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Doctor Entitlemoos In Training

Posted by catmeow 
Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 01, 2008
No one forced these doctors that I will not see if they graduate to breed! http://www.boston.com/news/health/articles/2008/09/01/doctor_mom/

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
Re: Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 01, 2008
Oh BOO HOO! They're DOCTORS, they know how this pregnancy thing happens. They are going to make it harder for women to break into these kinds of demanding professions. This kind of shit is just another huge step backwards for womankind.
Anonymous User
Re: Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 01, 2008
This quote from the article pissed me off:

"...she went on bed rest three weeks before her delivery. This meant other residents had to take her on-call shifts during that period - favors she paid back when she returned to work and her daughter was a few months old."

It matters not that she paid the shifts back. Those other residents had to cancel any plans they may have had for HER convenience, they had to work when it may not have been convenient for them. They had NO CHOICE. I'm willing to bet my left tit she 'paid them back' at HER convenience. How in the hell is this fair? And how does this make it all better? I'd love to know the scheduling directors who do not approve of this so I can write them letters of appreciation. Doctors' schedules are nearly impossible to full-fill withOUT the burden of pregnancy. If one doctor just came off a 24hr. shift of residency at my local Level1 trauma center and I was transported to that hospital in the event of an emergency, I do NOT want that same doctor going into a 2nd 24hr. shift to work on me because their relief went into labor early, FORCING them to work that 2nd shift! The doctors having to cover for these women aren't the only ones who suffer, so might the patients. It's not that I don't think some residents can't handle a 2nd 24hr. shift, I know many if not most can. But the REASONS that resident is forced to take an extra shit can make a BIG difference in their attitude during that next 24 and how they treat their patients. They are still human afterall.

I have the utmost respect for doctors, the level of schooling and testing they must endure are certainly beyond anything I'm willing to dedicate myself to. Why in the WORLD a woman who has been through so much to get her MD license would throw it all away and risk alienating her colleagues is something I just don't understand. Did they not think about this before setting out to dedicate their lives to medicine?

And then this statement: "They just seemed to have trouble with the fact that I needed to put my child first. In their life, residency came first."

Residency SHOULD come first. I know as a potential patient of one of these residents, their child is NOT my concern. Sorry, this is just plain wrong. I wonder if these doctors would do me a favor and wear a button on their coats stating: "I am a mom. Residency is not my first priority" so I can avoid them.
Anonymous User
Re: Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 01, 2008
I don't see women doctors. Period. Ever. Can't stand 'em.

Not even female OB/GYNs. I only will see male doctors. I have my reasons.
Anonymous User
Re: Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 01, 2008
Yes, most of them are extreme bitches.

I should probably clarify, that I don't like dealing with ANY female medical personnel, whether its doctors, nurses or dental hygienists. They are bossy, judgmental, condescending, patronizing and unprofessional. I've simply had too many bad experiences with them, for many years.

For example, I remember one woman who was cleaning my teeth and cutting down what I got my college degree in, saying "oh, you'll never be able to use that to get a job". I wasn't paying this stupid bitch for career counseling, I was paying her to clean my teeth.

Male healthcare practitioners, on the other hand, tend to mind their own damn business.

Since most nurses and dental hygienists are female, I usually don't have a choice there. But I DO have a choice when it comes to doctors. And I am going to exercise my preference for a male doctor.
Anonymous User
Re: Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 01, 2008
On the contrary, the one and only good OB/GYN I was ever able to find was a woman. All the men in my experiences thought they knew my place as a woman, and were all just SO SURE I'd change my mind about children, once I *had* some of my own of course. They were pompoused asses and very condescending, refusing to hear my pleas to be sterlized - they promptly dismissed me. A woman gave me my ESSURE procedure with NO PROBLEMS WHAT-SO-EVER. That's not to say there aren't some wonderful male OB/GYN's out there, as obviously some of you women here have found them, it just so happened the ones I saw were not among them, but I don't believe that ALL male OB/GYN's are a horses' ass. I work in the medical field and I would have to say bitchy nurses are about 50/50. The ones I deal with primarily are ER nurses.

Everyone's experiences are different. You just have to shop around for a doctor that meets your needs and who you are satisfied with, whether that be a male or female. I have a wonderful dentist who employs both a female and a male hygienist. I have had them both clean my teeth and love them equally - wonderful people!
Re: Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 01, 2008
I TOO don't prefer female medical professionals whether it be a physical therapist, Doctor, or assitant, medical OR dental. The really young ones have their offices plastered with baby pics and have this "hairstylist" mentality in that they seem to want to get all personal. The older ones are from the "old school" and are more gruff and rough than any old male doctor. The one time I went to a woman Gynecologist, she had the bedside manner of Atilla the Hun. Also, she had these STUPID little pinK pot holders over the stirrups, as if they would keep your feet warm or something equally as ridiculous, I didn't ask. I felt like a fucking turkey while I had my feet up.

