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School administrator corrects student's spelling and is fired

Posted by bell_flower 
School administrator corrects student's spelling and is fired
January 17, 2017
Read it and weep for the future

Student sends a tweet to the school district telling them to PLEASE close school tamarrow.

Administrator tweets back: "but then how would you learn to spell tomorrow." with a smiley face icon.

Administrator is terminated by the school because she's violated policy and did not treat the student in an "uplifting" and positive way or some such bullshit.

The school district apologized to the student.

My head exploded when I heard this. What. The. Fuck?
Re: School administrator corrects student's spelling and is fired
January 17, 2017
I get so tired of this snowflake mollycoddling, uptight bullshit. Clearly, she was saying that in jest, aside from the correction. Unless she has a reputation for being a condescending asshole, then they have no business reprimanding her let alone firing her. Shit.......
Re: School administrator corrects student's spelling and is fired
January 18, 2017
According to the linked news report, the kid wasn't even upset. There's no report of the kid's parents being upset or complaining. The administration is just moronic.
Re: School administrator corrects student's spelling and is fired
January 18, 2017
Perhaps the administration is made up of the very snowflakes, knee jerk idiots, & pearl clutchers that make institutions & people in general feel the need to walk on eggshells & risk fucking up someone's life over a misunderstanding.
Re: School administrator corrects student's spelling and is fired
January 18, 2017
So glad I don't have to deal with schools (as I am CF) This happened in the school district where I use to live. News bit kind of came and went without too much fanfare. Just another day for most.
Re: School administrator corrects student's spelling and is fired
January 18, 2017
hopefully the day will come when they can't find anyone to drive or teach the little bastards

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: School administrator corrects student's spelling and is fired
January 18, 2017
What I don't understand is why she was fired. In our area, we have a situation where a school principal who was a real thug threatened a 7th grader, yet he is not fired. Oh wait, turns out this guy is a football coach. The one who corrected the spelling wasn't. I guess that makes a difference in American education.
Re: School administrator corrects student's spelling and is fired
January 18, 2017

What I don't understand is why she was fired. In our area, we have a situation where a school principal who was a real thug threatened a 7th grader, yet he is not fired. Oh wait, turns out this guy is a football coach. The one who corrected the spelling wasn't. I guess that makes a difference in American education.

Absolutely. If you're involved in academic sports in any way (athlete or coach), punishments are usually much more lenient because people just loooove their mediocre ball-tossing events. If the creepy goth kid and the star quarterback each punch a teacher in the face, the creepy kid will get expelled and the football star might get detention or a brief in-school suspension. I imagine the same might be true for the coaches. I saw something in today's paper about how the school board is waffling over whether or not to fire/punish a coach who (allegedly) slapped a student. If that was a regular teacher being accused, they'd have been fired and arrested on the spot, even if there was undeniable evidence of their innocence.


hopefully the day will come when they can't find anyone to drive or teach the little bastards

It's happening, slowly but surely. Between the shitty parents, shitty students and shitty administration, fewer and fewer people want to become teachers. If they do take up teaching jobs, a lot quit within five years because they just can't deal with all the bullshit heaped on them from the kids, the higher-ups or the breeders (not to mention total lack of administrative support in almost all situations). Fewer teachers means more students jammed into each class and even the best teachers won't be able to handle a room full of fifty screaming assholes, so they'll quit from burnout. Eventually, no one will want to teach the little mongrels and all the bizzy Moos will have no choice but to home-school their dumplings instead of having freedom in the form of being SAHMs while their kids are in school. Or they'll just "unschool" and let their kids learn whatever they want whenever they want, meaning the kids will be completely retarded because almost no child wants to learn math, science, history, spelling and so forth and today's mommies are too lazy to get off their asses for any reason other than making more babies.

