Asshole breeder lets brat shred library material
October 08, 2015
This happened last week. One little fucker brought in a note from its Moo stating that not only had the little crotch maggot completely destroyed the book they borrowed from the library, but that Moo allowed the kid to rip the book apart. The reason? Moo felt the book was "pointless." The pointless material in question was a Star Wars book.

Moo is going to replace the book, but if she doesn't agree with the material her brat brings home, why can't she just, you know, tell the library staff, "Hey, I don't want my kid taking out Star Wars books anymore"? She could have avoided buying a book entirely by just being a sane human being.

I have a feeling there will be some meltdowns in the near future if this kid wants to borrow a Star Wars book and he's not allowed.
Re: Asshole breeder lets brat shred library material
October 08, 2015
KEEP THAT NOTE. If moo wants to start shit, whip it out and show it to her.
Re: Asshole breeder lets brat shred library material
October 09, 2015
Ban the moo and her little shit from the library (and all libraries in the area). Revoke their card privileges, too. If they can't respect property, then they can just buy every book they want/need. Moo won't let her destructive brat rip up shit she had to spend money on (unless she's a SHAM. Then it's not her money and she still won't respect anything).

I have and continue to read books that a lot of people may find "pointless," but it's READING. It's good for you. Reading everything I could get my hands on (and my parents being very liberal with my reading material) is what had me getting an almost perfect score on my SATs. It's why at age 7, I scored in the 99th percentile on the standardized literacy test we had to take and said I had an adult-level reading comprehension (why my parents were liberal with what I read).

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: Asshole breeder lets brat shred library material
October 10, 2015
Speculative fiction catches a lot of flak for being frivolous, in spite of the fact that it's often a very accurate predictor of future technological developments. Generally the people who complain about it the most are the ones who aren't smart enough to understand it. Great that this failure of a mother is passing on her willful ignorance and stupidity to another generation....
Re: Asshole breeder lets brat shred library material
October 10, 2015
Makes me wonder what this Moo would consider appropriate material for her little pweshus. It was definitely a book on the kid's reading level, so that wasn't it. Dumb, ignorant heifer. Makes me wonder if she lets her brat wreck other people's personal possessions because Moo finds said possessions to be pointless too, or if she tells the kid to ruin other kids' toys because they have them and her kid doesn't. I have a feeling this kid doesn't have a lot of friends if he acts this way toward things other than books.

Got another note from a different Moo a couple days later saying that her kid is not allowed to take home anymore books from the library at all. It's because the kid was an asshole and kept destroying or losing the books he did borrow and Moo got sick of buying replacement books. So for the rest of the year, that particular brat can't take library books home. That's going to be tough to enforce because the kid is eventually going to want to get more books. Plus, I don't know if we're allowed to refuse to allow kids to take home books at all; as far as I know, they are required to take home books.
Re: Asshole breeder lets brat shred library material
October 11, 2015
Got another note from a different Moo a couple days later saying that her kid is not allowed to take home anymore books from the library at all. It's because the kid was an asshole and kept destroying or losing the books he did borrow and Moo got sick of buying replacement books.

This is when Moo teaches her destructive brat a valuable lesson about destroying somebody else's property. Add up the cost of the replacement books and anything else that had to be replaced due to the little shit. If it's comparable to the Christmas present budget, that kid does not get Christmas gifts for the year. When he has the inevitable tantrum, Moo points out that he blew the Christmas budget by destroying and losing school property and Moo had to replace it all. When it negatively affects him, the kid is going to learn a few things.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: Asshole breeder lets brat shred library material
October 11, 2015
Proof positive that some Moos refuse to teach their shitstains to respect someone else's property.
Re: Asshole breeder lets brat shred library material
October 11, 2015
paragon schnitzophonic
Got another note from a different Moo a couple days later saying that her kid is not allowed to take home anymore books from the library at all. It's because the kid was an asshole and kept destroying or losing the books he did borrow and Moo got sick of buying replacement books.

This is when Moo teaches her destructive brat a valuable lesson about destroying somebody else's property. Add up the cost of the replacement books and anything else that had to be replaced due to the little shit. If it's comparable to the Christmas present budget, that kid does not get Christmas gifts for the year. When he has the inevitable tantrum, Moo points out that he blew the Christmas budget by destroying and losing school property and Moo had to replace it all. When it negatively affects him, the kid is going to learn a few things.

