The parunts got an emergency injunction to stop tests for brain activity.

Now that's been lifted and the hospital will start performing the tests to determine whether the kid is brain dead.

The two year old kid choked on a popcorn kernel. (Aren't parunts supposed to keep stuff like that away from toadlers?)

According to medical personnel, the kid isn't showing any brain stem activity.

Story here
Parents are stupid.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
"Small parts. Choking hazard. Keep away from children under 3."

Can't these pahrunts think logically and reason that if something like a toy or water bottle is stamped with that warning, and popcorn kernels are about the same size as those "small parts" that they should keep their toadler away from it?!

It's ironic that many of us are more paranoid about what gets in our pets' mouths than these parents are about what their offspring shove into their pieholes.

"And, pray that my daughter passes her test. If not, she'll go home and be with God,” Lawson said holding back tears.

Hopefully they stick with that realistic attitude and don't fall to temptation brought on by public attention to make it another Jahi-style circus.

And a pox on the fucking media. Headline after headline blares "chance for life." I refuse to do anything more than scan the list of headlines on Google's news feed. Those effers aren't going to get another *click* from me. It's as if the writers imply that someone is going to take life from her, when it's likely gone already. Typical hysteria to try and bring people to their site.
aes sedai
It's ironic that many of us are more paranoid about what gets in our pets' mouths than these parents are about what their offspring shove into their pieholes.

I'm a cat lady, but I had a dog once for a few days (found his guardian and he went home). I know next to nothing about dogs, so I read up on the basics. I learned that the most important command to teach is "leave it," so that you can prevent the dog from swallowing something harmful, like a dropped pill. Anyway, the dog learned it in an afternoon. Are dogs that much smarter than toddlers?
aes sedai
It's ironic that many of us are more paranoid about what gets in our pets' mouths than these parents are about what their offspring shove into their pieholes.

I'm a cat lady, but I had a dog once for a few days (found his guardian and he went home). I know next to nothing about dogs, so I read up on the basics. I learned that the most important command to teach is "leave it," so that you can prevent the dog from swallowing something harmful, like a dropped pill. Anyway, the dog learned it in an afternoon. Are dogs that much smarter than toddlers?

Yes they are.
aes sedai
It's ironic that many of us are more paranoid about what gets in our pets' mouths than these parents are about what their offspring shove into their pieholes.

I'm a cat lady, but I had a dog once for a few days (found his guardian and he went home). I know next to nothing about dogs, so I read up on the basics. I learned that the most important command to teach is "leave it," so that you can prevent the dog from swallowing something harmful, like a dropped pill. Anyway, the dog learned it in an afternoon. Are dogs that much smarter than toddlers?

Dog cat human age

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
aes sedai
It's ironic that many of us are more paranoid about what gets in our pets' mouths than these parents are about what their offspring shove into their pieholes.

I'm a cat lady, but I had a dog once for a few days (found his guardian and he went home). I know next to nothing about dogs, so I read up on the basics. I learned that the most important command to teach is "leave it," so that you can prevent the dog from swallowing something harmful, like a dropped pill. Anyway, the dog learned it in an afternoon. Are dogs that much smarter than toddlers?

The average dog is a fucking genius compared to the average toadler.
aes sedai
It's ironic that many of us are more paranoid about what gets in our pets' mouths than these parents are about what their offspring shove into their pieholes.

I'm a cat lady, but I had a dog once for a few days (found his guardian and he went home). I know next to nothing about dogs, so I read up on the basics. I learned that the most important command to teach is "leave it," so that you can prevent the dog from swallowing something harmful, like a dropped pill. Anyway, the dog learned it in an afternoon. Are dogs that much smarter than toddlers?

Dog cat human age

My boyfriend has an African Grey parrot.
They can have intelligence similar to a 3-4 year old human.

"4. African Greys are extremely intelligent.

Intelligence is probably one of the main factors making the African grey one of the most desirable companion birds available today. The most famous grey of all, Alex, and his owner, Dr. Irene Pepperberg, may just be the reason for the popularity surrounding the grey. Alex, now 23 years old, is the continuing subject of a research study conducted by Dr. Pepperberg and her students at the University of Arizona. Using specialized techniques that involve repetition and reward, the researchers have taught Alex to recognize and identify verbally close to 50 objects, 7 colors, and 5 shapes. Alex can understand the concepts of category, same and different, and can even count. Someday researchers believe that Alex may even be able to learn to read. This is far more than just mimicry. Alex is actually able to think in abstract concepts and quantify objects with over an 80% accuracy rate. Imagine living with a creature that is able to understand what you are saying to the degree that a three or four year old child would understand. That’s a lot of animal!

