Beastly brats observed
March 25, 2017
I avoid going out, but sometimes you have to do shopping. The other day I was at the grocery store, and there was a grandbreeder and two sprogs also in line. The sprogs kept playing with the groceries on the belt, touching them, turning them, moving them. They put their grubby hands all over other customers' stuff, not just grandmoo's, while she went on to have a good long chat with the cashier as if other people didn't want to get the fuck out of the shop and away from the undisciplined children, who were being given candy for their stellar behavior.

Then, on the bus, I witnessed a child old enough to walk in a double stroller with a baby, being completely destructive with a toy while his moo ignored the entire situation. The beast was taking enormous bites out of a foam toy and spitting them on the floor. Moo was unconcerned about the child's cutting himself, choking, or swallowing something inedible; the toy being ruined; and the littering. He completely dismantled the toy in a matter of minutes and then started beating things with the hard plastic remnants, in between sticking the banana-sized remains in his mouth and sucking on it. This kid looked to be a toddler, far too old (or far too young, depending on how you look at it) to be giving a piece of plastic fellatio on the bus.
Re: Beastly brats observed
March 25, 2017
Isn't it awful that leaving the house is akin to torture anymore???

I spend my weekends holed up with a book or netflix. Other than housework, I don't do much else (can't get on the treadmill right now due to an arthritis flare up). It's been so bad I was afraid I was getting depressed again, so I decided I would -leave the house- one Saturday for my health. I went to lunch with my husband (sat in the bar - still got seated next to FAAAAMBLIES with loud, rude-ass kids). Decided to go to the bookstore and roll around in literature like a cat in catnip - it was filled with loud, rude-ass people and kids. I had to stop off at the store to pick up something for dinner - I was seething by the time I made it inside due to getting cut-off in the parking lot and encountering some bitch in a land yacht who wanted to argue with me over a parking spot.

Dealing with human beings is such a miserable experience. I do my grocery shopping Friday night after work and stay the fuck home as much as possible.
Re: Beastly brats observed
March 25, 2017

Decided to go to the bookstore and roll around in literature like a cat in catnip - it was filled with loud, rude-ass people and kids.


Dealing with human beings is such a miserable experience. I do my grocery shopping Friday night after work and stay the fuck home as much as possible.


This is making me realize that I've altered my schedule to minimize interaction with rude people with no sense of boundaries. To the first quote above, something has happened in our society since the 60's and 70's when it was typical to raise kids to: 1. STFU, and not just because one is in a library, just for general purposes (Nobody can go anywhere today with the expectation of quiet: church, symphonies, movies, libraries. Churches and libraries are scream fests) 2. keep their fucking hands to themselves and BE CONSCIOUS OF OTHER PEOPLE AND STAY OUT OF THE WAY. What happened to all those mantras such as: look but don't touch; be seen but not heard?

You can't go to any store without hearing kids screaming or making noise with NO ATTEMPT WHATSOEVER to correct them. And as for boundaries or being aware of other people, forget it. 90% of people seem mystified that grocery stores and business are there to serve MULTIPLE people and not just their snowflake selves.

My particular pet peeve is going to the salad bar. Even when there is nobody else there, I leave my cart tucked away somewhere else while I get what I need. There is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS some cow meandering along with her cart blocking an entire fucking side. A lot of them leave their carts right next to it and go to the other side, blocking access for others. When I've reached over it or pushed it a little so I can get what I need, I get the stink eye. I travel a good bit and don't get me started on elevators.....many people don't know how to enter/exit an elevator, namely the people inside the elevator need to exit before others come on.

No clue that other people exist, and now entire generations are being raised like that. I want to stay the fuck away from humans as much as possible.

When I'm not traveling during the week, I do my shopping on the weeknights. I'm a natural night person and I'm fortunate to have a couple of grocery stores that are very close by and are open until 10:00 or midnight. I'll often slip in around 0930 or even 1000, grab a few things and get back out the door quickly. I will occasionally see kids out even at that hour and of course their handlers are to blame because they should be in bed. Of course, during the Summer when school is out, all bets are off.

I was on a trip this past week and I need stuff. IOW, I'll be making a daytime store run. I'm fucked.
Re: Beastly brats observed
March 25, 2017
You can't go to any store without hearing kids screaming or making noise with NO ATTEMPT WHATSOEVER to correct them. And as for boundaries or being aware of other people, forget it. 90% of people seem mystified that grocery stores and business are there to serve MULTIPLE people and not just their snowflake selves.