I don't know if that would fly. Then the lil destroyer will find out there is no Santa. Can't have that illusion shattered.
Re: Asshole breeder lets brat shred library material
October 12, 2015
the noodler
paragon schnitzophonic
Got another note from a different Moo a couple days later saying that her kid is not allowed to take home anymore books from the library at all. It's because the kid was an asshole and kept destroying or losing the books he did borrow and Moo got sick of buying replacement books.

This is when Moo teaches her destructive brat a valuable lesson about destroying somebody else's property. Add up the cost of the replacement books and anything else that had to be replaced due to the little shit. If it's comparable to the Christmas present budget, that kid does not get Christmas gifts for the year. When he has the inevitable tantrum, Moo points out that he blew the Christmas budget by destroying and losing school property and Moo had to replace it all. When it negatively affects him, the kid is going to learn a few things.

I don't know if that would fly. Then the lil destroyer will find out there is no Santa. Can't have that illusion shattered.

Coal in the stocking, further embarrassment Christmas morning when he does open the gifts.

'He knows when you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake'

They are having children for selfish and narcissistic reasons, or are simply irresponsible. Funny... Those are the terms often used to describe the CF

~Live, Laugh, Love~
Re: Asshole breeder lets brat shred library material
October 12, 2015
I don't think you can ban a child from their own elementary school library without a better cause than that.
Yes, this is a hell hole full of kids and idiot parents.
It is a school. Part of the job is dealing with this garbage.
Sorry, it sucks but it is what it is.
Re: Asshole breeder lets brat shred library material
October 13, 2015
I don't think you can ban a child from their own elementary school library without a better cause than that.

Yeah, another parent wanting the school to take the responsibility for the shitty job they've done raising their kid. Heaven forbid she just teach the kid not to destroy other people's property.
Re: Asshole breeder lets brat shred library material
October 13, 2015
I'm not sure we can do that either. That particular class has only come in one time since that note appeared (I didn't let him take shit home and he didn't seem too upset), so whenever the librarian is back at that location, she can figure out what to do about that kid. But if the brat is going to repeatedly lose/wreck books, he might get banned from borrowing materials temporarily until he learns how to take care of the damn things. I don't know, I let the librarian deal with shit like this because I don't know what kind of authority I have in some situations.

I think the school assumes that there will be the occasional damaged or destroyed book, especially with the youngest classes. But if this kid has a track record of losing or damaging every single goddamn thing he borrows, I'm personally all for him not getting anymore books until next year. Especially if Moo isn't going to be replacing them anymore.
Re: Asshole breeder lets brat shred library material
October 14, 2015
I was always taught to respect other people's property when I was growing up and still do. Why can't these people teach that to their kids?
Re: Asshole breeder lets brat shred library material
October 14, 2015
I was always taught to respect other people's property when I was growing up and still do. Why can't these people teach that to their kids?

Because they don't know how/don't care to be good parents? Teaching your kids takes time out of your busy schedule, and it takes effort. These people are way too self-absorbed to do that.
Re: Asshole breeder lets brat shred library material
October 14, 2015
That's why they send the brats to school, after all: so the teachers can not only educate them, but train the bad behavior out of them. Why should Moo care? She gets to dump her kids on someone else for a few hours, so she has no reason to care if the kids destroy shit. Unless, of course, Moo gets a bill for said shit, in which case the school is a bunch of money-grubbing assholes for daring ask her to pay for something her cancer curer ruined. Junior's gonna be paying those teachers' Social Security one day, dontcha know. (Where the fuck's the eye-rolling emoticon?!)

Breeders don't teach their brats to respect their own stuff, so the kids sure as fuck aren't gonna respect anyone else's. Why bother taking care of their own books/toys/clothes/games when Mommy will buy them new ones as soon as they break the old ones? The little monsters don't see library time as a privilege, so they have absolutely no reason to take care of the material. And you can't ban their asses from the library because the principal and all the other higher ups are pushing reading harder this year than in the past, so even if the kids set the fucking library on fire, they probably still would not be banned.
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