Moos Kicked Out of Dollar Store Over Brats' Behavior
November 16, 2015
Good to see that someone has the guts to tell these cows off and throw them and their calves out when it is clear the calves can't behave like human beings.

Moos Kixked Out of Dollar Store
Re: Moos Kicked Out of Dollar Store Over Brats' Behavior
November 17, 2015
The number of commenters who support the store clerk is heartwarming. Maybe we're reaching 'Peak Brat'?
Re: Moos Kicked Out of Dollar Store Over Brats' Behavior
November 17, 2015
This is what happens when you only listen when people scream at you.
Re: Moos Kicked Out of Dollar Store Over Brats' Behavior
November 17, 2015
Four brats each and one of the baby daddies is in the can? I'd wager that the store clerk and manager are telling the truth, the moos are lying, and that the kyds were acting like hellions in the store. They deserved what they got. It doesn't matter how much they whine about being treated unkindly, it is unkind to go into a store and disrespect the property and people inside. I scanned the top comments, and it seems that at least some people are in agreement to this.

ETA: These bitches probably thought, "Oh, it's only a dollar store. I don't care if the kyds trash the place, everything is only a dollar!11!!" That kind of attitude is disrespectful and it doesn't matter WHERE they go. They are not teaching their brats a single thing by allowing this kind of behavior. My mother would have CROWNED me if I ever acted like that in any store, dollar or otherwise!
Re: Moos Kicked Out of Dollar Store Over Brats' Behavior
November 17, 2015
It's not just our CF imaginations. EVERYONE seems to be noticing that parunts simply do not control their brats and want to blame everyone else when someone says some thing against them. I have been told a few times that I can not tollerate kids because I dont' have any and don't understand. Then why is it that people who DO have them (pnb's) are now complaining about these hellions? Oh we all understand... PARENT YOUR DAMN KIDS and don't blame everyone else when you get called out on your lack of parenting.

I fear for our future on so many levels.
Re: Moos Kicked Out of Dollar Store Over Brats' Behavior
November 17, 2015
Good. BNPs need to learn: control your kid, or you are not welcome in public places.
Re: Moos Kicked Out of Dollar Store Over Brats' Behavior
November 17, 2015
Have you seen the picture of one these moos and her brats? Three step-girls on the side, and a golden penis next to mummy. What do you want to bet, that they were popping them out until they got one?

" ... what's one more once you've already got two shedding on the couch?"
Re: Moos Kicked Out of Dollar Store Over Brats' Behavior
November 19, 2015
The number of commenters who support the store clerk is heartwarming. Maybe we're reaching 'Peak Brat'?

I certainly hope so!
Re: Moos Kicked Out of Dollar Store Over Brats' Behavior
November 19, 2015
I always loved the "you don't know what it's like because you don't have kids" crap. You don't need to have fuckin' kids to know when they're being assholes. I don't need to be a surgeon to know that someone fucked up when I wake up from surgery with a pair of forceps sewn into my abdomen.

Doesn't surprise me in the least that the Moos outright lied about their brats' behavior. Oh sure, their gaggle of eight kids were being perfect little angels and the staff just decided to scream at them for absolutely no reason. Isn't it nice how that version of the story makes the Moos and their spawn out to be victims and the store entirely at fault?


"You could have said what you needed to say in a nice way.”

Well here's the thing. Saying things nicely usually doesn't get the point across to breeders because they're fuckin' stupid. And to Moos, "say it in a nice way" means to not say anything negative in regard to their kids' behavior, to dote on the Moos, let them cut to the front of the checkout line and potentially give them free stuff so they will continue patronizing the store. If Moos can't be bothered to parent their kids, then someone else just might step in and do it for them.
Re: Moos Kicked Out of Dollar Store Over Brats' Behavior
November 19, 2015
Those kids would have to be behaving like monkeys on crack to get hoofed out of dollar store.
I hope that society no longer tolerates idiots behaving so badly in public.
Re: Moos Kicked Out of Dollar Store Over Brats' Behavior
November 19, 2015
we constantly see the under stating of brat behavior by moos. this is not surprising in the least.
seems some other shoppers stated the little bastards were out of control

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Moos Kicked Out of Dollar Store Over Brats' Behavior
November 19, 2015
Okay, I'm sorry to break the flow of discussion, but I have to ask one thing: Why in the name of Cthulhu's tentacles does she have a shoelace tied around her head?!
Re: Moos Kicked Out of Dollar Store Over Brats' Behavior
November 19, 2015
Okay, I'm sorry to break the flow of discussion, but I have to ask one thing: Why in the name of Cthulhu's tentacles does she have a shoelace tied around her head?!

Looks like a return to the awful headband trend from the 80's. Not one of the decade's better looks.

It takes a child to raze a village.
Re: Moos Kicked Out of Dollar Store Over Brats' Behavior
November 19, 2015
"the moms said their kids weren't behaving any worse than others"

Now this is something I never doubted... grinning smiley
Re: Moos Kicked Out of Dollar Store Over Brats' Behavior
November 19, 2015
Okay, I'm sorry to break the flow of discussion, but I have to ask one thing: Why in the name of Cthulhu's tentacles does she have a shoelace tied around her head?!

Looks like a return to the awful headband trend from the 80's. Not one of the decade's better looks.


But on topic, it's encouraging (and hilarious) to see everyone calling out moo on her bullshit.
Re: Moos Kicked Out of Dollar Store Over Brats' Behavior
November 19, 2015
I always loved the "you don't know what it's like because you don't have kids" crap.

I bet those moms don't own a store. Or don't have a job in a store. Or any other job. So they don't know what it's like to have your store messed up because of unruly kids.
Re: Moos Kicked Out of Dollar Store Over Brats' Behavior
November 20, 2015

This!! I work in retail now and before that in restaurants and kids are the worst. {Right after are the rude moos and the people who make you bend over backwards for them trying coupons or ordering special orders and then change their mind and don't get anything anyway}.moody smiley Moos should be forced to work ten hour shifts with rude customers and shreikikg sprogs before they let their sprog out in public, it would teach them to control the beasts.

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
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