Hostile moo at grocery store
February 18, 2017
Cashier spaces and messes up in ringing up the items two carts in front of me. Then for the people in front of me she messes up their items too. So, it shouldn't have been a surprise when she only rings up part of my items. Then, asks me if the items on the belt are mine. Yes, the bar separates my items from the person behind me. And then, do I still want them? Yes, I wouldn't have bothered to pick up the items unless I want them.

Hostile zit faced granola moo behind me starts yelling for me to stop treating her like that because "she made a mistake". Yes, she made lots of mistakes but my response was to her obvious question. If I go to a store and put an item on the counter then YES, I want it. The items I didn't want are still sitting on the shelves.

I tell her to mind her own damn business, stop with the yelling and look at her like she is an annoying fly. She sat there, stunned for a minute that I stood up for myself. Then she continues yelling at me and tells me to get out of her face and starts looking around at all the nearby adults hoping for applause/validation/to start a lynch mob. To her dismay everyone, including the cashier is just looking at her like she is a crazy bitch and the cashier is shaking and very visibly upset by all the yelling.

I haven't moved an inch and am waiting for change to leave but since it is obvious I'm not the least bit intimidated by her I guess she went into fabrication mode. I again tell her very slowly to mind her own damn business and quit setting a bad example for her kids. She continues yelling (and is obviously infuriated that there is no one else rallying with her against me to "put me in my place") and I tell her in a smug tone and calm voice she needs to get a grip on her anger and yelling at random strangers is unwise. She (still yelling) goes on and on in some emotional rant and saying yes she has an anger problem and it is justified with people like me in the world blah blah blah and is threatening to kick my ass (good one!). I smile at her and tell her I'd like to see her try (it was all I could do to not laugh at that point). This scene in my head was playing out of a Chihuahua yapping furiously at a Rottweiler.

Clerk calls security and moo says I was yelling and threatening her (pretty sure security heard her voice yelling on the call and as they walked up) and they corral moo off somewhere else. And they were fast so guessing there are regular moo meltdowns at the grocery store. At this point she shuts her yap because she doesn't want to get arrested or kicked out of the store, apparently. And the kids weren't even remotely phased or embarrassed by her behavior, so you know they're used to it.
Re: Hostile moo at grocery store
February 19, 2017
Sucks to be moo.

Another ivory tower social justice warrior shot out of the saddle

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Hostile moo at grocery store
February 19, 2017
A story where justice is actually served? Pinch me, I'm dreaming.
Re: Hostile moo at grocery store
February 20, 2017
It would be funnier if someone slapped the bitch across her face, but not getting the attention she was so desperately seeking is good enough for me! Too bad it wasn't uploaded to youtube. smiling smiley
Re: Hostile moo at grocery store
February 20, 2017
It would be funnier if someone slapped the bitch across her face, but not getting the attention she was so desperately seeking is good enough for me! Too bad it wasn't uploaded to youtube. smiling smiley

You have no idea how much I wanted to do this...once the screaming started. There is just no excuse to act like that as an adult who is simply raging.
Re: Hostile moo at grocery store
February 23, 2017
I have gotten myself in deep shit with other people for twirling my finger next to my temple when trying to point out someone whose name I don't even know yet who so obviously wallowed in and celebrated her mental illness. Much like your moo encounter, she would readily admit to being mentally ill, but how DARE I imply anything myself!

Well, for being as smart as I am, I've always been quite deficient in social skills. I mean bad enough that the pretty and polished social butterflies at work talk real slow to me like I'm retarded. In revenge, I think the only thing going on in their heads IS social skills. Very intentionally, I don't work with customers. grinning smiley
Re: Hostile moo at grocery store
February 25, 2017
That's what we call a PD in the trade, which is universally despised and wished ill-will... I would have to say of the Borderline variety.

Yep, nobody well-adjusted would be that emotionally dysregulated to blow a gasket at a complete stranger, over something so insignificant. What cemented my view, is the content of her rant was totally external locus of control, coupled with manipulation (lying) and her vain attempt to split.

The icing (frosting) on the cake was the fact that this all stopped instantly when the security showed up, which says that this is clearly behavioural, and not some actual genuine issue. Any form of authority that enforces boundaries stops them in their tracks, as they are literally, emotionally tantrum throwing 3 year old.
Re: Hostile moo at grocery store
February 25, 2017
It is amazing though.... this tantrum throwing that moos do. I have seen it a lot. Maybe not this full blown stuff...but they do have an anger about them. Must suck to be saddled with the 'wonderfulness of moodom'
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