into drugs, or any of those assumptions either.

HOWEVER...aside from its ugliness & poor quality, that particular tattoo on that young a guy tells me that he has reproduced at a foolishly young age. He's advertising this in a permanent, in-your face way, too (pun optional). Employers are looking for employees with good judgment, and clearly this dude's ink shows he's lacking in that area. It also shows the "OMG my kid is my world" attitude, and would make me wonder if this guy is reliable.
Re: 20 year old duh ruins life a second time with tat
April 28, 2015
Tattoos are awesome, I have 5 (soon to be 6) and every single one is hide-able and has deep meaning. My older brother has one tattoo that he got on a whim and began to regret not long after it healed.

This idiot, who not only got an ugly tattoo in an unmissable place, will find himself feeling the same regret about his tattoo that he will about breeding so young (or at all).

For all my love of ink, I find facial tattoos a little off putting, especially if they are poorly done (mind you, any tattoo that is poorly done makes me cringe). At least this way people won't waste their time getting to know him only to find that he's a one-track minded breeder because they'll see it on his face - literally.

Sure he won't be able to get a customer facing job, but tattoos are not a get-out-of-work-free card, and neither should they be. That said, kids should not be a get-out-of-jail-free card but are frequently used like pawns for parunts to break the law and then bray "what about the chyyyyyyldrin????".

Side note: the capcha was 6wGLY - why yes, he and his loaf are ugly XD
Re: 20 year old duh ruins life a second time with tat
April 28, 2015
He won't get work in anyplace where he has to face clients, like home electricians. Many would find the face tat off-putting. My guess is he can be hired in a refinery or something, except that O&G have been slashed because of low prices. They will only make billion dollar profits rather than multibillion so employees gots to go.

The kid is not attractive at all. I know I don't want someone with a tat that looks like Chucky on his face.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
. It also shows the "OMG my kid is my world" attitude, and would make me wonder if this guy is reliable.


I once saw a woman at the state fair with a tattoo of her baby's head every bit as big-but at least she had the sense to put it on her left shoulder. Has she been in a normal blouse instead of a tube or tank top, I would not have seen it.
Re: 20 year old duh ruins life a second time with tat
April 28, 2015
Whether is it right or not, my thought is that anyone who gets facial tattoos have no intention of acquiring a job.
Re: 20 year old duh ruins life a second time with tat
April 28, 2015
I dunno, see I don't have any tattoos but I don't see anything wrong with the people around me who have various ones, various sizes, hidden, non hidden, its all good in my opinion.

But people who get face tattoos, and I'm not talking perment eyeliner or lipstick, the ones that get stupid tattoos across a good portion of their faces, just seem like bad ideas, and simply idiots.

I could say more about this, but just like face tattoos, less is better.
You know, I am substantially tattooed myself, and I agree wholesale discrimination against tattooed people is wrong, but even that being the case, he's still a complete fucking moron for getting this, and yes, I would judge him negatively for it.

The fact that it didn't occur to him that it might affect his employment opportunities is just pure stupidity. That's what makes me think he's a moron, and the reason I wouldn't trust him to microwave a TV dinner, much less wire up my house. If he had been realistic about how this might change his future, I wouldn't think he was such a moron...

...Except for the fact that he ALSO went to a shit artist. That thing is wonk as hell. As ugly as loaves are, they aren't THAT ugly. The real-life loaf looks normal in the picture, but the tattooed version looks deformed. No decent artist would tattoo a 20-year-old's face, and no decent artist would do such a shit job of it if they did. I think going to a bad artist is a sign of stupidity in and of itself. It shows that he either didn't bother to do his homework about who was going to be inking his face permanently, or he can't tell the difference between good work and bad work.

On top of all that, he's announcing to the world that he's a fucking moron who can't use a condom correctly. No one intentionally breeds in their teens while they're unemployed -- and if they do, they're even dumber. He is making sure everyone knows his smaller head does all the talking for him, and his larger one is mostly empty. Again, a teen breeder is not the kind of person I would trust to wire up my house to code. Obviously they aren't very good at decision-making.

I don't think tattoos by themselves should be a reason to judge people negatively. But how you went about getting them sure as hell can be, just like someone might judge you negatively for showing up to an interview for a sales job dressed like a clown, or a stripper. They aren't judging you because you wore clothes. They're judging you because you wore STUPID clothes that were wrong for the occassion and let everyone know your judgment sucks.

