dont judge parents who leave their kids in a hot car!
May 14, 2015
For the love of God.... more breeder pleasing
Re: dont judge parents who leave their kids in a hot car!
May 14, 2015
I'm in full agreement with hlthe2b and I am disgusted with the theme of "they suffered enough you meanie head!". My mother when she first got pregnant was terrified about forgetting one of her kids in the car. My grandmother laughed at her and said point blank "you can't forget your babies when you are a mother". The people who are doing this crap are either too self-absorbed, too stupid to come out of the rain, or it's being done on purpose. I could not forget my dog in the car and even when I would go to the store with him, I made sure that no only was it in the fall/winter but that it was late at night and I KNEW I would be in there 15 minutes tops. I still worried even though I knew he was perfectly fine and waiting for his treat. I thought children were so much better than pets in breeder's minds, yet they are able to forget them so easy.
Re: dont judge parents who leave their kids in a hot car!
May 15, 2015
These dumb broads talking about using alerts on their cell about getting rid of the fucking cell phone if you prioritize it over your own chyld, ya stupid moo! :headbrick
Re: dont judge parents who leave their kids in a hot car!
May 15, 2015
They really think they need an app for that?

Beep...Buzzz.....ALERT! There is a baebeh in the car with you, less than two feet away! Alert!

For God's sake.
Re: dont judge parents who leave their kids in a hot car!
May 15, 2015
I have a fish tank and occasionally I get fish. I bring them home in the bag, direct from the store. I then make sure that they are brought in the house and acclimated in the tank and never forgot about them, I never even forgot freshwater snails out in the car. I think parents have to so shut themselves down to cope with the screaming that they go noise and even smell blind to the point that the kid stops existing in their minds, and other times it is on purpose.
Re: dont judge parents who leave their kids in a hot car!
May 15, 2015
That Washington Post article is the worst piece of journalistic crap ever written. Whenever I see this topic come up on other boards, that gets trotted out as "look, see! It can't be helped! It's nobody's fault!" It's infuriating. Kids are suffering and dying and (almost) nobody is being prosecuted. This stuff has been going on for years now, it's been widely publicized, everybody knows about the dangers of this. No more excuses!
Re: dont judge parents who leave their kids in a hot car!
May 15, 2015
I seem to recall moos claiming "superpowers", but they can't even remember" the most precious thing in the world" is in the fucking car?
Re: dont judge parents who leave their kids in a hot car!
May 16, 2015
Am I the only one who finds it ironic that parents get a free pass on this while unaccompanied (and often, childfree) people are "assumed" to be dangerous when they want to go to a playground where kids are, or are "assumed" to be dangerous on an airplane if someone else's unaccompanied kids are seated next to them (and are men, usually) and humiliated when asked to move to another seat? Parents get a free pass when they actually DID something wrong while the (usually) CF get treated like criminals when they did nothing wrong. angry smiley
Re: dont judge parents who leave their kids in a hot car!
May 16, 2015
That Washington Post article is the worst piece of journalistic crap ever written. Whenever I see this topic come up on other boards, that gets trotted out as "look, see! It can't be helped! It's nobody's fault!" It's infuriating. Kids are suffering and dying and (almost) nobody is being prosecuted. This stuff has been going on for years now, it's been widely publicized, everybody knows about the dangers of this. No more excuses!

ESPECIALLY after people have been found to be doing this on purpose! Yet there's still this attitude of "a parent would NEVER harm his/her child!" eye rolling smiley
Re: dont judge parents who leave their kids in a hot car!
May 16, 2015
You wanna hear about my hot car???

I had to SLAM on the brakes to avoid an accident, some idiot (s) in front of me - I am a good driver and I managed to avoid a potentially bad accident.

And this is now going to cost me $1,500 in brake repairs. Yeah, that much. Right Rear is *gone*. I knew it too, and as soon as I got home I put my hand there to 'feel' - which is likely more that most Breeders bother with their kids, - and that mofo was *smokin hot*.

That one is *gone*. All of it, down to the wheel bearings, I'm probably lucky I didn't ignite the gas tank.

And all because of someone else and I did this to AVOID an accident and not have anyone hurt.

And did anyone stop to help me? NO. But thankfully, because I know how to handle such things, I was able to limp along (with pretty much NO brakes) and get home.

Don't judge Sizzler Parents? PAHLEEZ! This is the EASIEST NO BRAINER! To take your kid out of the car!

