this will never be my life
November 06, 2015
My 20 yr old sister whos in college (not the autistic one), was arrested for shoplifting yesterday (stole a bunch of makeup from a dept store), now my parents are gonna have to shell out thousands for a lawyer, plus their paying for a fancy private college which she used to have a partial scholarship to but lost due to grades.

This will never be me.........
Re: this will never be my life
November 06, 2015
If I'd done that at 20, my parents would have likely been pissed enough to say "look up lawyers in the phone book" and end it at that.
Re: this will never be my life
November 06, 2015
But remember, all chyldrun are myracles
Re: this will never be my life
November 06, 2015
If, in some alternate universe I were to have sluiced and my kyd turned into a thief, I would cut them off of everything.

That's what your parunts should do, or else she will never learn from this. She will feel entitled to steal, because moommy and duhddy are bailing her ass out. Also, I would tell my loaf to pay for its own tuition. They should do the same, now that she's broken the law and shown that she isn't trustworthy.

I love how parunts preach that their little brats are myrukles, then they grow up and pull off shit like this. It has GOT to be a massive blow to the breeders' egos.
Re: this will never be my life
November 06, 2015
If, in some alternate universe I were to have sluiced and my kyd turned into a thief, I would cut them off of everything.

That's what your parunts should do, or else she will never learn from this. She will feel entitled to steal, because moommy and duhddy are bailing her ass out. Also, I would tell my loaf to pay for its own tuition. They should do the same, now that she's broken the law and shown that she isn't trustworthy.

I love how parunts preach that their little brats are myrukles, then they grow up and pull off shit like this. It has GOT to be a massive blow to the breeders' egos.

I duno if id be a hypocrite tho as far as law breaking because im an escort, although I dont think prostitution should be illegal, I dont feel entitled im just trying to make a living, but maybe im not cuz I think stealing is a world of difference from two consenting adults having a mutually beneficial meetup, but im still technically breaking the law although im no theif.
Re: this will never be my life
November 06, 2015
If, in some alternate universe I were to have sluiced and my kyd turned into a thief, I would cut them off of everything.

That's what your parunts should do, or else she will never learn from this. She will feel entitled to steal, because moommy and duhddy are bailing her ass out. Also, I would tell my loaf to pay for its own tuition. They should do the same, now that she's broken the law and shown that she isn't trustworthy.

I love how parunts preach that their little brats are myrukles, then they grow up and pull off shit like this. It has GOT to be a massive blow to the breeders' egos.

I duno if id be a hypocrite tho as far as law breaking because im an escort, although I dont think prostitution should be illegal, I dont feel entitled im just trying to make a living, but maybe im not cuz I think stealing is a world of difference from two consenting adults having a mutually beneficial meetup, but im still technically breaking the law although im no theif.

I don't put you in the same category at all, ladybug. I'm a phone ho myself, although it's legal, it's not all that different from what you are doing. You do this to survive. There is a HUGE difference between being an escort to survive and stealing a bunch of makeup like some little fucking entitled princess. I also think that prostitution should be legalized.
Re: this will never be my life
November 06, 2015
Yes while I need $$ to survive, I do actually love my job, sex work IS work even though the govt doesn't think so.

My sis is a bitch actually (shes adopted so we dont share same genes). Ive never liked her, sorry but its the truth. My parents will bail her out and it sucks, but its not my life and not my $$. And I know someday she'll be the golden one cuz she plans on having kids, if my parents throw this in my face down the line atleast I now have ammo smiling smiley. Shes it cuz my other sis is autistic and im not having any so...
Re: this will never be my life
November 06, 2015
Yes while I need $$ to survive, I do actually love my job, sex work IS work even though the govt doesn't think so.

My sis is a bitch actually (shes adopted so we dont share same genes). Ive never liked her, sorry but its the truth. My parents will bail her out and it sucks, but its not my life and not my $$. And I know someday she'll be the golden one cuz she plans on having kids, if my parents throw this in my face down the line atleast I now have ammo smiling smiley. Shes it cuz my other sis is autistic and im not having any so...

I feel bad for any future brats she may squat out. Why do I get the feeling that your parents will be all but raising this kid for her? Maybe because your parents sound like total doormats.

Why waste money on a lawyer if she fucking DID it? Plead guilty, do your time, and don't be stupid by pulling that shut again in the future.
Re: this will never be my life
November 06, 2015
Yes while I need $$ to survive, I do actually love my job, sex work IS work even though the govt doesn't think so.