It seems to me that if someone is dedicated enough to finish medical school they they SHOULD have enough ambition to NOT get preggo during their internship or the early years of establishing their practice or careers, or preferrably at all.
Anonymous User
Re: Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 01, 2008
kidless, all stirrups have a cloth sheath covering, at least they're supposed to. I've seen the pink ones you're referring to, but mostly I see the white ones. All of them in ER's are white, that I've seen. LOL at your turkey statement!! I'm still LMAO!! bouncing and laughing, but I ALWAYS feel like a turkey with my feet up in the stirrups - stirrup color doesn't change that. I don't care HOW old of a woman you are, it's never a pleasant experience. My female OB/GYN is very kind with the, ahem, accoutrement's required for an exam. Doesn't talk stupid b.s. but just the basics: "So how's it goin'"? type of stuff - never uncomfortable. She doesn't have diarrhea of the mouth or anything - she rocks :smoke
Re: Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 01, 2008
str8six Wrote:
> kidless, all stirrups have a cloth sheath
> covering, at least they're supposed to. I've seen
> the pink ones you're referring to, but mostly I
> see the white ones. All of them in ER's are
> white, that I've seen. LOL at your turkey
> statement!! I'm still LMAO!! bouncing and laughing, but I
> ALWAYS feel like a turkey with my feet up in the
> stirrups - stirrup color doesn't change that. I
> don't care HOW old of a woman you are, it's never
> a pleasant experience. My female OB/GYN is very
> kind with the, ahem, accoutrement's required for
> an exam. Doesn't talk stupid b.s. but just the
> basics: "So how's it goin'"? type of stuff - never
> uncomfortable. She doesn't have diarrhea of the
> mouth or anything - she rocks :smoke

These were not the typical covers, these were pot holders, I swear it. They were little glove like POT HOLDERS with places for four fingers and a thumb, and they were quilted and pink! My guess is some moo cow patient hand made them as a gift, as that's what it looked like. I really did feel like a turkey.tongue sticking out smiley
Re: Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 01, 2008
casseyrod Wrote:
> I don't see women doctors. Period. Ever. Can't
> stand 'em.
> Not even female OB/GYNs. I only will see male
> doctors. I have my reasons.

Oh, me too. Absolutely. I really hate female doctors... For many, many reasons. I'll never go back to one again.
Re: Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 01, 2008
Dr. Danielle Walsh, 37, who finished her general surgery residency at Mass. General in 2002, thought about quitting after her daughter, Kamryn, was born in 1999. Kamryn developed a digestive disorder, and had trouble keeping down food and gaining weight. She required frequent hospital visits.

Walsh's residency director scheduled her on rotations with lighter workloads. "He even had his wife baby-sit my child a couple times," she said. "He didn't let me quit. He made it work for me."

This bullshit pisses me off. With all the demands doctor moos have, I can understand why many people want to avoid women doctors in general. Dr. Walsh should have quit.

Some female residents, she was surprised to find, were not as supportive. "There was a perception that I wasn't as dedicated," said Walsh, who co-authored the women surgeons group's manual for residents. "They just seemed to have trouble with the fact that I needed to put my child first. In their life, residency came first."

This wasn't a "perception," asshole; it was fact. If you want to be a doctor, residency comes first.

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
Cheese Louise
Re: Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 01, 2008

The Association of Women Surgeons, in its "pocket mentor" manual for residents, warns that "the pregnant resident may be the recipient of unwelcome comments and possibly open hostility. Both faculty and resident peers can resent the additional burden . . . "

The brutal honesty of this is truly refreshing. It doesn't sugar-coat the issue. Surgery is an especially difficult specialty, with good reason. I sure as hell don't want some breeder surgeon who was suffering from placenta-brain during her residency operating on ME. Decide what the fuck you want to do...be a surgeon or a MOO.

This is yet another example of women can be our own worst enemy. These cows help hold all women down.
Re: Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 01, 2008
I am of the belief that if a woman can't afford to hire a a nanny, maid, nurse, daycare, or whatever to take care of her kyds, then she should stay at home and actually be a June Cleaver. This means ALL of the house work, prepared meals, do the budget, bill paying, or whatever all it is they are SUPPOSED to do but don't usually. She needs to live within the means of whatever her husband makes IF she is married. However, if she has NEVER HAD A HUSBAND, she does not need to have a baby for any reason EVER, unless she is independently wealthy and has a die hard hankering for a brat. As long as her "yearning" doesn't inconvenience co-workers, customers, patients, etc.....and she is on her own dime, I don't care.

