Dear Prudence: a case of "my abortion was right, but all others are wrong"
August 20, 2015
The pro-liar must have a lot of confidence in the discretion of her HS friend. I'd have a hard time holding off from calling her out on this, to at least explain her totally bullshit hypocrisy. I believe I'd also rethink the honor of not "blabbing" vs disarming an enemy of a legal medical procedure. My only qualm would be that it might cause other people to question whether I could be trusted with sensitive information.


Dear Prudence:
I was raised by liberal parents in a small conservative city. One of my good friends from high school, “Wendy,” is a deeply religious evangelical Christian who spent several years after high school without much direction. During that time, she got pregnant and terminated the pregnancy. I was the only person she told because she knew I wouldn’t judge her. Wendy has subsequently figured out her life and become a mother and works in a respected career. We are in touch only on social media. She is rabidly pro-life, and with the recent news involving Planned Parenthood, she is posting a lot of vile pro-life literature: Women who have abortions are murderers, they are going to hell, Planned Parenthood is run by the devil, etc. I am bothered not only because I disagree with the content of the posts, but also because I know that this friend had an abortion. My husband thinks I should call Wendy out for her hypocrisy. He thinks I should privately message her and politely remind her that she herself was once in a desperate spot. I think that such a message would be seen as a threat. She may fear that I will tell other people about her abortion, and as much as I would love to air a conservative’s dirty laundry, I made a promise not to blab. But there is a part of me that really wants to call her out. What do you think?

—Liberal in Middle America

Dear Liberal,
I think your friend is maddening, but that contacting her would give neither of you satisfaction, and that outing her would be a violation and counterproductive. She’s a hypocrite, but if you were to publicly call her out, you’d look like a bully and wouldn’t change any minds. If you sent her a note saying, “Remember your abortion?” I agree she’d probably see it as a threat. She’d also likely parry your reminder. She’d say the reason she is so active now is because of her grave sin, one she has regretted ever since and which she hopes to keep other young women from committing. Since this relationship has dwindled to social media only, cut that final connection and get Wendy and her rants out of your life.
NEVER give an abortion to a fetus hugger! These women want to force other women to carry unwanted fetii, yet, it's ok for them to have an abortion.

Call this creature out, and be done with her.

Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Evan Davis
Fuck that, I'd out her, in all detail so people would know I wasn't lying and then ask her what made her abortion morally okay while any other female seeking one is an amoral slut? Or is this just a manifestation of her guilt over abortingAs far as I see it, becoming a rabid anti-choicer after exercising that choice when in that situation is a violation and renders the verbal confidentiality clause null and void.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
It's been posted here before, but this is a good thread to remind everyone of this great essay originally written in 2000:

"The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion: When the Anti-Choice Choose"

(The original link from a Canadian site with the essay is apparently long gone.)
I'd probably threaten to out her publicly if she didn't knock off the anti-woman bullshit. If she wants to keep her abortion a secret, that's okay. It's not really something most women want to shout from the rooftops. But to turn around and call other women who abort "murderers" is the definition of hypocrisy (What? A religious pro-lifer who says one thing and does something different? What a shock smile rolling left righteyes2 ). If she doesn't quit acting like a fuckbag, the author can air the bitch's dirty laundry for her. I bet Miss Fetus Humper won't get a lot of support if people know she's a "murderer" too.

I wish there was a way to give pro-liars a taste of their own medicine and force them to carry unwanted clumps to term. See how they fucking like it. Don't want to be pregnant, Cathy Catholic? Well, you shouldn't have opened your legs like a filthy whore. I don't care if you're married and you had a threesome with the married reverend and an altar boy and don't know which one knocked you up.
I'm going to get a little personal here. Normally, I just lurk. I have had an abortion before in 2013. I didn't know I was pregnant until I was 3 months in. There was no way I was going to keep it. I have no interest in being a parent. I always found babysitting other people's kids boring. Why have a kid of your own around? Plus, I was single after I dumped the father of the fetus due to him playing head games with me. I will not allow anyone to treat me like that and having a kid with a shitty man would tie me to him forever. Fuck that. To be honest, I only felt relief when it was over. I bet the ultra conservative wonan in the letter did, too. She is such a douche nozzle to post shit about abortion being wrong. I would totally unfriend her if we were friends on facebook. There's enough crap on facebook that I wouldn't want to waste my time on this either.
Since it has dwindled down to FB only friendship, it is therefore not a friendship worth saving...if it's there at all. Since that is the case:


