An Evening with a Caffeinated Screamer
February 18, 2017
Last weekend I went to an event being held at a local theatre. I won't go into too many details, in the off-chance the people I'm talking about find this message, but it was a show that combined a live orchestra with visual effects.

I ended up being seated right beside a boy who was about 10 years old, with his mother seated on the other side of him. It worried me how antsy the kid was before the show started, but I hoped that his mom would quiet him down once the lights dimmed.


I was in for two hours of a hefty child leaping up and down, screaming the words out loud any time text appeared on the screen, roaring things like "THAT'S SO COOL!" and "THAT'S FUNNY!" in the minutes in between, and, worst of all, periodically letting out an incredibly high-pitched, girl-like scream about a foot from my ear.

Not once did his mom tell him to quiet down or stop jumping in his seat. Not. Once.

And, incredibly, the kid didn't wear himself out, but actually got worse as the show went on, as his mother was purchasing pop for him to drink! By the end of the show, I was practically sitting in my husband's lap, trying to get away from this hyped-up kid.

Welcome to the new parenting! exploding face
Re: An Evening with a Caffeinated Screamer
February 18, 2017
Children under 14 shouldn't be allowed in the theatre, opera, or symphony hall, period.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: An Evening with a Caffeinated Screamer
February 19, 2017
This reminds me of the last time I went to a Winter Solstice Celebration at a local house of worship in my area. The celebration leaned heavily on different pagan observances from around the world, part lecture, part worship service.

Moo and girl calf (girl was 5 or 6) sat a few rows ahead of me. No matter what was going on, prayer, quiet reflection, whatever it was, this kid talking a mile a minute and none too quietly either to Moo? Imaginary Friend? It was hard to tell. Worse, she need to stand to do this and face the audience while Moo sat there with a sheepish grin on her stupid face.

Never once was the brat told to pipe down.

The movies are a whole other topic I could get into. Loud Seal-like barks from obviously special needs kid anyone?exploding face
Re: An Evening with a Caffeinated Screamer
February 20, 2017
Children under 14 shouldn't be allowed in the theatre, opera, or symphony hall, period.

I have been extremely irritated many times by children in these venues, but I do feel like I need to speak out for the quiet, serious sorts of children. I know if someone had taken me to these kind of events, I would have behaved from the age of ~10.

But because BNP are unwilling to recognize individual traits in their children and ensure that they only are put in situations appropriate for their maturity, a blanket ban is probably needed.
Re: An Evening with a Caffeinated Screamer
February 20, 2017
But dontcha know Tardette and Tardley need to express themselves with excessive shrieking and running about the place?
Re: An Evening with a Caffeinated Screamer
February 21, 2017
sounds like the 10 y.o. was autistic, 10 is too old to be acting like that. Doesn't make your experience any less shitty tho sad smiley
Re: An Evening with a Caffeinated Screamer
February 22, 2017
Children under 14 shouldn't be allowed in the theatre, opera, or symphony hall, period.

Thus is why I never leave home if I can avoid it. It's been years sense I've seen movies in theaters, saw live music, much less opera.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
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