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The crazy bitches have a "Describe your miscarriage" forum (selected tales)

Posted by kidlesskim 
The crazy bitches have a "Describe your miscarriage" forum (selected tales)
September 20, 2008
I just bumped into this one while lurking on a crazy moomie site and here we go again with their glorifying their disgusting bodily functions. There's 285 comments on the subject so I just skimmed some off of the top.
(If you care to see them all)

1)"...So I went to the bathroom and as soon as I sat down, PLOP! I fished it out and it was the placenta. It was kind of the size and shape of half of a large banana. I didn't see a sac which is what I really wanted to take a look at. I thought maybe it had broken and was part of what I thought was a membrane on the placenta.
I left if alone for a while but then went back to it because I just had to take a look at this wonderful thing that my body had made..... I still felt like it was a special and marvelous thing.... I had to pop it to look inside in case there was something there that the u/s didn't see....After that I put it in a baggie and put it into the freezer.... I just feel as if I should respect it and keep it and do something cool with it. I made it! I'm proud of it anyway. It's what made my boobs sore for 2 months. It's an amazing thing.......
I'm amazed at my body for doing it on its own. This is the first birth I've had where my body decided when to birth and not a doctor....."
("birth"? ok whatever)

2)"...I heard a huge plop in the toilet and when I looked down everything was red except for this little sac and when I picked it up I saw my little baby. He looked exactly like a 6 week old fetus looked in my books, except for only one arm bud had started to develop. He was still in the sac and I could see eyes, a heart, beginnings of a spine, a little tail that was beginning to dissapear.... I was holding my tiny littly baby in my hand and sitting on the toilet bleeding....We buried him in the back yard.."
(ummm, it's a medical impossibility to visually see a "baby" with the naked eye at 6 weeks gestation, much less it's sex)

3)"... I had to talk to my doctor on the phone. She told me that I was going to miscarry, but didn't tell me why and I was too shocked to ask. I was just stunned silent. Anyway, I spent about two weeks walking around knowing I was carrying a dead baby. What made it even worse was that my best friend found out she was pregnant when I found out I was losing my baby. I had to spend time with her knowing she had a live baby and I had a dead one inside me. This is horrible of me to say, but during that time I wished she would lose hers too...."
(wow, what a caring friend and a display of unsurpassed selfishness)

4)"... the last bit of placenta/sac was stuck at my cervix and i was in excruiciating pain with a sudden high fever, i needed help ... the ER OB was very kind, and understood i was wanting a natural miscarriage ... she talked me and my husband through a manual extraction..."
("manual extraction"?? I am not sure I want to know)

5)"....when I miscarried at 12 weeks before, it was all a huge gush of blood & clots, all at once. I sat on the toilet and passed a lot of stuff. DH came in and held my hand. I looked down and there was something stuck to me, hanging. It was gray. I thought it was the placenta or something. I tried to bounce a little to get it to come off, but it wouldn't. I took some tissue to scrape it off, and realized it was my baby. No sac., just my poor baby's face there looking up at me.."
(Again, this is not possible. She did NOT see her "poor babybee's face", and it CERTAINLY wasn't "looking" up at her)

eye rolling smiley"Baybees" looking up at them from the toilet paper, blood clots in Ziploc freezer bags, backyard burials, fishing through toilets for remains, squatting on the commode with a blood clot in the palms of their hands and claiming they see eyes, arms, etc........is a clear cut sign of some sort of a mental disorder or defect. I wonder if their husbands are aware of it and just don't want to say anything or if they believe this nonsense as well? confused smiley
This is just plain sick.
This is from the dawn toilet.
They should flush the so-called fetus and forget about it.
Even worse they tried to fish it out, like fishing out a baby from the sewer.
Maybe we should message them to say we see outlines of faces in our feces. "Wow, I saw the visage of Wilford Brimley in my turd yesterday. Hubby and I fished it out of the toilet so we could auction it on Ebay".
These confessions, now, disturbed me. Others about breast milk and placentophagy just icked me out in a "look at the weirdos" kinda way.

But this, now--looking for the fetus? Do you really want to see that in your dreams for the rest of your life? Do you? If someone wanted a baby and miscarried, that is a sad event. In my case I think I'd want it over and gone as soon as possible. If it happened in the bathroom, I'd just flush it; for the sake of my mental health.

To brood and pick it apart and examine it and imagine faces...that, to me, is very disturbing and sick. Mentally sick.
Re: The crazy bitches have a "Describe your miscarriage" forum (selected tales)
September 20, 2008
Certifiably insane, the whole lot of them. Not to mention disgusting. I really don't understand why the duhs go along with that shit.

As for "I wished she would lose hers too..." :

Wow, yeah, as the saying goes: "with friends like these, who needs enemies?" Jeebus. I hope the "friend" finds out about that.
These women need locking up and medicating heavily for their own protection and for the protection of possible future offspring. They are NOT well people, imagining body parts coming out of them.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
My husband and I were pondering the reasons that they are thinking they are seeing formed "baybees", when it's medically impossible unless it's some sort of an anamoly. I hadn't thought about it until he mentioned it, but a lot of the prolifers have those baby necklaces that look like those Japanese stacking dolls where the outward one is an infant, and each smaller one on the inside is SUPPOSED to represent a different month gestation, but each one down to the one month embryo looks just like the bigger one, ie:perfectly formed. Then they have the microscopically enlarged posters all over the doctor's offices showing varying stages of embryonic growth.

Perhaps what we are dealing with here is some women with such a low level of intelligence and so little BASIC education, that they think these zygotes/embryos/fetus' which are pictured on pamplets and whatnot and enhanced millions of times, are the actual size. I mean, maybe if they live in Alabama and when they look on a map, they think that Florida is only three inches away. They probably would make a left hand turn off the middle of the Brooklyn Bridge if their GPS said to do it, who knows? Maybe they are'nt mentally ill, maybe they are just that stupid.
kidlesskim Wrote:
> Perhaps what we are dealing with here is some
> women with such a low level of intelligence and so
> little BASIC education, that they think these
> zygotes/embryos/fetus' which are pictured on
> pamplets and whatnot and enhanced millions of
> times, are the actual size.
Maybe they are'nt mentally ill,
> maybe they are just that stupid.

I remember reading a list of 'customer gems' from an airline in which an old feller rang up to complain that he couldn't see the ocean from his hotel at his destination, Kissimmee. They pointed out that the ocean is probably 250 miles or so away from inland Kissimmee, and he said "Don't lie to me. I've seen the map and Florida is a very thin state."

This whole conspiracy of silence -- this whole 'politeness crap' -- surrounding scary women who see their babies looking up at them from sanitary napkins during heavy periods is all part of the same conspiracy of silence across everything to do with Baybees, Childbirth, and Parental Status. No one's allowed to call BULLSHIT on them. They're worse than the Taliban.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
What a bunch of insane, vindictive bitches (the cunt who wanted her friend to miscarry because SHE did). These are some certifiably crazy women all right. Fishing a placenta out of the TOILET??!! Looking at a parasite you just miscarried? AwwwwMAN! Just ruined any appetite I might have had for brownies lol.
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