This stupid MOO had EIGHT c-sections (it's not advised to have more than 3 as can cause serious complications) and got DVT, and her legs were amputated. Stumpy is now hoping for compensation.
Re: Stupid MOO has eighth c section and becomes a big fat stump
May 29, 2016
Somebody REALLY needs to put a "So, was it worth it?" caption under one of those pics
Re: Stupid MOO has eighth c section and becomes a big fat stump
May 29, 2016
Who in hell needs to have 8 chyldrun for.

And if they are on welfare - really, isn't the UK going to run out of money soon for all the freebies its handing out its citizens?

Stupid bint.
The doctor should have just sewn a zip-fastener on her belly after the first C-section, eliminating the need of cutting and sewing every time...
Re: Stupid MOO has eighth c section and becomes a big fat stump
May 30, 2016
tea princess
The doctor should have just sewn a zip-fastener on her belly after the first C-section, eliminating the need of cutting and sewing every time...

Better still, he should taken the opportunity to sterilise her.
From the article
Doctors performed an emergency hysterectomy on Ella and gave her five blood transfusions - which in almost all cases of placenta accreta is required to save the mother's life.

So she is sterile now. This is what happens once you have too many children, Moo. You knew very well that it was dangerous to keep having c-sections as it could have lead to a risk of not only your life, but your baby's as well. Now karma has come back and kicked you in the ass. The hospital did what was right, what they had to do to save your life. You couldn't consent so your partner did.

This is your own dam fault so stop mooing and lowing to a lawyer! If you hadn't chose to have this many brats you wouldn't have lost your dam legs. It's a good thing you can't crap out any more!

They are having children for selfish and narcissistic reasons, or are simply irresponsible. Funny... Those are the terms often used to describe the CF

~Live, Laugh, Love~
Re: Stupid MOO has eighth c section and becomes a big fat stump
May 30, 2016
Some people cannot be grateful their lives were saved. Sometimes I think suing medical services when no malpractice was involved should result in you not being eligible for future medical care.
Re: Stupid MOO has eighth c section and becomes a big fat stump
May 30, 2016
Holycrap, this woman is two years older than I am and she's had eight fucking kids. She started at 18 and has been pregnant for a vast majority of the last 13 years, with six of them being born within a decade. That's fucking sickening, and I imagine the older kids would just get more and more neglected as Moo kept right on sluicing a nearly-annual loaf. Nobody needs that many goddamn kids. Both Moo and Duh said they wanted a big family, so, what, seven damn healthy kids wasn't enough for their selfish, greedy asses?

Course not! With breeders, it's all ME ME ME GIMME GIMME GIMME and fuck anyone else who might be affected by their decisions, including their existing kids. So they went fully bareback and let the chips fall where they may in classic breeder fashion, a.k.a. We're Not Trying, But We're Not Not Trying, Tee HeeTM. Hope it was all wooooooooorth it for that eighth brat because, had they just stopped at seven, Moo would still have her legs. Fuck, I'm surprised she didn't have complications sooner. Is it not rather dangerous for a woman to keep on getting pregnant after a C-section? And this bitch had one with each pregnancy. Doesn't that make the uterus more likely to rupture along the C-section incision area? She didn't seem to have issues with any pregnancies beyond her first one, so she just kept on rollin' the dice, assuming that her luck would never run out. Her ass should have stopped at seven - it's a lucky number, after all.

To be fair, if the doctors did, in fact, neglect her care while she was in a medically-induced coma, then she can definitely easily sue if their negligence led to her needing to have her legs chopped off. Moo or not, that's most likely malpractice. But I still place all the blame on the Moo. If she didn't have to be so fucking greedy and have another brat (with a dumbass name to boot), she'd still have her legs and would still be able to live a relatively normal life with her unnecessarily large family. But NOOOOOOPE, her kids weren't good enough to sate her breeding fetish and now she's a fucking cripple. I'm sure the lesson that could be learned here will go right over her head because nothing is ever Mommy's fault, and while I'm sure a settlement from the hospital will soothe the wound a little, but she's going to be totally unable to be a proper mother to all eight of her children. Dumb cunt.

I just hope her more sentient children will learn something from this. Maybe it'll scare some of them into being childfree. And now I'm sure they'll all grow up to be Mommy's l'il caregivers, and I guarantee Moo will start becoming mighty salty about the loss of her legs and will begin to resent the loaf whose incubation resulted in the amputations.
Re: Stupid MOO has eighth c section and becomes a big fat stump
May 30, 2016
Too bad she didn't research the dangers of that many C sections to her Pinterest account. Maybe she was too busy researching how to suck more money from the government or perhaps placenta milkshake recipes. You know. The important things.....
I feel bad for the older children. Undoubtedly they've been designated caregivers for their younger siblings because there's no way Moo and Duh(s) can keep up with eight kids, but now they've become their moo's caregiver. Their childhood has been ripped away and they will never be granted a life that is fully theirs until they manage to wrench themselves away from this trainwreck. That itself will be difficult because you know StumpMoo will thickly lay on the guilt trips.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: Stupid MOO has eighth c section and becomes a big fat stump
May 30, 2016
At least her baby oven is gone now, because had they managed to save it, she would have gone on breeding, even without legs.

I'm glad this place exists so I can write that.
Re: Stupid MOO has eighth c section and becomes a big fat stump
May 30, 2016
I'd feel bad for her if there was no warning of complications of a bunch of back to back C sections. But the doctor warned her to stop after 3. So, no pity for your stupidity moo.

This was completely unavoidable and there are lots of physically impaired people who didn't have a way, let alone multiple warnings to avoid being physically impaired.
Re: Stupid MOO has eighth c section and becomes a big fat stump
May 31, 2016
She could try to sue, but she doesn't have a leg to stand on...

I'm going to hell. I know. the finger smiley
Re: Stupid MOO has eighth c section and becomes a big fat stump
May 31, 2016
She could try to sue, but she doesn't have a leg to stand on...

I'm going to hell. I know. the finger smiley

What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: Stupid MOO has eighth c section and becomes a big fat stump
June 01, 2016
When a medical professional advises you not to do something, the easiest way to save your hide (or your limbs in this case) is NOT DOING IT.

Then it was "I didn't know I was at that much risk". Right, because you were probably fucking around on your cell phone when the doctor warned you.

If this greedy cow wanted such a huge famblee but had actually listened to the fact that it was ill-advised for her to go under the knife more than twice then why the hell didn't she just adopt? Because all the brats had to be Our OwnTM after that behind-the-coucher she squatted out when she was 18. Yes, I can imagine it is a horrifying thing to wake up and find out both your legs were amputated below the knee, but when such a thing is completely preventable by not incubating any more brats and morons like this go ahead and breed anyway, it makes me want to repeatedly smash my head against the wall mourning the stupidity of the human race.
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