My sis is a bitch actually (shes adopted so we dont share same genes). Ive never liked her, sorry but its the truth. My parents will bail her out and it sucks, but its not my life and not my $$. And I know someday she'll be the golden one cuz she plans on having kids, if my parents throw this in my face down the line atleast I now have ammo smiling smiley. Shes it cuz my other sis is autistic and im not having any so...

I feel bad for any future brats she may squat out. Why do I get the feeling that your parents will be all but raising this kid for her? Maybe because your parents sound like total doormats.

Why waste money on a lawyer if she fucking DID it? Plead guilty, do your time, and don't be stupid by pulling that shut again in the future.

I agree and feel bad for her future kids too. And ur absolutely right about my parents. Shes probably done this before and never got caught til now. She even showed klepto tendencies as a toddler, for example she took a bunch of my beanie babies and hid various locations around her room, when caught she just shouted "u gotta share!" I pointed that out to my mom she didn't think it was an early sign but I do. They never punished her for it either they just laughed, oh well bed made lie.
Re: this will never be my life
November 07, 2015
I have NEVER understood the mentality of "Oh no!! [Person] is in JAIL! That's the worst thing EVER!! We have to bail them out, right now... We'll just bankrupt ourselves, I guess. It doesn't matter, because this logical consequence is NOT happening to OUR family!!" And the bratty behavior continues, and they have the audacity to wonder why.

Does it not occur to these people that they're PAYING for a CRIME? Something bad they did? They don't neccessarily HAVE to come out, and it might be a good thing that they're in there? Don't get me wrong, mistakes can be made, and people can be in the wrong place at the wrong time, but... Well, let's be honest, that's the exception, not the rule.

If someone asked me to help pay someone's bail, I'd ask, "What are they in for?" And I'd ask to see the papers in case they lied.
Re: this will never be my life
November 07, 2015
She actually got a DAT (desk appearance ticket), so no bail was necessary, parents are paying for lawyer
Re: this will never be my life
November 07, 2015
I duno if id be a hypocrite tho as far as law breaking because im an escort, although I dont think prostitution should be illegal, I dont feel entitled im just trying to make a living, but maybe im not cuz I think stealing is a world of difference from two consenting adults having a mutually beneficial meetup, but im still technically breaking the law although im no theif.

You're right: stealing is a world of difference away.

I don't think sex work should be illegal, either. Your line of work doesn't involve harming others, taking what's not yours, or destroying property. It's a business transaction between consenting adults. Consensual sex acts between adults shouldn't be illegal.
Re: this will never be my life
November 07, 2015
I'll join in on the illegalites by burning some Opium ~

~ scented incense. Ha.

I do like to smoke some weed - this is quasi legal here though.

I do not do criminal things. I have no desire to harm others. And I've had plenty of others harm me, no worries. And this includes stealing from stores, shoplifting - this does harm others too, it harms us all. What the stores lose they make up for by raising prices and cutting labor pay. The rank and file workers, GOD FORBID! any Mgmt. pay, stock options, or even expense accounts be cut. Not even trimmed in the least. Of course NOT!

So - shoplifting, price switching, whatever various scams - it just hurts *everyone* which is mostly people like you.

I make OK money, I have alot of bills. And even more lately - Car and Dentist. Perhaps they are conspiring against me?

I have not had the urge to STEAL anything, though! Esp. some make up - which - if you felt you REALLY needed it - Uh, you can get like a 99 cent eyeliner pencil at Walgreens. And plenty of things in the $3 - $5 range. IMO if one can't cough up these low bux - they don't need what they're stealing.

And for what, too? Bring all sorts of ($$$ expensive) problems down upon you?

Wow. How STOOPID can you be?

Ahhhhh ~
Such an abundance of MORONS! in this world!

I have Moronic Famblee too, no worries. One relative's kid recently got a DUI. He isn't really a 'kid' either - early to mid 20s. Lives on his own too, with a GF I believe. Parents did cough up the $ to pay for some, if not all of *this*. Which IIRC was in the 7 -10K range.
And get this - this kid *wasn't drunk* - he was high on weed. EYEROLL! HOW GODD DAMNED DUMB CAN YOU BE??? Uh - Sonny Boy - if you wait a half an hour or so - that shit *wears off*.

What an AMATEUR!

smoking smiley

And evidently his 'explanation' - to the parents - was - "I was dizzy".


I have plenty of relatives who are even WORSE than this! AYE CARAMBA.

