Moo gets bitched out for taking off for miscarriage
August 23, 2016
Her third miscarriage in two years, I might add. My comments are in red.


(My birthday is on a state holiday and rapidly approaching. I recently found out I am expecting and am very excited as this was a long time coming. But she says further down that it will become her third loss in two years. That's not a "long time coming." I research my HR options for both during and after the pregnancy and have a firm grasp on the rules. In our office we essentially log our hours and submit them to HR for payroll processing, and notify our team and our managers of absences and doctor’s appointments, etc. Very early on, we have some concerns and my doctor indicates that working from home is my best bet to a healthy pregnancy. A couple of weeks go by and I resume working at the office. At our next appointment, the doctor indicates a strong possibility that our baby won’t make it and may have already passed. We’re devastated and I take the rest of the day off.)

Me: “Team, we just found out our baby may have died. I need the rest of today to try to cope. I may work from home tomorrow.” At the risk of sounding like a bitch, shouldn't she be used to losses by now? Why do serial miscarriers always act surprised when they have their third, fourth, fifth, sixth or so on loss?

Team: *all sends supportive messages and emails and encourage me to take all the time I need*

Me: *essentially the same email to another supervisor* “I know I had an assignment due, but due to the possible death of our baby I won’t make the deadline. I will submit it by tomorrow at four pm at the latest.”

(A supervisor not on my team, but someone I need to work with, chimes in.)

Supervisor: “You’ve been here long enough this should have only taken 20-30 minutes. This is unacceptable.”

(The next day I read all of these messages and work from home. I complete the assignment and submit it.)

Me: “Again, I apologize for the delay. I know this isn’t my best work, but given the circumstances I hope you understand. If you have any questions please let me know.”

Supervisor: “This is simply unacceptable. I expected a lot more from you given your length of employment here. Your personal life is no excuse for poor work performance.” Sounds to me like management is sick of her shit since she's done this "woe is me, my clump is dead" crap for the third time.

(A week passes and we have had two follow-up appointments. Both confirm our worst fears: that things aren’t going well and that our baby has indeed passed. As this is our third loss in two years we’re ripped to pieces and have no answers as to why. Well then quit getting fucking pregnant if you're so prone to miscarrying! You can only have so much sympathy for someone when they sit there and do the same goddamn thing expecting different results each time. I again email my team that I’m not working the rest of the day, but will work from home the next day, unless I’m having surgery.)

Team: “We’re so sorry for your loss. We hope you take the time you need to heal and to get the answers we know you need.”

(After confirming surgery date and time I send a follow-up email and indicate I’ll use our allotted five days of bereavement leave to both grieve and recover.)

Team: “We hope it helps you get answers. Please let us know if you need anything.”

Boss: “I’m sorry for your loss. Please submit a doctor’s note so we can add it to your record and reconcile it with our payroll system.”

(I’ve used bereavement leave, PTO, and car accident leave many times in the past and I’ve never been asked for doctor’s notes or funeral programs at this company. Management is probably skeptical at this point about how legitimate her claims of a dead clump are since she's done it so many times and most likely needed time off work each time. They probably thought she was faking this pignancy because of the big deadline she had and wanted to try and get an extension on it, or have an excuse to be lazy and do a piss-poor job. I'd be suspicious too, given how often this cow has premature clump descents. When I’ve gotten them in the past they usually tell me to keep them or they toss them.)

Me: “I’ll submit whatever you need. Please just indicate the specifics so I can have my doctor prepare what you need.”

Boss: “Just any note that will indicate why you’ve been working from home for a week or so, and why you want to take a week off, immediately following your birthday.”

(I send a request to my doctor’s office.)

Doctor: “So basically they want a note explaining that I’m doing my job, you’re doing yours, that you didn’t make up your baby, the ultrasound images you’ve shown people at work, or your baby’s death, and they want you to prove to them that you need time to recover from surgery and heal emotionally from the death of your baby?!” Like I said, management probably thinks she's lying in order to get out of doing work. Since women don't start showing until around 4-6 months, it'd be very easy for any woman to say she's in the early stages of pregnancy and then "miscarry" all without any change to her waist size. I don't think an employer can outright ask a woman if she's lying about her serial miscarriages without risking a lawsuit, so the next best thing they can do is ask for a doctor's note.

Me: “That pretty well sums up my understanding. Thank you, doctor!”

Doctor: “I’ll give them a list of medical jargon so complicated they won’t understand more than five words. If they have a problem with that, tell them to contact an attorney, I have more important things to do than explain why my 20 years of medical experience trumps their over-reaching tactics to have some documented reason to try to get rid of a great employee after such an awful life experience!” I don't really see why asking for confirmation that Moo wasn't lying through her teeth is an "over-reaching tactic," especially if she's taking off multiple sick days at a time, more than once a year for a completely voluntary condition. Maybe they very well are trying to fire her because they're sick of her pissing and moaning over a dead clump twice a year and wasting company time or dragging down productivity while everyone else on the team feels sorry for her.

