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Rainbow Sprogs

Posted by cfdavep 
Rainbow Sprogs
June 03, 2017

Apparently you can buy a hat and contribute to some Rainbow baby fund for crunchy Colorado moos and others. A Rainbow sprog is one that is born after a stillbirth or miscarriage, giving them some mystical aura or some such crap.
Re: Rainbow Sprogs
June 04, 2017
I like the comments. Most of the commenters said it's unfair to constantly remind a kid of a sibling who didn't survive. Some pointed out it was common for kids to die in the old days but the parents didn't use this for attention whoring.
Re: Rainbow Sprogs
June 04, 2017
Grief whoring at its finest. That's right, who cares about the current fuck trophy, it's all about the genital thickshake that went sour playing a violin. We don't have rainbow tumor beanies or related nonsensical rubbish, but their the same thing - parasitic clumps that were removed.
Re: Rainbow Sprogs
June 04, 2017
I often do wonder about siblings who grow up in the shadow of some sibling they never knew. I don't think letting them know that their brother/sister existed...but if Mommy's still actively mourning the fetus/child (depending on how long it lived), that's not good for the current kids.
Re: Rainbow Sprogs
June 04, 2017
I'm guessing the term "rainbow baby" is supposed to refer to how a rainbow is something beautiful that happens after the dark clouds have passed. It's attention whoring and absolutely nothing more. I mean I'm all for support for anyone who is grieving anything, but people need to know where the line in the sand is drawn when it comes to making awareness campaigns for fucking everything.

Moos (you know it's Moos who do this and not Duhs) just figure that since they had all that buildup for their coveted clump and then it went and died (meaning only short-term udder rubs and not long-term), they may as well get something out of the time they wasted incubating that ungrateful little wank stain that had the gall to not stay alive to validate Mommy's existence. How do they do that? Use a hat to brag about the fallen clump! It'll serve as a conversation starter, either by prompting others to ask about the hat or by giving Moo a social springboard to tell everybody about her unripe vaginal droppings.

Fuck any subsequent pregnancies that are successful! Let's focus on the failed ones and hold the existing kids to standards they can never, ever meet while using them as walking clump obituaries. Because you know these nutcase Moos have idyllic visions of what their potential children could have been like and will be sure to let their born children know how they will never measure up at every turn and with varying degrees of subtlety. Playing second fiddle to a dead not-even-kid is rough.

Also, I don't associate rainbows with dead loaves. I - and probably many other people - associate it with the LGBT community. So if I saw a brat wearing one of these doofy hats, I would immediately assume its parents are gay or lesbian, not that its sibling is nothing more than a notch on Darwin's belt.

What if the kid doesn't want to wear the hat? The hats all come in various sizes from loaf up to adult, so what if the kid doesn't want to wear it? What if it doesn't want to be a pawn in its parents' attention-whoring scheme or just doesn't want to constantly be reminded that it has a dead sibling? These aren't cheap hats, so I'm sure Moos would tell their kids they're going to wear the fucking hats whether they like it or not.

I'm surprised nobody's made hats with little angel wings and halos on them for miscarriage awareness since Moos just looooove yammering on about their "angel babies." Actually, if that hasn't been done already, someone should do it, if not to separate dumbfuck mommies from their money. Who here can knit/sew? smiling smiley
Re: Rainbow Sprogs
June 04, 2017
These people need to get a serious grip. Heard the statistic one in three babies are miscarried, most of the time the woman isn't aware. This essentially makes nearly every baby born a rainbow baby. And gives all the crunchy moos a platform to moo and low to. Kind of good in a way because there will be constant overexposure and then it will die out quickly because every moo is a whiny victim of biology.
Re: Rainbow Sprogs
June 04, 2017

What if the kid doesn't want to wear the hat? The hats all come in various sizes from loaf up to adult, so what if the kid doesn't want to wear it? What if it doesn't want to be a pawn in its parents' attention-whoring scheme or just doesn't want to constantly be reminded that it has a dead sibling? These aren't cheap hats, so I'm sure Moos would tell their kids they're going to wear the fucking hats whether they like it or not.

I'm surprised nobody's made hats with little angel wings and halos on them for miscarriage awareness since Moos just looooove yammering on about their "angel babies." Actually, if that hasn't been done already, someone should do it, if not to separate dumbfuck mommies from their money. Who here can knit/sew? smiling smiley

Inscribe on the hats "If my older brother/sister was here, I most likely wouldn't be." Take that, moos!
Re: Rainbow Sprogs
June 05, 2017
Glad the comments are saying this is a stupid idea.

When I think of replacement babies, I always remember a couple on the street where I lived when I was about 14. One of my friends used to babysit their kid who was named Lacey. She told me the couple had another girl child who made it to age one or two, then died for some reason. (I can't remember the details, possibly SIDS.) Anyway she told me the first kid's name was......Lacey. Yep, after the first one died, gave the second kid the same first name.

Even though I was young, I thought, that's really fucked up, and I still think so today.
Re: Rainbow Sprogs
June 05, 2017
Grief whoring is one of the most disgusting things breeders do. What really sets me off is that any subsequent loaves are only considered to be of the rainbow variety if the one that passed (if it was actually viable in the first place and not just a late period that got a name) qualifies as an infant per the moo hierarchy. If it's not freshly shat enough, it doesn't qualify because Moo doesn't feel she's going to get as much attention if it's not a bayyyyyybeeeeee. Older kid died of some beastly disease? Shot in the head by a gangster with bad aim? Got run over by a drunk driver going 70 in a 25? No rainbow baby there. No special hat. The predecessor wasn't an infant.
Re: Rainbow Sprogs
June 12, 2017
it's only going to get worse
when everyone turns into victims, what the hell are they gonna do then.

two cents ΒΆΒΆ


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
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