If she is a widow with kyds and they were too stupid to buy a life insurance policy, OR if she is a already single moo or divorced moo with calf, she should ONLY work in JOBS (not careers) where if she has to run one of her little retard bastards back and forth to dialysis or frequent ADHD assessments or wherever, her absence should be of as little consequence to the flow of a normal business day as possible. Women who don't have the means to put their careers first do NOT need to have kyds, period. I would be (and have been) VERY resentful when a co-moo put her chylld's needs above the businesses' needs and basically just was a real cog in the wheel rather than an integral part. It puts more work on everyone else and causes customers/patients/clients' needs to suffer.

When moos claim to "have it all", what they fail to mention is that it's at OTHER PEOPLES' expenses. When THEIR chylld "comes first", as in the case of this surgeon, someone else's chylld might die in the ER, because she was at home tending to Barfy's upset tummy. A medical doctor should not be excused from work for a kyd for any extended period of time such as this.
Re: Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 01, 2008
I think the world of my female family doctor, as she saved my disabled mother's life by finding a breast lump that turned out to be cancer. Mom was able to have a lumpectomy, as opposed to losing the whole breast, and is finishing the chemo now.

But: my doctor is (very Westernized) Muslim, never married, no children. Her family fled Afghanistan when she was a teenager to escape the Soviet occupation and warfare there. She sounds as if she is very happy being single and childfree. Can't say as I blame her...
Re: Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 02, 2008
Hmmm... What always pisses me off about all these stories is - if they're planned babies then WHERE THE HELL IS THE HUSBAND??? Why isn't it HIS duty to share half the chidcare? OK, so he can't do labour/pregnancy crap (lol) - but he CAN goddamn well take over once the kid's born. And yet male doctors (whose wives presumably do have kids too) are never under the same pressure.
I guess real equality is a distant dream still.angry smiley
Pisses me off. Why is it always the woman's job when presumably the husband wanted the damn baby as much as the wife did? You'll notice not a single line in the article goes there...
Re: Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 02, 2008
str8six Wrote:
> Residency SHOULD come first. I know as a
> potential patient of one of these residents, their
> child is NOT my concern. Sorry, this is just
> plain wrong. I wonder if these doctors would do
> me a favor and wear a button on their coats
> stating: "I am a mom. Residency is not my first
> priority" so I can avoid them.

GREAT point.
Re: Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 02, 2008
Just what I would want! A new doctor who is also a breeder!
Anonymous User
Re: Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 02, 2008
Rose Red Wrote:
> I wonder if these doctors would
> do
> > me a favor and wear a button on their coats
> > stating: "I am a mom. Residency is not my
> first
> > priority" so I can avoid them.

I second that. Great point. I also, would like to know if my doctor is a mom and if her kiddie's soccer game takes priority over her patient's healthcare.
Re: Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 02, 2008
All too true, Married With Rabbits.
Still massive Grrrr, though. It's a pet peeve of mine - inequality pisses me off. Thank you all for this forum to let some steam off.
Re: Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 02, 2008
Yeah, I read TDC as well, mostly out of train-wreck horrified fascination. I also find it rather instructive. My only hope is that some day these women will realise what a shitty deal they're getting and dump the bastards' sorry asses.
Re: Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 02, 2008
I have seen how men are regarding "equality" in the home up close and personal. I have been married FIVE times and even though I hate this last one, he probably did more house work than the others, although he did a shitty job. NONE of these men did ANYWHERE NEAR 1/2 and when they did do anything they half assed did it. My father didn't do a damned thing around the house either and STILL doesn't. If any of them load a dishwasher, they are "helping". If they mop a floor or clean a toilet, they want to discuss it and get praise for it. It doesn't make any difference if the wife works as many OR MORE hours outside of the home NOR does it matter if she earns more money, which I have in several cases. Men will absolutely NOT do their share and the least little thing they do has to be redone or you have to brag about what a good job they did.

I USED to love yard work and outside things like landscaping and gardening, NO MORE WILL I DO THAT. For some reason, men WILL take care of the yard, but if a woman does it they will NOT pick up the slack on the inside. So, the best way to combat having to do way more than half is just to absolutely not take out trash, cut grass, clean pools, etc.......The man feels responsible for that stuff and knows he will be held responsible by society and his peers if it's not done, so he will do it. Men don't take care of their own children either. They "babysit" and "watch" the children, or "help out". Although there are many reasons I don't want children, the fact that the childcare burden would fall nearly entirely on me is reason enough to "just say no".