Also this doctor is doing this Moo no favors by writing a bullshit note. In fact, I'd say that filling a note full of senseless medical jargon will make it look even more like Moo could be faking it. Like she just went on Google and looked up some ten-dollar words to slap together. It wouldn't be too hard for management to look up any of the jargon in the note, so for Moo's sake, hopefully the bullshit this guy is writing down is relevant to her dead clump. Because if they suspect it's a made-up note, they could very well probably try to fire her.

All the more reason to NEVER hire a breeder.
Re: Moo gets bitched out for taking off for miscarriage
August 23, 2016
First off, working from home means working from home. So, not turning in a report due to whatever reason and working from home isn't acceptable. Either work from home and complete the work or take the day off. This is bad enough because she is essentially demanding to be paid while admitting she isn't willing to turn a report that is due that day and only takes 20-30 minutes to complete.

I have no idea why any woman would need to work from home (which obviously she isn't doing) plus another week of vacation time for losing a zygote or gamete (10 total days) when she isn't even sure if she lost the zygote or gamete.

If I were her manager and had witnessed her doing this three times in two years I'd shudder to think about the time off/sympathy she'd milk if she carried to term. Or lost another zygote/gamete. Or lost a fetus that is far enough along that she actually knows she is losing it and may require surgery, is that going to be a 3 or 4 week vacation?
Re: Moo gets bitched out for taking off for miscarriage
August 23, 2016
Considering how our society basically gives pregnant women a free pass for everything, I'm going to have to assume this woman has played the sad moo card an absurd amount of times and her employer has long since run out of sympathy.

Also, the interactions with the doctor seem really exaggerated, especially that last tirade about "trying to get rid of a great employee!" How would the doctor know if she's a great employee and why would he/she care? And do doctors actually even write those notes? Every time I've gotten a letter for work it's been a generic form letter with my name and expected return date. I'm pretty sure the nurse just plugs in the relevant info, prints it out, and hands it to me.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Moo gets bitched out for taking off for miscarriage
August 23, 2016
1. First of all, she automatically demanded to work from home for TWO WEEKS the minute the sperm hit the egg, using some trumped-up doctor's excuse.

I've had friends who miscarried and their doctors told them: if you are going to miscarry, it's nothing you did to cause it. Even going on total bed rest isn't going to delay the inevitable.

Her co-workers, if they don't get the same access to telework for equally-thin reasons, will be rightfully pissed off.


Team, we just found out our baby may have died. I need the rest of today to try to cope. I may work from home tomorrow.”

It sounds to me like she's malingering and milking the baybee excuse for all it's worth. Note: at this point she knew nothing. Her baybee could have been okay. Okay, so take the rest of the day and come back tomorrow ready to work. But clear your deadline before you leave. See if management can reassign it to someone else or do it yourself. She could have gone home and still done the job. And plus, if the assignment was due that day, wouldn't she already have most of it finished? It does sound as if she's trying to ditch her responsibilities because OMG FETUS MAY BE EXPIRED.

I myself have worked while waiting for a biopsy for myself, or waiting on bad news about a relative. We all have stresses and demanding to work for home isn't going to change the situation or solve anything. It's called being professional and doing your job.

3. Her boss needs to ask for the paperwork to cover himself and the company for treating everyone equally. Why is this so hard to understand?

4. I suspect the issue here is using bereavement leave. Sick leave would be more appropriate, but she's probably burned through all that with losing three clumps in two years.

What happens if she loses someone close to her and needs that bereavement leave? (5 days is very generous--the company I work for gives you ZERO--if you need to go a funeral, use your PTO.)

I suspect the company is keeping books on her and waiting for her next clump crisis. If she runs out of leave, her only option will be leave without pay or disability, if she's in the U.S.

I think it's also very suspect that she proclaims to have a "firm grasp" of the rules. Sounds like someone who is working the system.
Maybe I'm a bitch, but reading this, all I could think was how annoying it is that she keeps calling her sack of cells a "baby." This erroneous idea that anything that MAY AT SOME POINT become a baby IS a baby is why abortions are condemned. The thing in her uterus is not a baby. It is a fertilized egg, or that lizard looking thing from bio class {I can't remember what they are called, but it looks like a lizard with gills.}

If anything that MAY AT SOME POINT become a baby IS a baby, then every post pubescent girl / woman alive is a murderer everytime she has a period and doesn't get knocked up.