But then again, I drive among them and YET AGAIN - they wrecked me good angry smiley angry smiley angry smiley

My Poor Car! It's been in the shop a week now! Speaking of judging - the Techs / Shop that take care of my Mechanical Pet - are OUTRAGED! These people are the types like the Mechanic who lectured Seinfeld on his car. They're rather high strung and possessive. They think it's their car. I'm sure they lay this attitude on any customer, they're kinda weird, to say the least ~

Well. At least some people care ~

I sure hope these MORONS that I *didn't hit* care too! What am I saying? Of course they don't give a shit! smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: dont judge parents who leave their kids in a hot car!
May 17, 2015
ESPECIALLY after people have been found to be doing this on purpose! Yet there's still this attitude of "a parent would NEVER harm his/her child!" eye rolling smiley

That sticks in my craw too. The dingbats who leave kids in cars are either self involved, too stupid to function as a parent, or deliberate psychos.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: dont judge parents who leave their kids in a hot car!
May 17, 2015
You wanna hear about my hot car???

I had to SLAM on the brakes to avoid an accident, some idiot (s) in front of me - I am a good driver and I managed to avoid a potentially bad accident.

And this is now going to cost me $1,500 in brake repairs. Yeah, that much. Right Rear is *gone*. I knew it too, and as soon as I got home I put my hand there to 'feel' - which is likely more that most Breeders bother with their kids, - and that mofo was *smokin hot*.

That one is *gone*. All of it, down to the wheel bearings, I'm probably lucky I didn't ignite the gas tank.

And all because of someone else and I did this to AVOID an accident and not have anyone hurt.

And did anyone stop to help me? NO. But thankfully, because I know how to handle such things, I was able to limp along (with pretty much NO brakes) and get home.

Don't judge Sizzler Parents? PAHLEEZ! This is the EASIEST NO BRAINER! To take your kid out of the car!

But then again, I drive among them and YET AGAIN - they wrecked me good angry smiley angry smiley angry smiley

My Poor Car! It's been in the shop a week now! Speaking of judging - the Techs / Shop that take care of my Mechanical Pet - are OUTRAGED! These people are the types like the Mechanic who lectured Seinfeld on his car. They're rather high strung and possessive. They think it's their car. I'm sure they lay this attitude on any customer, they're kinda weird, to say the least ~

Well. At least some people care ~

I sure hope these MORONS that I *didn't hit* care too! What am I saying? Of course they don't give a shit! smile rolling left righteyes2

You need to get a decent dashcam. Those fuckers are proof finders. You could record license plate #s. You could also prove innocence if a driver CAUSES YOU an accident.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: dont judge parents who leave their kids in a hot car!
May 17, 2015
That's a good idea, Crafty. In fact I thought of something similar - my one friend had some people try to pull insurance fraud on him, by attempting to cause an accident. It's a common tactic - they'll pull in front of you and stop short to get you hit them and then they try to bilk you and your insurance co.

In this case, I will guess it was yet another person 'not paying attention'. I see them all the time. I also saw a comment elsewhere the other day - some guy said something to the affect of 'I sometimes just sit on my porch and watch the traffic. And at least half of them don't seem to be paying attention.' ERG. But yeah, I believe it.

Parents who have Sizzlin on their minds - you best check yourself before you wreck yourself. MANY MORE PEOPLE are watching you then you can even imagine.

I was thinking too - if I saw a kid in a car - not an older kid with the windows down, I'm not going to be fanatical - but say a small child in the car with windows up - YES MA'AM I'M GOING TO SAY SOMETHING. Either to the store / biz I'm going into or I'll call 911 myself.

Now here are some 'more eyes' that people should consider - and who'd be the last person you may think will come upon your child? How about - A Cult Recruiter?

I'm not even kidding you. What I was thinking of was parking lots in "Office Campuses". In this area - office buildings are often clustered together and made a 'campus' of complete with little park areas and etc. And of course in nice weather many people spend time outside for lunch and breaks, and are going in and out. Some of these places can have thousands, tens of thousands perhaps, of employees and can be quite large.

And who trawls around these looking for "customers"? Everything from the Dope Man to the Catholics to the Mormons to the Scientologists to those recruiting for *straight up Cults*. Seriously. This is prime hunting grounds for them all because few are more disillusioned than some chump with a soul crushingly boring corporate paper pushin job.

And They are watching and peeking into your cars, too. I will guess enough of car thieves operate in these places also.

That'd be something, eh? The Little Old Catholic Lady and the Hare Krishna enlist Joe Car Thief to free a "forgotten" child.
Wait for it - I can see this actually happening eventually.

Yes - ALL KINDS of people are watching, Breeders.