Same thing with getting a fucking stupid and badly done tattoo on your face... unless you want to be a side show freak, I guess. "Come see the drooling moron who got a face tattooed on his face... badly."

The ink you get says a lot about you. This is the stuff you chose to get put on your skin forever.

His says, "I'm a diaper-sniffing, welfare-collecting teen breeder who has no concept of artistic merit and thinks I'm a speshul snewflayke who can present myself like the idiot and still get hired anyway."

Resume, meet trash.
Re: 20 year old duh ruins life a second time with tat
April 28, 2015
Unfortunately, tats are often seen as unprofessional traits in places of work. It sucks, and I also don't think a person should be discriminated against because they have a picture on their hand or a hole in their face, but that's the way shit is. It's not exactly uncommon knowledge either, so this guy did a pretty good job of ruining any future job prospects unless he buys Dermablend in bulk for the rest of his life.

Tattoos of faces hardly ever turn out good, and tats of kid faces always turn out looking like microwaved butter sculptures of retarded goblins. But getting a loaf face tattooed on one's face... while I am supportive of body modification, forgive me for judging this man as a complete retard. What if the kid turns out to be a shit? Will Duh still be proud to have the kid's face plastered on his face? And imagine what that shit will look like in twenty or thirty years when the ink starts to bleed/blur. It happens even with the best of tattoos. Also, I have to imagine that, due to the way it can affect your ability to find a job, many tattoo artists will try to discourage facial tats (with the exception of eyebrows, eyeliner and beauty marks).

I wonder how he intends to provide for his dumpling now that nobody is going to want to hire him with that hot mess on his face. My guess is he's expecting folks who can't get face tats [because they like having an income] to pony up via tax dollars. Like lilin and many of youse guyses have already said, this man doesn't possess good judgment or the ability to make rational decisions and I'd be scared to have him putzing around with the wiring. I guarantee he's gonna fuck shit up real good one day and cause somebody's house to catch on fire.

It's too bad he couldn't be denied welfare because he voluntarily did something that he had to know would destroy his ability to find a job. And good luck panhandling with that shit smeared on your mug too. People will go, "If you got money for a tattoo, you don't need money."
Re: 20 year old duh ruins life a second time with tat
April 28, 2015
I have a couple of hidable tattoos, but my sister is extensively tattooed, including on her face, neck and hands. Couple of differences between her and this idiot: her tattoos are all done by an award-winning artist, and she's in her sixties and retired. Before she was retired, she was self-employed as a dance instructor. She had a few students' parents ask her about her ink, specifically about what she told the kids when they asked her about her tattoos, and she told them all the same thing-- they hurt a LOT, and you need to wait until you're mature enough to get one. The parents seemed pretty uniformly satisfied by those answers, and if they weren't, well, they could take their kids somewhere else. She was all right with that, and her school did really, really well. The face, neck, and hand tats all came after retirement, though.

I think commemorating breeding with ink is stupid by itself; what really makes this guy an idiot, though, is that it's just plain out bad work. It's badly sized, it's badly placed, and it's badly done. He'd have been better off getting Shartmander tattooed on his cheek.
Re: 20 year old duh ruins life a second time with tat
April 28, 2015
Ya know, I wonder what this guy will think of his tattoo when he's a burned-out, every-other-weekend dad whose kid has outgrown that baby phase? Because that's where he's headed. Early relationships tend to not exactly be One For The Ages. By the time this kid is in school, he and its mom will be history, and his role in its life will be very different. Wonder if he wants a face tat commemorating that, too.
Re: 20 year old duh ruins life a second time with tat
April 28, 2015
Ya know, I wonder what this guy will think of his tattoo when he's a burned-out, every-other-weekend dad whose kid has outgrown that baby phase? Because that's where he's headed. Early relationships tend to not exactly be One For The Ages. By the time this kid is in school, he and its mom will be history, and his role in its life will be very different. Wonder if he wants a face tat commemorating that, too.

What's it going to be like 10 years from now for the kyd? His friends are going to torture him about the fact that his dad is completely retarded.
Re: 20 year old duh ruins life a second time with tat
April 29, 2015
Ya know, I wonder what this guy will think of his tattoo when he's a burned-out, every-other-weekend dad whose kid has outgrown that baby phase? Because that's where he's headed. Early relationships tend to not exactly be One For The Ages. By the time this kid is in school, he and its mom will be history, and his role in its life will be very different. Wonder if he wants a face tat commemorating that, too.

