Nah, the site is talking about high-functioning 'autism' a.k.a. Asperger's. And some people with Asperger's are absurdly intelligent and not insufferable (maybe a little distant) to deal with. I seriously doubt people like Einstein or Michaelangelo were nuisances like those we encounter in public areas.

I do agree that people should NOT be rationalizing their flappers' behavior and comparing them to Einstein etc. Apples and oranges.
There is no evidence that such famous people had any autism-spectrum condition. None. Zero. This myth started some years ago to help pahrunts of the fapper-and-flapper crowd feel good about themselves.

One pervasive myth about Einstein is that he failed numerous classes in school. The reality, as was shown years ago, is that his school changed its grading system while he was there by completely inverting it, so that if 1 = A and 5 = F in the past, the new system made it 1 = F and 5 = A. Or vice versa: can't remember which way the change went. When properly accounting for this as should be done, though, Einstein's scholastic performance was always excellent. (This fact about the grading system change, complete with reproductions of his transcripts, appeared in one of the many books dedicated to busting myths years ago.)

Perhaps some famous inventor or scientist somewhere was high-functioning Aspergers (HFA), but I'm hard pressed to think of one off the top of my head. My direct experience with HFA types is that they are generally little better than idiot savants: they can spout minutiae all day about the one subject that interests them, but they can't apply the knowledge to reach their own conclusions or do any original work. They certainly are not likely to invent or create on any meaningful level.

The pahrunts need to stop this shit about calling talented people of the past autistic, as if those people were still alive, it would border on being defamatory.
Whoops, I wasn't suggesting they HAD ASD, just saying it wasn't comparable to "public nuisance autism", which is what the kyds of the lowing moos have.

And yes I know the "Einstein failed evurythang so mah chyuld doesn't need to care about skool" is grade A bullshit! tongue sticking out smiley
At best, those inventors would be High Functional Autism, formerly known as Asperger's. What really seems to cause the "flappers" is the Autism + Usually Intellectual Disability (I did not want to use mental retardation but don't know what else to call the condition, forgive me) That is, the higher IQ seems to compensate for the "social problems" these people have.

Some in the autism community cite Temple Grandin the animal scientist as one who has invented things and has autism but even she has said that "kids need to learn manners and how to get along with others" so as not to excuse the bad behavior.
Yeah im sure they were all smearing shit on the wall and beating the crap out of everyone too
It is insulting to people who have Asperger's to be lumped in with shit smearers, oh but, high functioning ones. The "spectrum" is just too wide. Maybe soon anyone with sensory issues (raises hand) or any type of higher sensitivities will also be labeled autistic. There's the license claim illness and to lower standards and expectations for people with quirks.
It is insulting to people who have Asperger's to be lumped in with shit smearers, oh but, high functioning ones. The "spectrum" is just too wide.

Autism is a brain disorder and can be seen during scans. Not every sensory sensitive person carries a weird little brain.

When I was being diagnosed, I was given a scan. I remember as a loaf having wires attached to suckers stuck on my scalp for the doc to see what's going on. I remember seeing my skull after the scan. The skull pic left an impression.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
I am intelligent, introverted and generally disdain a lot of social interaction. I have "sensory issues" (I hate loud noises and seem to be notably sensitive to smells). I have taken online asperger quizzes and found that I'm no where near on the spectrum. I was actually hoping desperately to have aspergers because then it would be illegal for bosses to fire me for not being social enough.

Every smart, quiet introvert does not have autism, ffs.

Gawd I hate lists like these. Genius does not equal autism. I know the autismoos have to make themselves feel better somehow, but they really need to pick *actual* autistic people if they absolutely must make some weird little list of successful people with autism. Introversion and shyness do not equal austism!

Einstein (and Alan Turing, who they all seem to want to claim now as well) lived recently enough that there is substantial evidence from peers that they did not have any of the symptoms of austism. Einstein was weird for his time, yes. Weird does not equal autistic. FFS. And as much as I enjoyed The Imitation Game it chapped my ass that they wrongfully wrote Turing as a barely functioning autistic, when his peers at Bletchley (some of whom are still around, IIRC) have consistently written about him NOT being that way.

And Darwin being on the list is just ironically laughable, considering how many lower functioning flappers would Darwinize themselves if given a decent chance (save me a seat on the train to hell okay?)

I will admit though, I particularly love when an anti-vaxer puts up a list like this. I always have to resist the temptation to write the moron and go "There weren't vaccines in Jefferson/Mozart/Beethoven/Newton/whoever's time. You can't have both, so which is it?"

"Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live." - Oscar Wilde
I am intelligent, introverted and generally disdain a lot of social interaction. I have "sensory issues" (I hate loud noises and seem to be notably sensitive to smells). I have taken online asperger quizzes and found that I'm no where near on the spectrum. I was actually hoping desperately to have aspergers because then it would be illegal for bosses to fire me for not being social enough.

Every smart, quiet introvert does not have autism, ffs.

I'm pretty much the same - and there is nothing remotely wrong nor abnormal in being introverted.

There is no evidence that such famous people had any autism-spectrum condition. None. Zero. This myth started some years ago to help pahrunts of the fapper-and-flapper crowd feel good about themselves.

Yes. I've heard most people with autism are not part of the high functioning group anyways. Still, figure out a way to compare flappers to some of the most successful people who ever lived. The chances of the average person achieving the success of any of those listed is practically non-existent - perhaps winning the lottery jackpot one time. The mathematical odds of someone with autism matching the success are infinitesimally lower, I'd guess the same as winning the lottery jackpot consecutively for 5 years.

It isn't as glamorous or exciting but what about setting the expectation that parunts should consider themselves very lucky if their autistic is functional, happy, has an average IQ and can survive social situations.

Is this part of the "don't abort your baybeez, flappers, etc." because it could cure cancer argument?
Is this part of the "don't abort your baybeez, flappers, etc." because it could cure cancer argument?

Hey, they could contribute to the discovery of the cancer cure... test subjects.

(Yup, that's the train to hell pulling in...)
One pervasive myth about Einstein is that he failed numerous classes in school. The reality, as was shown years ago, is that his school changed its grading system while he was there by completely inverting it, so that if 1 = A and 5 = F in the past, the new system made it 1 = F and 5 = A. Or vice versa: can't remember which way the change went. When properly accounting for this as should be done, though, Einstein's scholastic performance was always excellent. (This fact about the grading system change, complete with reproductions of his transcripts, appeared in one of the many books dedicated to busting myths years ago.)

Germany uses 1 as the high grade and 5 as the low grade in the present day.

I agree with the rest, about diagnosing people who are long-dead based on the anecdotes that have been recorded.

Plus I always wondered what the point is of claiming you're like someone just because you have something in common with them. The accomplishments of your nation's sports team aren't yours. The glory of a Nobel prize that went to a scientist of the same gender as you doesn't reflect on you as well. The financial success of someone from the same cultural or ethnic group doesn't put money in your bank account. The public adoration of someone who shares a medical condition with you doesn't lead to you being lauded as well. If you use it as inspiration/role model I suppose that's fine, but it usually comes across as an attempt to bask in another person's light.

I guess I should take credit for everything good done by anyone human, since we have a species in common.
(save me a seat on the train to hell okay?)

*Hands Amethyst114 a train ticket, puts a train ticket in my pocket*



Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
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