Paste it all over her wall, paste it all over your wall with her name all on it. The hypocrisy is so astounding it HAS to come out.
I might PM her or unfriend her but I would not publicly out her.
When a friend comes to me with a private issue and I agree to keep the secret I will do unless that person, another person will be harmed or a law is being broken. It is quite possible the friend held different views when she had her abortion.
My husband used to be a conservative prolifer but he is now a liberal CF prochoicer.
Shrugs. People change. It is quite possible she believed what she did when she had the abortion and changed her mind. I don't know that "outing" what somebody thought or did in college serves much point. Beliefs change, people change, life goes on.
I might PM her or unfriend her but I would not publicly out her.
When a friend comes to me with a private issue and I agree to keep the secret I will do unless that person, another person will be harmed or a law is being broken. It is quite possible the friend held different views when she had her abortion.
My husband used to be a conservative prolifer but he is now a liberal CF prochoicer.
Shrugs. People change. It is quite possible she believed what she did when she had the abortion and changed her mind. I don't know that "outing" what somebody thought or did in college serves much point. Beliefs change, people change, life goes on.

That does make sense and I agree that people change. However, in this case, if she was a former acquaintance of mine, I'd see her as someone who seeks to do harm to a cause I support whole-heartedly.

And she is an egregiously dishonest person <---- that's the part that makes me wonder if the now merely FB friend is obliged to keep her secret.

If she turned to the side against abortion and now believes what she did was wrong, then she should use her experience to make herself a witness to its harm. As an evangelical Christian**, especially, she should feel called to witness. She had an abortion, she regrets it fully, and now wishes to reverse the legality. It makes her honest and even lends some nobility, since she truly knows whereof she speaks. Instead, she gives no indication of regret or a change of heart (as the letter writer makes it seem). She has become nothing but a damned lying rabble rouser and a freaking hypocrite.

I'd probably have to unfriend the bitch and try to forget I ever knew her. The longer I stew over her actions, the more pissed off I become and the more I would feel like replying "bitch, you aren't getting to heaven by the path you are taking."

**Took a shortcut and looked at Wiki, but Evangelical Christianity:


Evangelicalism, Evangelical Christianity, or Evangelical Protestantism[a] is a worldwide, transdenominational movement within Protestant Christianity, maintaining that the essence of the gospel consists in the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ's atonement

And, from an evangelical site:


Has God brought correction in your life? Perhaps an apology was what God placed on your heart. Don't pretend to always "have it all together". Look for opportunities to be honest about your shortcomings yet authentic about God's love... even in correction. Your honesty and genuine humility will be respected and it will cause some people to be curious about your faith-walk.
I'd post on her wall that sometimes women may find themselves in a really tough spot, particularly as a young adult when they are unable to afford a child. I'd state women can experience this even if deeply evangelical Christian as they may have periods of their life where they lack direction, particularly after high school. I'd just reduce her exact story down without pointing any fingers or naming names and mention no one is perfect.

If she confronts me about it I'd tell her not to take it personally and hope she has the sensitivity to remove it from her wall and stop shaming women about their choices. It would be worth it if she stops shaming others.

Then I'd remove her as a friend after a few days pass because she isn't a friend, she is a bully!
@freya: I think that's a really good idea. One can simply point to a circumstance without actually pointing to a person. She can even say that "I happen to know a few people like that" - maybe the bully will get the picture and back it off a notch.
And by the way, pro-liars get outed all the time. Just like the right wing bible thumpers do. It is fun for media to out someone who points their finger at everyone but himself.

