I was flipping through the channels last night when I saw that TLC had a show called Born Schizophrenic. It was about this 6 year old girl that was diagnosed with schizophrenia, and talked about her sensory hallucinations and her interactions with other kids.

Well, right after that, there was a follow-up story about her and her little brother, who is also mentally challenged. In one of the talking heads, the father stated that they had this child to help their daughter, but it ended up that this kid was worse off mentally, being not only schizophrenic, but autistic and something else (I forget).

I couldn't find video from the actual TLC show that I watched, but I did find a link about the family here: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/born-schizophrenic-mentally-ill-children-threaten-tear-family/story?id=23687000

Seriously, what the fuck? They have mental illness on both sides of their family, so they sprogged anyway? And again, after having one child with a serious mental illness? What is wrong with people? Man, one of the many, many reasons I don't have or want children is that I have bipolar and anxiety disorders. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, and I would never forgive myself if I was the reason that someone else on this planet was walking around with a mental disorder. I also love the part in the article where they are bitching about how hard it is to raise two mentally challenged kids, saying, among other things, that they "hadn't had a date in 15 weeks". And we CF are the ones who are selfish, huh? :headbrick
I've heard of this family. They had the second kid because the first one wanted it, but then started being violent towards the baby, so they had to rent two separate apartments to keep the kids apart.

Unsurprising the second kid turned out fucked-up, too. Now they have two mentally disabled kids to whore out.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
I've seen those documentaries. I suspect there's a good bit of Munchausen's by Proxy at work too.
paragon schnitzophonic
I've heard of this family. They had the second kid because the first one wanted it, but then started being violent towards the baby, so they had to rent two separate apartments to keep the kids apart.

Unsurprising the second kid turned out fucked-up, too. Now they have two mentally disabled kids to whore out.

What?!? They thought it was a good idea to follow the reproductive advice of their schizophrenic child?

This belongs in the "Some People NEVER Learn" file.
I JUST watched this the other night. We've talked about the Schofields on this board before, but I don't think the documentaries had come out yet. I literally could not look away from this shit-show trainwreck. Here are some of my observations:

1. The mother seems gleefully resigned to this drama, almost like she likes it. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some Munchausen by Proxy at work here, she's just too perky.

2. Their apartment(s) is a fucking mess. Seriously, these people are barnyard animals. There is kindercrap all over every fucking surface in the pueblo; all over the beds, all over the floor, crayon on the walls, scuffs all over the baseboards, etc. During a close-up of one of the kids writhing around on the floor, I noticed that the carpet was absolutely covered in food crumbs, dirt, toy particles, animal hair, and go only knows what else. Fucking pigs. PIGS.

3. The father has reached the end of his rapidly fraying rope. During his commentary interviews, he is incredulous as to how on earth his life ended up this shitty, he literally cannot believe it. The poorly-veiled seething rage coursing just beneath his desire to keep it together for the cameras is almost visceral. He looks more disheveled and exhausted than his wife by a long shot, and it progressively gets worse in the second documentary, where it turns out that the second child is a fucking nightmare above and beyond the schizophrenic first child. If you handed this man a firearm he would, without question, just start shooting like it was a foregone conclusion.

4. Jani, the older of the two children, seems to make this giant improvement from the first documentary to the second. She actually becomes just this side of normal. I can still see that she's strange; rubbing the hands together a lot, vacant looks, but she appears to be getting a regular education and managing herself very well.

5. Bodhi, the son, is a shrieking, non-verbal spider-monkey that appears to be being raised by the imaginary wolves he sees in his head. The autism is strong with this one. He is beyond help, I can already tell that he will never catch up to his sister. It's funny, because in the first documentary when he is just a baby, he is playing normally and acting like a regular toddler. Then, all of a sudden, he's a mess. Again, Munchausen's? There are a couple of scenes where Jani is looking on while her brother has a meltdown, and I can tell that she sincerely just doesn't give a fuck.

6. Both parents age terribly from one documentary to the next. Bitch looks old.

7. The dad had an affair. No surprises there. And now they have filed for divorce. Well, I wonder how they are going to manage two fucked up kids. Guarantee mom gets the brunt of the caregiving while dad goes out and finds himself a new wife and family and moves off to Nova Scotia or some place where this shit can't touch him anymore. I can't say I blame him. If this was me, that is exactly what I would want. I would bail, change my name, and just forget this life ever existed.

8. Why don't these people just commit these fucking kids and call it a day?
One thing I forgot:

Bodhi's belly looks distended like an African child. That is a harbinger of serious nutritional deficiencies/issues. Again, what are they feeding these kids, arsenic? This could point to a serious ailment like no-shit Celiac Disease. I know that autism is made worse by crap diets full of grains, so perhaps the kid is just fucking septic.
In one of the talking heads, the father stated that they had this child to help their daughter, but it ended up that this kid was worse off mentally, being not only schizophrenic, but autistic and something else (I forget).

Oodles more clever than hiring a specialist/nanny/whatever to help the daughter! They shouldn't let their prize sperm and eggs go to waste that is some serious quality stuff. Maybe they could try again. Mr. T: I pitty tha fools
It's funny, because in the first documentary when he is just a baby, he is playing normally and acting like a regular toddler. Then, all of a sudden, he's a mess. Again, Munchausen's? There are a couple of scenes where Jani is looking on while her brother has a meltdown, and I can tell that she sincerely just doesn't give a fuck.

Schizophrenia can hit someone like a car. He/she could be normal for the first few/several years of his/her life, then WHAM!


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Weren't they trying for baby 3 when they went on Oprah? I wonder if they'll have to start paying for a third apartment if they ever 'succeed'.
I always thought "Jani" (real name: January. Yeah.) was autistic rather than schizophrenic. But of course, little girls fall through the cracks because only boys can be autistic. In any case, the parents are fucking WEIRD. They talk way too much and Oprah told them as much. They definitely get some form of gratification from their talking about kids' illnesses.

If they breed again, they should be forcibly sterilized and put in jail. How unfair for the poor sproglet. Mental illness is a lifetime of hell.
trance formation usa
I always thought "Jani" (real name: January. Yeah.) was autistic rather than schizophrenic. But of course, little girls fall through the cracks because only boys can be autistic. In any case, the parents are fucking WEIRD. They talk way too much and Oprah told them as much. They definitely get some form of gratification from their talking about kids' illnesses.

If they breed again, they should be forcibly sterilized and put in jail. How unfair for the poor sproglet. Mental illness is a lifetime of hell.

Girls can be autistic, it's just not as frequent as boys, as a lot has to do with male hormones especially testosterone, during pignancy. I've looked after quite a few female autistics, and similar to males there is as much aggression and violence. Either sex didn't matter, as they were both nightmares to look after.

Attention-whoring is not uncommon in these cases, especially if mother was MBP as someone here suggested. I guess all CF here can take away from this very poor situation is that we're never going to be in the same situation, and we can be thankful for it.
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