Warning: Vomit inducing - GrandDuh wants babbyconfused smiley
February 08, 2016
Powdered Sperm Gramps wants babby at 70

Yep, another rich Septagenerian and gold digger wants a babby through IVF. He's some loaded ex-owner of a rugby team, and she's another Anna Nicole Smith who's hooked a sugar grandpaps (vomit). Oh, but it's 'all about our love (hurl) and a babby!)

Tell me now that they're doing this for the benefit of the loaf, seeing how gramps has about a decade left in him, and the fact that his desiccated sultanas only produce powdered and rancid yoghurt, full of defecto swimmers and mutations... requiring medical science to work. Yes, 'really beneficial to the babby!'

What's the bet the gold digger gets knocked up by the pool boy, and passes it off as gramps' own - seeing how he wouldn't know after the dementia kicks in and drops in a decade. I guess Moo can cry herself all the way to the bank...
But I'm being mean... after all it's all about Lurve, and nothing about some selfish desire from a rich geriatric who can't accept his own limitations.
Re: Warning: Vomit inducing - GrandDuh wants babbyconfused smiley
February 08, 2016
I think that it is so romantic, age is just a number! * irony off
Re: Warning: Vomit inducing - GrandDuh wants babbyconfused smiley
February 08, 2016
The kid will be much better off is baby-daddy is the pool boy. Healthy young swimmers.
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