Schools have gone downhill so much because now they lick the parents' assholes now. You can't discipline a kid or tell them they messed up without someone getting fired. Part of the learning process at any age is being told when you do something wrong, so how will any kid learn anything if they can only be spoken to in an "uplifting" and "positive" way? You can't be positive and uplifting if you're punishing or correcting a student. You have to be firm, and you have to say things like, "you can't do that," "that's incorrect," or even the dreaded one-word answer, "NO." Administration should put their money where their mouths are and try teaching these fucking kids for a change. It's real easy for someone to sit in their quiet office in a comfy fucking chair not dealing with kids for seven straight hours and bark orders at the teachers.
Re: School administrator corrects student's spelling and is fired
January 18, 2017
Exactly. I know two people who work in the school system & they can tell you about all types of bullshit they've had to tolerate.
Re: School administrator corrects student's spelling and is fired
January 18, 2017
Also, that final line can also be applied to corporations. Its easy for corporate levels in their cozy offices, away from work area drama to dismiss any concerns from the workers.
Not to threadjack, but what will this eventual increase in idiocy mean for jobs requiring postgraduate education? A lot of professions require a M.D / Psy.D / Ph.D / J.D . And bratleigh can't get one of those without a high school diploma or G.E.D {I don't know if even the latter is possible}. So if kids won't be getting a high school education, what is going to happen to the people of the future who need a doctor or lawyer?

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Re: School administrator corrects student's spelling and is fired
January 19, 2017
Not to threadjack, but what will this eventual increase in idiocy mean for jobs requiring postgraduate education? A lot of professions require a M.D / Psy.D / Ph.D / J.D . And bratleigh can't get one of those without a high school diploma or G.E.D {I don't know if even the latter is possible}. So if kids won't be getting a high school education, what is going to happen to the people of the future who need a doctor or lawyer?

For the moment, there are plenty of people in developing countries who are highly motivated to study in the hopes of moving abroad. Of course that will only be the case as long as economic disparities persist. As countries become more developed and the birthrate drops, that incentive diminishes. Meanwhile the children of the immigrants tend to adopt the work ethic of the host country because they haven't experienced the same poverty as their parents.

In the end, I guess there will be a few people who are motivated out of a desire to learn, and the majority who will do no more than they must.
Re: School administrator corrects student's spelling and is fired
January 19, 2017
This day in age, many schools exist primarily as a vehicle to offer "free" social services. Education is secondary, and in some cases, there is little evidence of any education happening at all.
Re: School administrator corrects student's spelling and is fired
January 19, 2017
oh, and don't forget kiddie warehouses

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: School administrator corrects student's spelling and is fired
January 19, 2017
oh, and don't forget kiddie warehouses

That's one reason why they were created in the first place. During the transition from farming to industry, it became apparent that leaving children unsupervised and to their own devices was a recipe for vagrancy and juvenile delinquency.

There is a definite purpose to education if for nothing else than to physiologically develop one's brain to its maximum capabilities. However, modern society expects schools to do anything and everything for their children: babysitting, feeding breakfast, lunch, and dinner, providing sports and recreation, etc. I could go on and on.
Re: School administrator corrects student's spelling and is fired
January 19, 2017
It is often said that children naturally love to learn and the crappy educational system kills their desire. I think it is true children are curious about the world. This is why they ask so many questions. However, few of them really want to do the hard work it takes to become literate. This is why we need schools to "force" them to learn.

I agree it is terrible schools are becoming all purpose kiddie warehouses. They should not be giving the kids more than one meal a day and maybe one or two snacks. They certainly should not be providing washing machines for the families' use. People who cannot or will not properly care for their kids should not have them, and I wish the whole society would wake the fuck up and realize this instead of coddling the poor incompetent parents. soapbox cursing
Re: School administrator corrects student's spelling and is fired
January 19, 2017

Not to threadjack, but what will this eventual increase in idiocy mean for jobs requiring postgraduate education? A lot of professions require a M.D / Psy.D / Ph.D / J.D . And bratleigh can't get one of those without a high school diploma or G.E.D {I don't know if even the latter is possible}. So if kids won't be getting a high school education, what is going to happen to the people of the future who need a doctor or lawyer?

My guess is that standards will be lowered in colleges so dumber people can get in. Not all the morons, but some of the "dumber smart people" who may not have gotten in otherwise may have the chance to do so if there aren't enough genuinely intelligent and driven people applying for advanced degrees. If there's a teacher shortage and, therefore, a primary education shortage, colleges might find themselves more willing (though reluctantly) to accept GEDs or home-schooled/un-schooled brats so they can make money.