I watched my mother put up with that shit and I will NOT be subjected to it. Men know if there is a kyd to be responsible for that you will be FORCED to keep the house clean and the cupboards full. Without the baggage of kyds,I can let everything go to hell if I want and he can stop by Hardees if he gets hungry. Moos with calf don't have that luxury, men know it, and take FULL advantage of it. Even the best husbands/fathers do NOT do their share of housework and kid raising and I want no part of it as I am sure I would snap.
Re: Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 02, 2008
married with rabbits Wrote:
> I also want to add that this is not the reality
> for all couples and I know that. I'm fully aware
> that today's pampered soccer moos slack off at
> home and spend their husband's money with no cares
> and their man is the one who gets shafted.
> But in this context we're discussing how hard
> working, good women get shafted by marriage and
> society's expectations.

No doubt I TOO am referring to the PNB role of wife and mother, and ANY wife, in general. While I am sure there are some men out there who do their share, I have never personally known any of them. The problem is that June Cleavers rarely exist anymore, but the 1950's mentality that "the house is the woman's job" has not changed, EVEN IF she makes more money and there are no children involved. If the house is a wreck, it's the WOMAN'S fault, HER house is a mess". If the man wears dirty clothes it's, "I can't believe SHE let her husband out of the house like that". For men, if the yard is shabby HE gets blamed for it, so maybe that's why they will at LEAST do that.
Re: Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 02, 2008
str8six Wrote:
> And then this statement: "They just seemed to
> have trouble with the fact that I needed to put my
> child first. In their life, residency came first."
> Residency SHOULD come first. I know as a
> potential patient of one of these residents, their
> child is NOT my concern. Sorry, this is just
> plain wrong. I wonder if these doctors would do
> me a favor and wear a button on their coats
> stating: "I am a mom. Residency is not my first
> priority" so I can avoid them.

+1 to this. Call me crazy, but if I'm in a life or death situation I want a doctor who is focused on me, not her pregnancy. It's been said before, and I will say it again: Women like this are holding the serious ones back. Who would actually want to be attended to by one of these women "doctors" after reading this article? Not the moos themselves, I'm sure, because nobody else's kids should come before the health of their precious Snotley (and in this case I don't blame them). Being a doctor is serious business, and only serious people should do it. These women need to realize that no, you can't have it all, especially when it comes to a field as demanding as the medical field. I fear for those women in their residency who ARE serious about their job; they will have climb over the sexism mountain that these moos have helped create.

And you all hit the nail on the head in regards to men and childrearing. I have nothing to add except that I love my husband, but he's lazy as hell. I'd have to be a complete idiot to burden myself with a child. But at least he does agree with me about his laziness. smiling smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 02, 2008
Being a doctor IS serious business.

It is NOT for just anyone and everyone who wants to do it.

I hope they don't start dumbing down medical school, the way that many colleges have been dumbed down these days. But these days, it seems everything is dumbed down to meet the special needs of the mediocre, the learning disabled, the autistic, etc.

Sorry, but if someone has a learning disability or physical problem that would hinder their ability to practice medicine, they need to get the hell out of the medical field. Peoples' lives are at stake here. There should be no automatic entitlement to practice medicine.
Anonymous User
Re: Doctor Entitlemoos In Training
September 02, 2008
LoveToLurk Wrote:

> Being a doctor is serious business, and only
> serious people should do it.

Exactly. I'm what's known as a 'bandaid pusher' to doctors. I get you there alive (hopefully), in as little pain as possible, and with all your limbs intact. I'm the one who rolls down your drive-way after you call 911 for an medical emergency. Otherwise known as 'first responders'. I can mean the difference between life and death for you. I thrive on emergencies and my attention span stops there. Once I get you into the ER and turn you over to 'more qualified' professionals, my obligations are to the next situation.

These women need to
> realize that no, you can't have it all, especially
> when it comes to a field as demanding as the
> medical field.

Truer words were never spoken. Just being a medic is hell enough, working intimately with doctors, I KNOW the sacrifices.

I fear for those women in their
> residency who ARE serious about their job; they
> will have climb over the sexism mountain that
> these moos have helped create.

It's twice as hard beCAUSE of this!

> And you all hit the nail on the head in regards to
> men and childrearing. I have nothing to add except
> that I love my husband, but he's lazy as hell.

As is mine and most others I presume.

> have to be a complete idiot to burden myself with
> a child. But at least he does agree with me about
> his laziness. smiling smiley

My husband agrees as well. I work, care for our aged baby (an Old English Mastiff), the farm animals, about 80% of the property maintenance, all the bills, paperwork, taxes, retirement, property emergencies, investments - everything! Why in Gods' NAME would I subject myself to the burdens of a child KNOWING my husband just isn't that motivated!!!??!! I don't know what the HELL these women are thinking!
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