More Moo Blogger Lowing
June 01, 2016
If you can stand to read this "the cruelest thing [all those nasty horrible commenters from the interwebs] ever told me as a mooooooother tripe:

I'll take my scalpel to it later.
Re: More Moo Blogger Lowing
June 01, 2016
What does this moo not understand about a public blog/attention whoredom? Unless she has been under a rock she would have figured out any kind of social media presence is going to result in both positive and negative comments. If she can't handle harsh criticism then limit the moo and lowing to her Fakebook friends.

She is either incredibly stupid, looking for udder rubs or wants positive/negative attention for her blog.
Re: More Moo Blogger Lowing
June 02, 2016
I was having some trouble with the webpage due to my browser, but all I read was "Wah, wah, wah. People are so meeen."

Maybe she should do something else with her free time besides post every waking moment of her kids lives on the net.
Re: More Moo Blogger Lowing
June 02, 2016
I love how even her description says that she shares stories and solidarity on her moo blog. Solidarity with whom?! There are billions of mothers out there and millions of moo bloggers alone. When I think of standing in solidarity with a group of people I think of a group that has been hit with prejudice or at the very least gross misunderstanding--yeah, kind of like us. eye rolling smiley

Scalpel out.

Butthurt Moo
I am blessed with good comments on my website. Generally, everyone is really nice. I occasionally get comments that start with "I feel really sorry for your kids..." and I just trash them. I don't need to hear that garbage. Particularly from people so pathetic they trawl mummy blogs and columns written for parents just to insult the women writing them. I'm not here for that.

Translation: I only respond well to udder rubs. Some entitled soapbox moos who give underlying messages that they want everyone and anyone to feel sorry for Sickleigh, and while she doesn't announce that with a virtual loudspeaker, she's not much better. By saying she trashes these comments she's only putting herself up on a pedestal as the high and mighty moo who loves pity showers but refuses to admit it. And exactly WHO trolls mommy blogs? Not the childfree who do not care about parenting. We just post this crap here to vent how moos have a superiority complex while we keep getting "selfish" and "heartless" hurled at us by the very same cattle who leave their pwecious psenauflaykes to sizzle in the backseat rotisserie of a hot SMooV.

Butthurt Moo
But sometimes comments stick with me and they hurt. Not just comments on here (though I'll get to that..) but just comments in general.

It's THE INTERNET. You know why I see at least one "I read the comments" on my Fakebook feed every day? Because teh interwebs are full of butthurt. And if you're easily butthurt, the solution is so easy even the Geico caveman can do it: stay off the fucking internet.

Butthurt Moo
I've never really understood the "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me" adage. Names and words do far worse than break bones: they can stay with you for months, years... forever.

Were you cutting kindergarten or something? Or were you so pumped full of oxytocin after sluicing you've just come to that realization now? Let me tell you something, moo, as a person who has been bullied for real, who has been endlessly harassed and gaslighted. Someone who had already suffered from PTSD for years and went into several full-blown nervous breakdowns because of workplace bullying. That kind of psychological violence to your face is far worse than some troll with a fake avatar who lives in his grandma's basement. Internet comments may sting momentarily like antibiotic spray on a cut. So what. The sting goes away and you don't get an infection.

Butthurt Moo
When you think you've moved on from them they wake up with the baby at 3am and sit at the back of your brain. They cloud over your eyes as you try to focus on just enjoying a moment with your children.

I'll take a stupid troll any day over a shrieker waking me at 3 a.m.

I'm going to skip over that pathetically saccharine poem she stuck in the middle because I really don't want vomit all over my keyboard.

Butthurt Moo
All parents have to deal with hurtful comments at some point. It seems to just come with the territory. But just because it comes with the territory, and it's common, it doesn't mean it's OK. It doesn't mean we should just accept it.

Oh, this is a "privilege" only parents get? Just like every single other thing in the universe? Is parenting the only territory anything comes with? Let me tell you something, entitlemoo. I write (professionally) for several websites and I get some really asinine and butthurt comments that slide over my thick scaly skin like rain. Of course it's not acceptable for people to act like idiots. But the fact that they're loser enough to waste hours of their time coming up with the most perfectly worded missile to fire at an author they don't even know makes me laugh hysterically.

Butthurt Moo
And cries of "just ignore them!" do not help at all. If we could ignore them - we wouldn't be upset by them. And the "who cares what other people say" often comes from people who say mean, sh*tty things and use that defence. Who cares what they say means who cares what I say and it's so convenient to have no care for the impact of your words...

Go back to my disinfectant spray comment. Then again, it probably won't work for you because if you're like the rest of the 999,999 moo bloggers out there, your'e butthurt because anything attacking you indirectly attacks your chyyyyyyyullllld and we all know that's the worst crime anyone can commit.eye rolling smiley

Butthurt Moo
I've blogged before about my son's health journey. I don't talk about it much. It's difficult to talk about. But his condition is behind one of the most unintentionally hurtful comments I've received, and that's what I want to write about.

Then DON'T TALK ABOUT IT IN CYBERSPACE! The rest of the article pretty much repeats this ad nauseum, so I'm going to put my scalpel down right here and shake my head for the sad spectacle of humanity.
Re: More Moo Blogger Lowing
June 02, 2016
I agree with aes sedal. If you put your life on the internet, you are inviting dissent. If you can't handle that, don't put your life on the internet. It's like reality TV stars bitching about "haters."
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