Kids are absolutely hopeless anymore. They're raised without any boundaries, they're taught to believe that they can do anything they want and that they're far more special than anyone else or anyone else's rules and that they are never, ever wrong about anything. I'm sure that's easier for the parents because they don't actually have to discipline them or even attempt to do their jobs as parents, but it sucks for the rest of the world - no one more than teachers or day care staff. Breeders won't socialize, train or discipline their brats and then dump them on unsuspecting educators and child care professionals. This is a crash course in human civilization for a vast majority of these kids as they're greeted with boundaries, rules, not being allowed to do certain things and getting punished when they do those things anyway. So much structure all at once will probably seriously overload a kid's mind and then the parents take it out on the teacher or whoever is in charge for not catering specially to their rotten little shit stains' godawful behavior when the kid runs screaming to Mommy about how mean everyone was to them.

The current generation and those that follow will be worthless as professionals because none of them want to learn. None of them want to learn because none of them want to be told they're wrong, or told anything they don't want to hear, for that matter. Schools focus more on raising and feeding kids than teaching them because parents are fucking worthless now and can't be bothered with it. This is why the loss of shitty entry-level minimum wage jobs will mean a HUGE amount of unemployed retarded young adults. These are the only kinds of jobs these special snowflakes can get, and that's IF they can get a job. If Wal-Mart and McDonald's no longer have any need for brain-dead twenty-somethings because robots will stock shelves and check out groceries without ever calling in sick, there will be hordes of precious dumplings who are right fucked and dirt poor.
Re: School administrator corrects student's spelling and is fired
January 20, 2017

Not to threadjack, but what will this eventual increase in idiocy mean for jobs requiring postgraduate education? A lot of professions require a M.D / Psy.D / Ph.D / J.D . And bratleigh can't get one of those without a high school diploma or G.E.D {I don't know if even the latter is possible}. So if kids won't be getting a high school education, what is going to happen to the people of the future who need a doctor or lawyer?

My guess is that standards will be lowered in colleges so dumber people can get in. Not all the morons, but some of the "dumber smart people" who may not have gotten in otherwise may have the chance to do so if there aren't enough genuinely intelligent and driven people applying for advanced degrees. If there's a teacher shortage and, therefore, a primary education shortage, colleges might find themselves more willing (though reluctantly) to accept GEDs or home-schooled/un-schooled brats so they can make money.

Kids are absolutely hopeless anymore. They're raised without any boundaries, they're taught to believe that they can do anything they want and that they're far more special than anyone else or anyone else's rules and that they are never, ever wrong about anything. I'm sure that's easier for the parents because they don't actually have to discipline them or even attempt to do their jobs as parents, but it sucks for the rest of the world - no one more than teachers or day care staff. Breeders won't socialize, train or discipline their brats and then dump them on unsuspecting educators and child care professionals. This is a crash course in human civilization for a vast majority of these kids as they're greeted with boundaries, rules, not being allowed to do certain things and getting punished when they do those things anyway. So much structure all at once will probably seriously overload a kid's mind and then the parents take it out on the teacher or whoever is in charge for not catering specially to their rotten little shit stains' godawful behavior when the kid runs screaming to Mommy about how mean everyone was to them.

The current generation and those that follow will be worthless as professionals because none of them want to learn. None of them want to learn because none of them want to be told they're wrong, or told anything they don't want to hear, for that matter. Schools focus more on raising and feeding kids than teaching them because parents are fucking worthless now and can't be bothered with it. This is why the loss of shitty entry-level minimum wage jobs will mean a HUGE amount of unemployed retarded young adults. These are the only kinds of jobs these special snowflakes can get, and that's IF they can get a job. If Wal-Mart and McDonald's no longer have any need for brain-dead twenty-somethings because robots will stock shelves and check out groceries without ever calling in sick, there will be hordes of precious dumplings who are right fucked and dirt poor.

Lots of good food for thought here. In reference to the last paragraph, what do you suspect will become of the social order as a result of this loss of opportunity?
There are many studies showing that especially in developed countries, that IQ's and intelligence in general have been steadily dropping since the turn of the century. Not only that, the ability to learn is also decreasing, meaning that people are not only dumb as a plank, they can't just learn something to reverse that disturbing trend. As Camb said, these people are essentially functional tards, who can only look forward to a very low skilled job that is gradually becoming extinct. Leaving society with hoards of unemployable tards - who make for perfect voting base for the likes of Trump.
Re: School administrator corrects student's spelling and is fired
January 24, 2017
just saw this on the front page of a ny newspaper: 76% of students (in bronx I think) graduate but only 4% are college ready.
and the idiot guvnor wants to make kawledge free for the middle class.
so who's gonna pay for this mass of ignoramuses to go to higher learning?

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
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