1139 - Profanity
March 29, 2006
Well fuck my shit. They're just goddamned words, and they aren't actually going to physically hurt anyfuckingone. If I want to cuss like a rat slapping sailor, or someone with tourettes, I'm going to do it because I'm a grown up and I can. You'd better just grow some balls, be a parent and explain to your kids why you don't want them using the words they just overheard. Oh yeah, and if that's the worst thing you've got to talk to your kids about, you can also come over and give me a big ol'Thank You kiss on my ass.
Re: 1139 - Profanity
March 29, 2006
Hey! Fucking glad you posted that fucking post!!!! Imagine parents explaining to their fucktards what curse words are!
Re: 1139 - Profanity
March 29, 2006
i swear in german, german is a wonderful lang for swearing.
anonymous guest
Re: 1139 - Profanity
March 29, 2006
Don't care about profanity in public, since I do it myself quite often since I'm pissed off about a lot of things that go on during the day. If breeders don't like it, then they can kiss my hairy ass.
Anonymous User
Re: 1139 - Profanity
March 29, 2006
This fucking shit drives me the fuck nuts. I'm a baseball fan, and now they can KICK YOUR FUCKING ASS OUT OF THE FUCKING BALLPARK for any form of cussing, including wearing a *Yankees Suck* T-shirt.

I'm sorry, but it's a fucking SPORTING EVENT, not a *Barney on fucking ice* show. I can see not being allowed to swear at an event especially designed for kids, but I have no reason to go to any of those, anyway.

But I resent having to watch my mouth at a ball game; if I even say to DH that so-and-so player sucks, we could get kicked out.

Besides, the little shits cuss even worse than I do. I live up the street from a school, and I hear the little fucks outside walking back and forth to school. Every other word out of their mouths is *fuck*, *shit*, *motherfucker* and such.

Finally, what are the little fuckmonkeys doing at an adult restaurant at 10PM anyway?

Fucking breeders. They just want to foam-pad the whole world so that they don't have to actually PARENT. I fucking hate them all.

And if you lurking breeders do not like the profanity in this post, then FUCK YOU!
Re: 1139 - Profanity
March 29, 2006
I try to be better about profanity in public. I may be miffed if I hear it but it is because I do the same thing. The things that often bug me are often my own worst traits. I am learning to worry more about myself and my actions unless what someone does directly affects my well-being and that would be more than words. Curse away... grinning smiley
Re: 1139 - Profanity Hey Feh
March 29, 2006
Just had to say that the phrase "rat slapping sailor" is just fucking hilarious!
Water Lily
Re: 1139 - Profanity
March 29, 2006
Sometimes I wonder why breeders NEVER put their kids early to bed. Kids that stay up late, well, of course they are going to be cranky. DUH! hitting over the head with a hammer
Re: 1139 - Profanity
March 29, 2006
I remember being in kindergarten and cussing at my teachers badly enough to make a sailor blush. I never watched anything besides cartoons, though - I learned my lovely R-rated vocabulary from my mother, who never made it a point to try and watch her language around me.

As far as cussing now, I still do it, but I'm nowhere near as bad as those kids who speak every other word with cursing. I don't care who is around me, though...if I want to swear, I damn well will, even if I've got four little sproggen standing within earshot. I'm not going to be nicey-nice for someone else's kids.
Re: 1139 - Profanity
March 29, 2006
Fuck them!
I learned to cuss from the adults around me not from tv, movies or video games. Parents have been busting thier kids for cussing for ages it's no different. They want to cuss because they feel grow up doing it and because their not suppose to.

It's the parents fault they use that kind of language, if they would, I dunno, pay attention to what their kids are doing and did some parenting maybe their kids wouldn't cuss at them.

May I suggest a belt.
Re: 1139 - Profanity
March 30, 2006
Ah, who the hell cares. They are just words. I've had a mouth like a sailor since I'm about 10 but I know where and when to use profanity. I don't even know where I learned it from. 80% of the people in my acquaintance don't even know I curse. Get over it soccer moms and go give your kid a time out.
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