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Re: Moo gets bitched out for taking off for miscarriage
August 24, 2016
If she was such a valuable employee with job skills beyond filling Slurpee machines, a smart boss would accommodate her unexpected need, knowing that finding a suitable replacement would cost more time and money. But all signs point to management being sick of her excuses and job performance. She thinks she can wave the DEAD BABY flag and get her five days off for a cell mass that couldn't survive outside the uterus.

And you know the childfree workers in the office are muttering, "Her third time off in three years? Jesus. Then when she comes back she bawls all day and leaves early. I'm not signing the fucking sympathy card."

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: Moo gets bitched out for taking off for miscarriage
August 24, 2016
Bereavement leave, for a late period?
Re: Moo gets bitched out for taking off for miscarriage
August 24, 2016
It is a fertilized egg, or that lizard looking thing from bio class {I can't remember what they are called, but it looks like a lizard with gills.}
'Embryo' is probably what you might be thinking. smiling smiley
Re: Moo gets bitched out for taking off for miscarriage
August 24, 2016
I'm going through a bad time with my depression. Every morning it's a fight to get myself ready and out the door for work. All I want to do is go back to bed and sleep. When I get to work I'm so overwhelmed by the thought of having to be there for eight hours that a black cloud of doom descends on me and I have to fight back tears.

I still get the fuck up and go to work. Given, my job performance may not be stellar right now, but I still DO it. I'm actually working harder than ever, because now I have to juggle work and doctor/counseling appointments.

The world can't just stop because you're sad. I owe it to myself, my husband and my employer to put in the effort. Yes, exceptions should be made - like the time I couldn't stop crying at work and HAD to go home. But taking multiple days off and missing a deadline because MAYBE something happened? People like this are why responsible people can't take a friggin' day off without getting the third degree or feeling guilty about it.
It is a fertilized egg, or that lizard looking thing from bio class {I can't remember what they are called, but it looks like a lizard with gills.}
'Embryo' is probably what you might be thinking. smiling smiley

Yes, embryo, thank you! I had to look up a picture of an embryo to be sure O.O the horror...but yes, embryo.

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Re: Moo gets bitched out for taking off for miscarriage
August 24, 2016
I always thought embryos looked like little alien shrimp. And yeah, I hate when women refer to their embryos as "babies" because they aren't babies yet! I think some people honestly believe that, the second conception occurs, a fully-formed infant suddenly appears and all it does is get bigger for the better part of ten months. Embryos/fetuses don't start even looking human-like until the end of the second trimester. Personally, I don't think it earns the title of "baby" until it comes out. Until then, it's an embryo or a fetus.

And because this woman is a wanna-Moo, she's also probably got her finger on the lawsuit trigger - if her employer doesn't give her her own way in regard to her "necessary" clump-mourning time off, she'll run screaming to HR or corporate and start threatening to sue. I guarantee management has their eyes on her and is probably actively looking for ways to fire her ass. And imagine how much worse she'll be if she does wind up with a clump that sticks, or if she has another problematic pregnancy that requires extensive monitoring, treatment and bed rest, or she just wants to take a day off to cry and eat ice cream because BAYBEE. Then she'll constantly be shirking deadlines because she has to go home and wipe her kid's nose or she'll have to come in late a few times a week because her kid threw a 90-minute tantrum about how their sock felt funny.

And Moo's gonna be up the creek without a paddle if a REAL emergency ever comes up that requires her to take time off work, like one of her parents having a heart attack or having to go identify her partner's body or she gets really fucking sick with something like mono that knocks her on her ass for a month. She'll have pissed away all her personal, sick and bereavement leave on clumps. So she'll have to take unpaid leave. Eventually, the people she works for will get sick of her constantly taking time off, either for legitimate or bullshit reasons. They'll boot her ass out and hire someone more dependable. She's on very thin ice, so it'd be in her best interests professionally to quit getting herself knocked up since she's just going to have more miscarriages.
Re: Moo gets bitched out for taking off for miscarriage
August 25, 2016
Maybe I'm a bitch, but reading this, all I could think was how annoying it is that she keeps calling her sack of cells a "baby." This erroneous idea that anything that MAY AT SOME POINT become a baby IS a baby is why abortions are condemned. The thing in her uterus is not a baby. It is a fertilized egg, or that lizard looking thing from bio class {I can't remember what they are called, but it looks like a lizard with gills.}

If anything that MAY AT SOME POINT become a baby IS a baby, then every post pubescent girl / woman alive is a murderer everytime she has a period and doesn't get knocked up.

You're not a bitch. Or I'm one, too, because that's all I could think, as well. This crazy moo didn't lose a baby. No baby ever existed here. She lost a clump of cells that had no thoughts or opinions or feelings. She may have lost her hope for a baby, but that's entirely different from losing an actual human being.
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