And judging, too. Even these people can remember to take their religious tracts, Amway samples, and drugs out of their cars. Ever seen those people selling burritos out of a fish tank? Another group that may be strolling through a parking lot. They do seem to have the ability to not forget their fish tank full of burritos in their cars.
Re: dont judge parents who leave their kids in a hot car!
May 17, 2015

ESPECIALLY after people have been found to be doing this on purpose! Yet there's still this attitude of "a parent would NEVER harm his/her child!" eyeroll

I don't know why. Hands down, the person who presents the most danger to a child is his or her own parents. When a kid is found injured or dead, the first fuckin' people that get investigated are the parents. Second most dangerous is a relative or just someone who is not the child's parent who is still close to the kid.

Also, I love some of the hints and tips offered every summer when the first couple kids are broiled to death in cars. Parents get told shit like "Put something of value - like your phone or purse - in the backseat with your child so you won't forget your child." How amusing it is that parents have to be told to place an item of value in the seat with their child just so they can remember to not kill it. Isn't the kid itself considered a valuable item? Shouldn't it be more like "put your phone/purse near your child so you won't forget your phone/purse?"

Hot car deaths are far too common for them to just be parents coincidentally, accidentally forgetting their kids. You'd think after just a couple happen and hit the news, all the other parents would pay more attention to their own brats to save them from roasting. Regardless of age, kids smell, they're loud, and they're annoying. How can you possibly forget them?!


I think parents have to so shut themselves down to cope with the screaming that they go noise and even smell blind to the point that the kid stops existing in their minds, and other times it is on purpose.

I wonder if this is true. The senses of the average breeder seem to just plain die at some point, like when they can totally tune out their child's screeching or they have to stick their nose in their babies' ass cracks and take a big whiff to tell if the brat shit itself or not. Are they so numb that they honestly just don't give a fuck? I don't know if even the most jaded, defeated parents can achieve that level of disconnect, so the only other option is deliberate killing. Death by hot car has always been a fantastic way to kill a brat under the age of, say, four, because they may not have the dexterity to unstrap their own car seats, unlock the car door and get out of the car. It leaves no incriminating marks, it gets the job done and it can be passed off as a tragic accident. In spite of all the news stories nearly every day about parents killing their kids, society as a whole still believes that parents would never harm their own children.

No sane person should need a reminder or an alert to retrieve their brats from the backseat of the car. Funny how all locked-in-car child deaths occur in the summer when cars become giant ovens. It never happens in the fall when you can comfortably sit in a car for hours or in the winter when you might just get a little sick. I just don't know how anyone can look at these cases and think they're anything other than premeditated murder.
Re: dont judge parents who leave their kids in a hot car!
May 18, 2015
Just put your cell phone in baby's seat. Put baby ass on cell phone. Problem solved for free. There is your app.

You're welcome.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: dont judge parents who leave their kids in a hot car!
May 18, 2015
Just put your cell phone in baby's seat. Put baby ass on cell phone. Problem solved for free. There is your app.

You're welcome.

Plus this would keep these already distracted parent drivers from using their damn phones while driving.

I've been nearly hit by texting/calling/"just checking my phone" drivers SO many times.
Re: dont judge parents who leave their kids in a hot car!
May 18, 2015
Ummm....we judge people for doing FAR LESS than leaving their chyldrun in hot cars to roast to death.

I WILL judge you for doing the cruelest most stupidest thing in life you could do. There is NO excuse that will ever convince me that these are nothing more than PNAs.
Re: dont judge parents who leave their kids in a hot car!
May 18, 2015
Sorry failed breeders - I judge you for leaving your kid in a hot car. See me judge. Judgey, judgey, judge. And there's nothing you can do about it!

Leaving your kid in a car to die a horrible slow death is very shitty, and it makes you a shitty, shitty person, and that is my judgement!
Re: dont judge parents who leave their kids in a hot car!
May 18, 2015
How the fuck do forget a human besides yourself in your car, but then ask people to not judge these fuckers??? No fuck that noise up the ass with a splintery board. Until their irresponsibly when it comes to their brats stops the judgement will continue. Cause and effect breeders.

your children are overrated and overvalued, and
you've turned them into little cult objects. George Carlin

Not a single gram of fuck shall be given today
Re: dont judge parents who leave their kids in a hot car!
May 21, 2015
We recently had a local Lil' Sizzler, right here in Bible Belt, Hicktown, FL, USA. Judging by the reactions of parents and non parents alike, yeah, sorry, "Loving parunts" who leave their kids to roast to death are getting the everlasting shit judged out of them. Even my boss, who is incredibly laid back and nonchalant even when he should be upset about something, gets heated when we talk about this. And he doesn't have children or pets.

Throw them in a cell and make sure as little A/C as possible gets into it.
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