It would not bring much entertainment to bring Ron Jeremy out and say that he slept with lots of women. He does not really care who does what on their own time.

Likewise, I am monogamous, but, I don't preach nor will I condemn any other lifestyle. Bringing out a number of women that I have been with would not get a blip on a radar screen. Having a hard core Catlic priest in a VIP room at a strip joint on a video getting it on with a stripper would probably get more than one hit on YouTube, to say the least.
I'd post on her wall that sometimes women may find themselves in a really tough spot, particularly as a young adult when they are unable to afford a child. I'd state women can experience this even if deeply evangelical Christian as they may have periods of their life where they lack direction, particularly after high school. I'd just reduce her exact story down without pointing any fingers or naming names and mention no one is perfect.

If she confronts me about it I'd tell her not to take it personally and hope she has the sensitivity to remove it from her wall and stop shaming women about their choices. It would be worth it if she stops shaming others.

Then I'd remove her as a friend after a few days pass because she isn't a friend, she is a bully!

The trouble with your first paragraph is that the simple-minded pro-lifers will just say that she "should have kept her legs shut" or "not have sex" if she doesn't want a baby.

The only response I've been able to give is that grown women have the right to have sex, and human beings are inherently sexual creatures, so it's unrealistic to tell people to "just don't have sex."
When people take on the role of trying to police other people's choices, they deserve to be outed as hypocrites.
The only response I've been able to give is that grown women have the right to have sex, and human beings are inherently sexual creatures, so it's unrealistic to tell people to "just don't have sex."

This is 100% true but pro-lifers won't admit it.
The only response I've been able to give is that grown women have the right to have sex, and human beings are inherently sexual creatures, so it's unrealistic to tell people to "just don't have sex."

This is 100% true but pro-lifers won't admit it.

I got into it with a pro-lifer on a YouTube video and all he decided to do was name-calling.

He presented no intelligent argument. I clearly stated I take my BC correctly, and have not had so much as a scare, yet he just didn't get it.

My argument, however, was logical.

There is no reasoning with these people.

Code was "GF69j". Haha.
I find that the most vocal Christians are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

I think you should keep whatever religion you want just keep it to yourself.
The only response I've been able to give is that grown women have the right to have sex, and human beings are inherently sexual creatures, so it's unrealistic to tell people to "just don't have sex."

This is 100% true but pro-lifers won't admit it.

I got into it with a pro-lifer on a YouTube video and all he decided to do was name-calling.

He presented no intelligent argument. I clearly stated I take my BC correctly, and have not had so much as a scare, yet he just didn't get it.

My argument, however, was logical.

There is no reasoning with these people.

Code was "GF69j". Haha.

The ones who resort to "you should have kept your legs closed" claim they're anti-abortion, but what they really are is anti-sex and anti-birth control. They're pissed as hell that women are out there enjoying sex without the punishment of having to raise a child. The whole save-the-fetus shtick is a secondary cause. Most pro-lifers don't even fully realize that sexual enjoyment is their main objection...but talk to them a while and eventually it comes out.
Most pro-lifers don't even fully realize that sexual enjoyment is their main objection...but talk to them a while and eventually it comes out.

Most pro-liars that I have encountered were simply brainwashed and did not have any kind of solid foundation for their argument other than a religious one. I would like to add that pro-liars are rarely against men having sex. Pro-liars are against WOMEN having sex. I will go one step further. Most pro-liar men are are pissed that women did not have sex with THEM - the pro-liar men. Their pro-liar approach is such that if a woman is not having sex with him [the pro-liar man] she then should not be having sex at all. There is a great degree of entitlement that pro-liar men have over women's bodies. The patriarchy that pro-liars promote is nothing less of criminal, yet, they are somehow sanctioned by law because of some ancient religious loophole.

