"What is happening? I have sex every otherday..How long does sperm live in you? I know TMI... But I have had a AF on July 21st and today guess who shows up.. YeP !! The ugly red demon!!! I ask my self how I am missing the egg... what is happening... I know my body as to ajust ..I dont get it.. any thoughts? Oh and did I mention I have had 5 pregnancy and all happen on the 1st try...Please I need words of wisdom........."

eye rolling smiley First of all, if you could see the pic she posted of herself, you would wonder how she could even be HAVING sex as she is so fugly. She already has FIVE kids and since she mentioned she just got "AF", WHICH MEANS "Aunt Flo=her period", This is a common reference they use when they first become fertile again while breastfeeding. SO, she just HAD a baby. Why is she so desperately trying to get knocked up for number 6? Her sig line says she has been married 13 years, so that's a baybee every other year. Now, since she didn't get knocked up the first time, she's terrified something is "wrong". The only "words of wisdom" she needs is, 'Get on your hands and knees and ask God to CLOSE YOUR WOMB", and the sooner, the better.

If she doesn't get knocked up this next go around, she will probably go for infertility treatments. I think doctors should slam the doors in their faces for IVF and fertility treatments if they already have FIVE kids. I wonder if they just pounce their husbands for sex until they get knocked up, and then just send him to the couch until they need his stud service again. Also, does she not know that HE is the one missing egg?
This woman sounds like a total hillbilly. I can imagine her in a torn gingham dress and dirty feet, standing in a rustic kitchen that has a permanently sticky floor.

The dumbass can't count. She is now 13 chronological years older than she was when she started on this quest, which probably makes her 30-33. Biologically she is probably 25 years older after having had her insides torn inside out five times. All of which means she no longer earns the 'first time trophy' or whatever award she thinks she ought to have for her (heh!) 'perfect past record'.

Someone please give this woman something else to do other than contemplate her birth canal.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
kidlesskim Wrote:
> > If she doesn't get knocked up this next go around,
> she will probably go for infertility treatments. I
> think doctors should slam the doors in their faces
> for IVF and fertility treatments if they already
> have FIVE kids.

I definitely don't think insurance should cover fertility treatments for someone who has five kids already.

Some people cry and whine because they want kid #7, kid #8 etc. They want sympathy. I think some of these women are addicted to pregnancy and the attention they get from others as a pregnant woman. Its not even about wanting more kids. Perhaps being pregnant makes them feel young, makes them feel like a real woman, whatever. I do now know.
I dunno about you all, but I definitely DON'T consider my period a "red demon." It's like a little reminder from my body each month "Don't worry, we're still not a moo!!!"
Someone stop this placenta brain; she's gonna turn into another Duggar whore!doh face
Someone once called "the red demon" "the weeping of a disappointed uterus."

I call it tears of joy.
LoveToLurk Wrote:
> I dunno about you all, but I definitely DON'T
> consider my period a "red demon." It's like a
> little reminder from my body each month "Don't
> worry, we're still not a moo!!!"

LOL. I have probably spent more money on preggo tests over the years to make sure I WASN'T knocked up, than the moo wannabees have to see if they WERE knocked up.tongue sticking out smiley
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