Tight wad duh and moo make guests at little shits birthday pay their own way.

fucking cheapskates

your children are overrated and overvalued, and
you've turned them into little cult objects. George Carlin

Not a single gram of fuck shall be given today
Oh HELL NO would I go! And I wouldn't worry about hurting sneauflakes fee-fees either. When the brat gets older with no one around, they will place the blame squarely where it belongs.

Captcha explains it all: WTHjW
If I ever wanted to have any relationship with any of those relatives, I would explain to them that it is unacceptable to charge admission plus food to an event you are hosting and inviting guests to attend.

If your income is tight, have a modest event such as an activity that doesn't cost very much money (ie lawn games, cycling, beach, etc) or tea and a few snacks in the middle of the day.
But my chylndddd is soooo spechcialll he deserves a 1 million dollar party when I only make 5 cents a day. hes suchchchch an angellllllllll and deservesss the best. I am gonna go into debt to buy him everything he deservessss and other people need to bow downa nd make him feel like a speeciall snowflake. LOL
I wouldn't worry about the kid's feelings either.

The parents should be ashamed of themselves, making the guests pay for their food and entertainment. The nerve of breeders! It would be best if nobody showed up, to send them a free etiquette lesson.

If it were me, I'd just say NO.
I'd get the kid a present, but refuse the party. The kid mainly only cares about the loot, anyway.
I would decline the invitation (we don't go to brat parties for ANYONE) and call them cheap assholes and drop the relationship. Cheapskates NEVER change, and they are passing their entitlement mentality onto their brats.

Fuck 'em.
I would decline the invitation (we don't go to brat parties for ANYONE) and call them cheap assholes and drop the relationship. Cheapskates NEVER change, and they are passing their entitlement mentality onto their brats.

Fuck 'em.

Good call. And you'd also be setting a good precedent for the future. You don't want to be paying for this chyld's "Super Sweet Sixteen" when the time comes.
addiea raine
Oh HELL NO would I go! And I wouldn't worry about hurting sneauflakes fee-fees either. When the brat gets older with no one around, they will place the blame squarely where it belongs.

Captcha explains it all: WTHjW

Typical sucky Prudence advice: deal with anything child-rated to spare its feelings, but if the parents carry their miserly ways over into any other sort of invited gatherings, feel free to decline.

Yeaaah - no. That's only swelling the kid's sense of entitlement.

I'm with a previous poster: send a gift (token, IMO) and bow out of the party. The kid is going to be in for a shock when it reaches the age where it wants its friends to be invited and could care less about the adults. What happens when Cheapskate Parents demand that those young people pay their own way to a party?

I foresee a birthday kid who gets stood up by people invited to those parties.
I feel sorry for the kid that gets stuck with such boorish, self-centered parents. I'd skip the event entirely. Whether I said a word to the parents about their poor manners would depend on my relationship to them, and whether it would be worth my time.

The kid is going to be in for a shock when it reaches the age where it wants its friends to be invited and could care less about the adults. What happens when Cheapskate Parents demand that those young people pay their own way to a party?

I foresee a birthday kid who gets stood up by people invited to those parties.
Yup. Especially since kid birthday parties are no longer events with games, cake, and ice cream. I'm willing to bet that these parents will want guests to pay their own way for lazer tag, jump castles, hot air balloon rides, and all that stuff.
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