I don't feel very good about what is happening in our legislature and a person of power who is willing to reverse all of the unfair abortions restrictions, that were ILLEGALLY imposed upon women, such person is guaranteed to have my vote.
Most pro-lifers don't even fully realize that sexual enjoyment is their main objection...but talk to them a while and eventually it comes out.

Most pro-liars that I have encountered were simply brainwashed and did not have any kind of solid foundation for their argument other than a religious one. I would like to add that pro-liars are rarely against men having sex. Pro-liars are against WOMEN having sex. I will go one step further. Most pro-liar men are are pissed that women did not have sex with THEM - the pro-liar men. Their pro-liar approach is such that if a woman is not having sex with him [the pro-liar man] she then should not be having sex at all. There is a great degree of entitlement that pro-liar men have over women's bodies. The patriarchy that pro-liars promote is nothing less of criminal, yet, they are somehow sanctioned by law because of some ancient religious loophole.

I don't feel very good about what is happening in our legislature and a person of power who is willing to reverse all of the unfair abortions restrictions, that were ILLEGALLY imposed upon women, such person is guaranteed to have my vote.

Yeah, I accidentally left out the gender weight on their enjoyment bias. Men are given a pass, because men don't get pregnant and are generally seen as adults, not as property to be controlled. These guys are scared shitless of female sexuality, and fuckin' HATE that women are out there having sex without the "natural consequences" of babies. They never, EVER heap that shit on sexually active men, though.
Yeah, I accidentally left out the gender weight on their enjoyment bias. Men are given a pass, because men don't get pregnant and are generally seen as adults, not as property to be controlled. These guys are scared shitless of female sexuality, and fuckin' HATE that women are out there having sex without the "natural consequences" of babies. They never, EVER heap that shit on sexually active men, though.

Yup, it's Anna's fault that Josh is a cheater. Men just want to have sex and can't help themselves. Women have to be the gatekeepers of morality. When we go around doing things such as enjoying sex, moral decline will surely follow.
I cannot think of a coherent comeback to the pro-life idiocy that is "face the natural consequences of sex" other than that sex is not a contract for pregnancy.

Another idiotic remark is when they say that people should take responsibility for their actions after having sex.

How, exactly, is having an abortion not taking responsibility?

Yup, it's Anna's fault that Josh is a cheater. Men just want to have sex and can't help themselves. Women have to be the gatekeepers of morality. When we go around doing things such as enjoying sex, moral decline will surely follow.

I don't care what people do or who cheats on whom. That's between the couple and what they've decided works for them.

But there are consequences to unbridled sexual activity, particularly for women which include unwanted pregnancy, and an increased chance of being infected with an STD. Guys certainly run a risk of these, too.

If a woman, however, does desire children at some point in the future, many guys are not looking for a woman with a high number of sexual partners. That is the reality, like it or not.
I would advise any woman to run away fast from any man who judges her number of sexual partnersm Asking for proof of no STIs? Fine. Agreeing on breeding or not? Fine. Being honest about existing chidren? Of course. But I found most men with the low partner count requirement to be hypocrites as they don't apply it to themselves. They also tend to be close minded about gender roles and expect women to become their mommy.
That may be "the way it is" but as soon as women stop putting up with this it will stop happening.
I would advise any woman to run away fast from any man who judges her number of sexual partnersm Asking for proof of no STIs? Fine. Agreeing on breeding or not? Fine. Being honest about existing chidren? Of course. But I found most men with the low partner count requirement to be hypocrites as they don't apply it to themselves. They also tend to be close minded about gender roles and expect women to become their mommy.
That may be "the way it is" but as soon as women stop putting up with this it will stop happening.

People can have their preferences. And my preference is to avoid men who think that my number of sexual partners determines my worth. I see nothing wrong with sex and look for people with a similar outlook.

Note, I see nothing wrong with people who want a low number of sexual partners provided they themselves also have a low number. But hypocrites like the pro-liar types...I wish them a lifetime of undesired celibacy.
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