Re: Kinda crashed a gender reveal party.
October 01, 2016
I think she just made a mistake, people do, especially someone who is 19. It is possible that she was really being hounded to attend these events and kinda lost it on them. It is best in the future to stand up to people when they are hounding you and just say NO.
Re: Kinda crashed a gender reveal party.
October 01, 2016
It did actually happen and I since have apologized and took her out to lunch to make amends.

I was just very angry about how no one even gave a shit about any of my acomplishments. Here this woman doesn't even have a GED and just gets knocked up its celebrated. I still shouldn't have acted that way and next time I'll just stay home or something. I still don't like her, but I am glad I smoothed things over.

You guys are right that I did act immature and I own up to that. I just hope you guys don't hate me for this, I didnt mean to ruffle anyones feathers here.
Re: Kinda crashed a gender reveal party.
October 01, 2016
Well I don't hate you. Did you act immature? Maybe. But in my opinion, familiar obligations mean null. You owe your SIL nothing simply for virtue of being your SiL

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Re: Kinda crashed a gender reveal party.
October 01, 2016
Maybe because I'm a guy, I'm glad she gave that gift! If it were up to me, every museum, zoo, park, any place that does environmental education would have free condoms in their rest rooms and PP information in the ladies room. SS, maybe you should take that facebook remark as a compliment. Was it PP or an actual abortion clinic? If you and she are Catholic, you believe that Planned Parenthood = Abortion.
Re: Kinda crashed a gender reveal party.
October 02, 2016
You don't need to have a relationship with her, if you don't enjoy her company. It's just petty to make it your mission to make someone else unhappy out of your own jealousy (out of her getting positive attention for doing nothing). Just disassociate yourself from things that you don't like instead of bringing on the drama and you'll be a much happier person.
Re: Kinda crashed a gender reveal party.
October 02, 2016
Squiggly, I get it, I really do. What you did sounds like something I might have done myself at 19, but now that I've gained several years experience (aka over 30) I've realized how much power there is in subtlety. There is a lot to be said about the power of The Look or a snide half-whispered comment sort of directed at her but not really so she goes batshit trying to figure it out. Your SIL is obviously a troll. The last thing you want to do with trolls is feed them, because then they grow even more heads. These attention whores crave attention like they crave cans of frosting while inpig--even if the attention is negative. Attention is attention to them. Starve the moo-troll of any more attention. She'll get hers when she realizes all the pink balloons and diaper brownies aren't so cute when she's screamed awake at 3 a.m. to clean up a real diaper brownie.
Re: Kinda crashed a gender reveal party.
October 02, 2016
I was just very angry about how no one even gave a shit about any of my acomplishments. Here this woman doesn't even have a GED and just gets knocked up its celebrated. I still shouldn't have acted that way and next time I'll just stay home or something. I still don't like her, but I am glad I smoothed things over.

You're 19, sounds like you graduated high school and are child-free. Not sure about the background of the people who don't care about your accomplishments are but in 5 years think where you'll be in comparison to SIL whose bound to consider her biggest accomplishment sluicing. Many people aren't capable of being happy for someone else who has accomplished more than they have due to jealousy/insecurity.
Re: Kinda crashed a gender reveal party.
October 02, 2016
I always have a good chuckle at how these brainiac moos react. "I hope you never get to experience the joy of bringing a new life into the world." As if our feelings would get hurt. dancing They are truly pathetic.
Re: Kinda crashed a gender reveal party.
October 02, 2016

Right?!! You tell someone you don't want kids and they then say "I hope you never have them!!" As if that is some sort of curse. Yeah, I hope I don't either? Why is it that when I say I hate Brussels sprouts no on says "I hope you can't eat them!", as if to provoke me to jealousy, but if I say I hate kids, it's all "I hope you can't have them?" Do breeders actually want people to have unwanted children? Really?

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Re: Kinda crashed a gender reveal party.
October 02, 2016

in 5 years think where you'll be in comparison to SIL whose bound to consider her biggest accomplishment sluicing.

Ya know, that's a great point.

And speaking of accomplishments, the one accomplishment that adults should have firmly in hand prior to sluicing is having a skill and ability to support oneself. This is particularly important for women. Being able to support oneself has so many benefits, one of the most important being that you don't have to take crap or stay in an abusive relationship with a mayn or with family.

And of course, if you are a woman and you want to commit the economic liability called having children, you'd better be able to support them too. Single Moo-hood is a sure-fire ticket to poverty.

I don't know your SIL, but I already know she's doing something stupid. You say she doesn't even possess a high school diploma. I would assume she's relying on your brother to support her and the loaf.

She's one man away from welfare, which isn't a great financial or life plan.
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