What's it going to be like 10 years from now for the kyd? His friends are going to torture him about the fact that his dad is completely retarded.

waving hellolarious waving hellolarious waving hellolarious
Re: 20 year old duh ruins life a second time with tat
May 02, 2015
Ya know, I wonder what this guy will think of his tattoo when he's a burned-out, every-other-weekend dad whose kid has outgrown that baby phase? Because that's where he's headed. Early relationships tend to not exactly be One For The Ages. By the time this kid is in school, he and its mom will be history, and his role in its life will be very different. Wonder if he wants a face tat commemorating that, too.

What's it going to be like 10 years from now for the kyd? His friends are going to torture him about the fact that his dad is completely retarded.
I was just going to say that. Duhd’s response to his haters was something like “Well my son saw it and smiled, and that’s all I care about.” Um, I’m pretty sure that was just gas. And I’m pretty sure once Junior starts school, the kids will tease him mercilessly about the alien on Duhd’s face, and he’ll be begging Duhd to get it off or cover it up.
Here’s another thought. What if his precious boy ends up pulling a Columbine? Will he still proudly display the face of his mass murderer son?
Re: 20 year old duh ruins life a second time with tat
May 02, 2015
My opinion about tattoos is a very unpopular one so I better not say anything. After all it's none of my business what other people do with their bodies, as long as nobody tells me what to do with mine I couldn't care less.

But oh my Doberman, what a tool this guy is! And this baybee isn't even loaf #1, there was a loaf before it from the same oven! smile rolling left righteyes2
It's one thing if you choose to live your life as a hippie/hipster/outlaw/whatever when you are the only person you're responsible for. But what I don't understand with people like this and never will is why they choose all the attributes of non-conformism and anarchy and then go and follow the lifescript, albeit in a completely idiotic way. Does this moron really think that he and his equally 'ornate' girlfriend will be able to hold down good enough jobs to provide for their kyds? What happens once the crotch dumplings start school and moomee and daddee turn up to PTA meetings looking as colorful as an antique Chinese vase?
An example of a person with extreme tattoos that don't look out of place is Zombie Boy, I think he is totally cool and also cute (yes, even with his tattoos!) That's because his outside matches his lifestyle, so there is no dissonance there. But then Zombie Boy has a python instead of kyds, so he does have good taste. thumbs upwink
Re: 20 year old duh ruins life a second time with tat
May 03, 2015
I just realized something hilarious, I would almost be willing to bet, that as soon as moo got onto the loafing bandwagon, the only way he could make her look at him, give him attention and unconditional love, was to super impose one of the loaves faces onto his, so she could mistake him for one of her brood and pay him attention.

It probably worked too since we all know moos arnt all that bright moo with baybeem
Re: 20 year old duh ruins life a second time with tat
May 03, 2015
I agree, this guy is an idiot!

He is obviously not mature and responsible enough to make well-informed decisions i.e. the facial tattoo. One, research your artist. A good artist who takes pride in their work and cares about their clients would NOT want to place it there and would suggest somewhere else.

Secondly, it's fugly! This 'artist's' forte is obviously not portraits. Your kyd isn't old enough to know what that blotch is on your face, I agree with the others, it was gas.

His other irresponsible decision was to breed - twice apparently!
He has no means of supporting these chyldrhun and has thrown his life away, not to mention what are supposed to be the best years of his life. He has also thrown the life of these kyds away as well because if he can't hold down a steady, decent paying job they are going to be ending up on welfare living in a trailer park with nothing to look forward to in their futures.

Who would hire this idiot? I am not against tattoo's, I have two myself and want more. But if you get tat's be expected to keep them covered for most lines of work. Also you have to look respectable and presentable when going to a job interview. This just sends off the wrong signals. I wouldn't hire him, as soon as I seen him I would think 'irresponsible, irrational - so what is he going to be like when at work when it comes to making decisions quickly if needed? Will he make the best decision for all involved? Probably not.
He's young and has kids so he will probably be unreliable too.
Re: 20 year old duh ruins life a second time with tat
May 24, 2015
I love my tats, but I have to say this guy is a tard.
#1. The brat is butt-ugly.
#2. The tat is butt-ugly.
#3. On your face? You are a moron.

You want an ugly ass tat of your ugly ass brat, fine. Put it on your arm, leg, chest, back, even neck. Don't care.
When you put it on your face, you are telling the world you are a complete tard.
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