Because this species is so intelligent, boredom and inactivity can lead to frustration.... (snip) ...
Because researchers have had such great success with Alex, Dr. Pepperberg, now doing research at MIT in Boston, is training another grey, Arthur, to use the Internet. Eventually, Pepperberg hopes, parrots will have access to the World Wide Web and will surf to alleviate their boredom, and perhaps will even be able to video conference with their friends. Be nice to your grey—he may someday have access to your computer!"

I frequently show my boyfriend's African Grey bird videos on my laptop and smartphone.
A few weeks ago, she was walking across the counter at a pet store and stopped at the owner's laptop and indicated that she wanted to watch a video.
The pet store owner was surprised by the whole incident until my boyfriend explained the history she has with desired video-watching and laptops !
I had a kitty who I taught to play tag, she learned the word no, walked on a leash, and at one point self-taught herself to bark. She could also open many doors despite being about 12' tall. She could also catch her own food, was litter box trained within 6 weeks and could feed and bathe herself.
She had the common sense not to swallow pills and the like. She did have a catnip addiction though. She could also do a great many more things I've neglected to add.

Better, way better than a 3 year old human!
My boyfriend has an African Grey parrot.
They can have intelligence similar to a 3-4 year old human.

I have an Amazon and I can vouch for this. He follows commands, understands good vs. bad behavior, and can even talk in context. This bird is probably more knowledgeable about what he should and shouldn't be chewing on than most toadlers.
aes sedai
My boyfriend has an African Grey parrot.
They can have intelligence similar to a 3-4 year old human.

I have an Amazon and I can vouch for this. He follows commands, understands good vs. bad behavior, and can even talk in context. This bird is probably more knowledgeable about what he should and shouldn't be chewing on than most toadlers.

I totally get the speaking in context thing. Conner answers things correctly all the time, and uses the correct words at the correct times. He also cracks his own jokes and laughs at them. He's much smarter than any toadler I've ever met, and not only that, but he can fly.
I don't think it is a Jahi thing; the parents want to give her a chance because she was not declared brain dead. Docs think they are postponing the inevitable.

If they remove her from the machines and she does breathe on her own, then they can deal with it. If not, then she really is brain dead and they seem to accept that.

Would a popcorn kernel be big enough to completely obstruct an airway?

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Just got a new magnet for my car/fridge..... "my dog is better behaved than your kid"

Still stand by my other one "My dog is smarter than your honor student"

Nuff said!

I don't think it is a Jahi thing; the parents want to give her a chance because she was not declared brain dead. Docs think they are postponing the inevitable.

According to the article


And even though this court decision was made earlier in the afternoon, Mirranda's father Patrick Lawson says he refuses to have doctors perform this test on his daughter without a court order.

In essence, tests to confirm Mirranda is brain dead will move forward, which is a devastating blow to the Lawson family, who are holding out hope the toddler will somehow recover.

It sounds as if he didn't want her tested. They may be medically ignorant people....once you are declared brain dead, your brain doesn't magically re-generate itself.
George Carlin sums up my view on it well enough...
Y'know, tragic accidents happen. Health care has come a very long way in a couple of generations, but sometimes, there's nothing more that can be done. There's a point at which it's time to stop the life-saving measures, because there is no life left to save.

From the article:
In essence, tests to confirm Mirranda is brain dead will move forward, which is a devastating blow to the Lawson family, who are holding out hope the toddler will somehow recover. “The only thing I can hope is that I bought my daughter enough time to 'practice' for her test," the emotional father said. "And she's going to have to take her test now,” But, in court, Dr. Doug Wilson, head of the pediatric critical care unit, testified **Mirranda is unresponsive and has no signs of brain stem function, which controls breathing.**

Grieving is a part of life. The hospital is under no obligation to enable delusional thinking, or the facade of 'health care'. It's time to switch off the machines and just let the girl go. There is no 'recovery' from death.

Speaking of Jahi, how's she doing in school this year? /extreme sarcasm

eye rolling smiley

Speaking of Jahi, how's she doing in school this year? /extreme sarcasm

eye rolling smiley

Accepted into Harvard. Planning on majoring in political science.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."

Speaking of Jahi, how's she doing in school this year? /extreme sarcasm

eye rolling smiley

Accepted into Harvard. Planning on majoring in political science.

More likely than her studying to be a nutritionist/dietition....
Jahi needs to be let go so she can finally have her Cheeseburger in Paradise.
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