No jail time for duh of little sizzler. And fiance is in pig again.
January 28, 2017

This guy is serving not a single day in jail for the child's death AND his lawyer invokes an actual syndrome called "Forgotten Child Syndrome" which involves scientific stuff. So not only does he escape prison but he used a bullshit defense that all subsequent PNA providers will use.

Bonus. His lawyer accused the DA of racism for prosecuting his client.

This guy is serving not a single day in jail for the child's death AND his lawyer invokes an actual syndrome called "Forgotten Child Syndrome" which involves scientific stuff. So not only does he escape prison but he used a bullshit defense that all subsequent PNA providers will use.

Bonus. His lawyer accused the DA of racism for prosecuting his client.

Ahh... the "race card." It used to be a public relations "ace"... but more and more people are starting to see that for what it really is. bull shitting

Anyway... "Forgotten Child Syndrome?" And this is being described as an actual condition? openmouthed shock

What will these trial attorneys think of next? "Just Had To Kill A Guy Syndrome?"
If this douchebag has any "disease", it's psychopathy.
Fucking made up syndromes. Reminds me of the Twinkie Defense...or Gay Panic Syndrome. There are so many of them. They're all just flimsy legal defenses rather than scientifically sound medical conditions.
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