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Words as sprog names

Posted by cfdavep 
Re: Words as sprog names
August 31, 2015
ex lurker
The puritans and the Victorians liked names that were also qualities:

Faith. Hope.Charity.Chastity.Prudence.Patience. Mercy. Joy. And I guess Ernest.

Then there's the "common noun as first name", also big in the 19th century, especially for plants and minerals:

Rose. Daisy. Basil(e). Beryl.Garnet.Opal.Pearl.Ruby.

Any of those names, while old fashioned, would at least be better than the names parents are saddling their children with these days...It's like parents breeders think their progeny will be armloaves forever, so it's perfectly OK to give the kid a name that will look really stupid on a resume : Tallulah Does The Hula From Hawaii, seriously? If I was the girl subjected to that, I'd cut my parents out of my life and legally change my name on my 18th birthday.

On reddit, there's substantial overlap between r/childfree and r/raisedbynarcissists. I suspect there's also overlap between narcissists and people who think having a kid=an opportunity to give the kid a name to make other parents chuckle appreciatively when they hear it: Pilot Inspektor,anyone?

Happily, said kid was taken from her breeders so her name could be legally changed. Also included is a few names that were declared illegal to name your kid:

Names that are illegal
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