And yeah the Parents here - are nice enough people, rather Typical Suburban Breeder Types - but they're also kind of -
Re: this will never be my life
November 09, 2015
She goes to a Catholic college if they get wind of this she maybe thrown out
Re: this will never be my life
November 09, 2015
oh yeah *Thou shalt not steal.*

"Consensual sex acts between adults shouldn't be illegal."
-> I agree. Some laws don't make sense to me.
Re: this will never be my life
November 09, 2015
sorry, I think your parents are idiots for bailing her out.
Dr L has spoken to people with extremely similar scenarios: namely moo and duh bailing out a no goodnik, coddling, etc.
It may well be they consider you able to take care of yourself and this 20 year old as a failure (ultimately, and sadly undercutting the 20 year old even more although I think she's too dumb to realize it) your parents are afraid of this reflecting on them.
Your parents narcissistic?

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: this will never be my life
November 09, 2015
No but their big softies (with her). I was the oldest so they disciplined me plenty, then my autistic sister came, then several years later they adopted her (the thieving bitch). When she was adopted my autistic sister started puberty and went apeshit, so they really didn't have time or energy to give her the discipline she needed (I think they had no business taking on a 3rd child considering how needy my autistic sister was but nothing I could do about it). All her life they threatened her with punishment constantly but would never follow through. As a kid she was constantly foistered onto me as they dealt with autistic one (for example when I had friends over my mother wouldn't keep her away cuz she didn't wanna deal with tantrums, at 12 I concluded it wasn't worth it to have friends over as it meant I had to keep a toadler occupied, and I didnt wanna bratsit anymore than I already had to). , now im out of the house and they get to deal with her.

My mother always considered her the easy one (well duh cuz wen she got difficult she made me occupy her!). She was an entitled little shit back then and still is today. They wouldn't bother to teach her to occupy herself so when she threw a tantrum it meant I had to play a game with her to keep her busy. My only relief was naptime. She delt entitled to som occupying her at all times. I remember one night in middle school I had two tests and a fuck ton of homework, but she cried that I never play with her(bullshit! Ok ok I got away from her anytime I could lol) so my dad forced me to play with her, wouldn't let me wait til the weekend it had to be right now, and I couldn't finish my homework that night, got in trouble with teachers and did poorly on both tests. My teachers didn't believe me when I said my parents forced me to play with my bratster.
Re: this will never be my life
November 09, 2015

Does it not occur to these people that they're PAYING for a CRIME? Something bad they did? .

This! I also don't get people that cry about the treatment of prisoners. There was a youtube video where people tried Nutraloaf and, at the end, said they think prisoners should be treated better. It really ticks me off. Prison isn't supposed to be a five star hotel. Prison is supposed to be a place to put the murderers and rapists of the world, if they get off the hook of the death penalty which, again, I feel is totally justified for some people.

Cost of inexpensive makeup: $4-10
Cost of a lawyer: $2,000+
Having to shell out 500 to 200x the cost of makeup to pay for the lawyer: Priceless

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Re: this will never be my life
November 09, 2015
She actually tried to steal $80-100 worth of makeup
Re: this will never be my life
November 10, 2015
Oh. Still, that's less money than a lawyer. If she can't afford makeup, she can't afford a lawyer. All that's I can think of to say with this new information in mind is that at least it isn't you. It must be a blow to their romanticized perception of her that she got shoplifting. Hopefully they are a little disillusioned now.

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Re: this will never be my life
November 11, 2015
still looking for attention

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: this will never be my life
November 11, 2015
UPDATE: its now come out that she stole from two stores in the mall, first one she got away with initially then they caught her at the second one. The police figured this out when they emptied her bag.
Re: this will never be my life
November 11, 2015
wonder who your parents will turn to when they get too old and need help themselves..
and on the other foot, who will they try and dump these golden shits onto...(who is gonna take care of the autistic). 'would you bail shittina out again? she's in jail and her sex trophies miss her..'
btw, I always wonder why parents force one kid onto another when it is obvious the two despise each other. sometimes I think parents are dumber than the some ways.

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.

Re: this will never be my life
November 20, 2015

Court date is in mon, parents paid for attorney, my sis wont have a record. Shell just do 10 hrs of community service, take shop lifting class, and record will be clean in 6 months, in other words a slap on the wrist. I was hoping for atleast some supervised probation.
Re: this will never be my life
November 22, 2015
No she won't. As long as Dad pays the tuition, she'll get to go there, the Catholic colleges need the money too much.
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