I just don't get how people can be so completely oblivious to others around them, and how their actions might be impacting others. Public manners have been on the wane for some time, and this lack of consideration seems to breed further lack of consideration, as I now notice people of all ages behaving as if they were alone in the world.
Re: Beastly brats observed
March 25, 2017
You will even have a hard time escaping it in nature. Some trails now cater to mountain bikers and they have decided to affix stereo type thingies to the handlebars cause you can't leave the ol music behind and be with your thoughts. Same with the bikes on trails, people riding bikes and talking on a phone attached to the handlebars. There is no end to it and no one out there seems to be bothered by it
Re: Beastly brats observed
March 26, 2017
Today I went to a nearby shopping center and all 3 stores I visited were filled with screaming whining brats and oblivious people blocking aisles. Public behavior gets worse all the time.

I don't work or do much of anything because I am chronically ill and on disability. I feel guilty about not trying to do more, but I'm sick of people treating me like shit. That is the number one reason I don't miss working. I do leave the house 2 or 3 times a week. I go out Saturdays with my parents and alone once or twice during the week. I don't interact with people much and can usually avoid trouble. I mostly go to bookstores, other shopping places and a certain local park. There are many activities I would try if I had more energy, but stories like this make me wonder if it would be worth meeting people anyway.

I was raised to be aware of how my actions affect other people. Apparently most other people were not or just don't care.
Re: Beastly brats observed
March 26, 2017
You will even have a hard time escaping it in nature. Some trails now cater to mountain bikers and they have decided to affix stereo type thingies to the handlebars cause you can't leave the ol music behind and be with your thoughts. Same with the bikes on trails, people riding bikes and talking on a phone attached to the handlebars. There is no end to it and no one out there seems to be bothered by it

I have a device to attach my phone to the handlebars of my bike, which I use when I'm going somewhere unfamiliar in the city and want to be able to check directions quickly when I'm stopped. It would never have occurred to me to talk to someone on the phone, or listen to music while cycling, because I want situational awareness and because I don't assume others want to hear my music. That's completely obnoxious. And I'm thinking of in a city, not in nature, where people go to briefly forget that most of their lives are spent crowded in with other members of our overpopulated species.
Re: Beastly brats observed
March 26, 2017
About the music on mountain bikes: I have never understood people who want constant noise and are freaked out by silence. Maybe it's an introvert thing. Music is one of my favorite things but I don't want to hear it every waking minute. It's annoying so many stores and restaurants blast it.
Re: Beastly brats observed
March 26, 2017

I just don't get how people can be so completely oblivious to others around them, and how their actions might be impacting others. Public manners have been on the wane for some time, and this lack of consideration seems to breed further lack of consideration, as I now notice people of all ages behaving as if they were alone in the world.

It's simply because most people think they're extra-special (as in more special than anyone else) and they can't see beyond their own personal little bubbles. They either don't realize that their behavior is affecting others or they don't care and fully expect total strangers to be okay with their or their brats' terrible behavior. And even worse, if someone calls these people out on their bad behavior, they act like the other person is the asshole. Absolutely nobody has manners or common decency anymore. Everyone wants to do whatever they want with zero concern for those around them (I know it's not really everyone, but it's still a good chunk of people).

Breeders are the worst behaved kinds of people because they're spoiled, entitled pieces of shit, which, I know, is due to society putting them on pedestals for doing something that is completely effortless and mediocre. Breeding and parenting are two completely different things, which I'm sure I don't need to say is why we use two different terms for them. Anyone can make a kid, but few people can be good parents. It's the ones who just crap out kids and don't bother raising them who want the most praise and, not surprisingly, have the worst behavior. This entitlement is passed onto the brats and then they grow up into selfish assholes just like their parents and continue the cycle.

It's not going to get better. If anything, it'll get worse.
Re: Beastly brats observed
March 27, 2017
It is always the one with the phones on the pricey triathalon bikes with the outfits that make them look they just got off the cover of Bicycling magazine on the bike paths that lean over and talk on the phones, at least that is what I see here on Sat. afternoons. I can't imagine talking to someone on a phone while exercising. There was a woman killed by a racing cyclist on a bike path. The dude yelled "On your left" and she jumped left by mistake, hitting her head when she hit the ground. That guy must've been flying. With more people buying more stuff and living like they are the only people out there there will continue to be stories like that.
Re: Beastly brats observed
March 27, 2017
The above story reminds me of something that happened to me while I was taking my elderly mother on a walk on the boardwalk in New West one day. This little fucker on a bike was riding it extremely fast on the boardwalk. He was right behind my mother, and he screams, "Get out of the way!" I got my mother out of his fucking path just at the right time, before he mowed her down with his bike.

I found the mother and gave her extreme shit, telling her that her KID almost knocked my aging mother over, who just so happens to have hearing and mobility problems. She apologized to me, but I don't think she was really listening to what could have happened. I had a few choice words for her about the behavior of her kid, but I can't remember what they were. I was SO fucking angry about it! angry smiley
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