Moo lets sprogs pet service dog, despite sign saying not to.
June 06, 2017
So I was just at Starbucks and there was a woman there with a service dog. The dog wore a vest with several patches, one of which read "Disabled Veteran" and another read "Working Dog. Do not pat". The vest also had a bar across it, the way a guide dog would have, so while the handler was clearly not blind, she obviously might have some need to grab the bar---perhaps a balance issue or the dog was trained to guide her away from a potentially difficult situation.

So I see two fucking kids approach the dog and pat her. I dont know the protocol but the handler said nothing to them....maybe she gets to stressed or upset in those situations. Then one kid tried to stick its pacifier in the dog's mouth. Some other moo saw it and started gushing loudly about how CUTE it was that the sprog was sharing. Fuck that!

The kids' moo did nothing and didnt even apologize to the DISABLED VET whose service dog it was. What the fuck is wrong with parents that they refuse to even teach their kids to leave working dogs alone?
Re: Moo lets sprogs pet service dog, despite sign saying not to.
June 06, 2017
I supposed if the harassed dog lunged at them after the pacifier thing, the moos would freak and demand the dog be put down. A lot of people do not want to stand up to these asshats as they fear an attack by moobear and do not feel confidant due to their disabiltity.
Wtf!? What is with kids thinking they can just play with any dog they like? This instance is doubly bad, as service dogs in particular are not to be touched. This really irritates me, it is so commonplace now! This is why when I am walking my dog and I see kids or I hear them I avoid them. The other day I took him out, just to my front yard so he wouldn't have an accident inside, and the she beast across the street yelled at me "you have a cute doggie." I immediately took him inside again after he was done. There is no peace, even in my own yard. What is with kids thinking dogs are community property or that their owners owe them time with the dog?

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Re: Moo lets sprogs pet service dog, despite sign saying not to.
June 06, 2017
Breeders feel that they are entitled to whatever they want whenever they want, and they instill these same selfish beliefs in their kids. So in spite of signs clearly saying to not pet that particular dog, they did it anyway because they are above the rules like all breeders and brats. I don't know if the kids could read or not, but in any case, Moo should have been watching them and not let them touch the goddamn dog... or any dog, for that matter. It could have been one of those delightful teaching moments parents have have the opportunity to have on a constant basis - she could have taught her kids how that dog was working, how it was different from a regular pet dog and when it's appropriate to pet dogs. NOPE! Help yourselves to random people's animals because the world is your backyard/toilet/toy store!

One day, those kids will pet the wrong animal and they'll wind up needing their faces sewn back on or losing an eye, and it'll be the Moo's fault for not teaching them any boundaries. It's real easy to be a shitty parent when the consequences don't affect the parent themselves. Oh sure, she can scream and bitch to have the offending creature killed, but killing all the dogs in the world won't undo the damage done to her precious dumpling.

Odds are the dog's owner probably didn't want to make a scene or get into it with a Moo because Moos aren't really known for their rational thinking. The vet was probably concerned that everyone would side with the Moo because "they're just kiiiiiiids" and "they just want to pet the doggyyyyy!" Like it won't do any harm.
There is no way that Moo should've got away with that crap, as the vet should've put the moo in her place regardless of being 'k yuT'. Patting a guide dog, and trying to stick a pacifier in its mouth is fraught with danger.

What if the brats did it to a blind guy on the footpath, and startled the dog as to run into traffic. Guide dogs may be trained, but they're still animals that can be startled, and do irrational actions - which would put both themselves and their blind owners at risk.

Not only that, trying to stick a pacifier in the dog's mouth, could make it snap at the kid. Sorry, but this is wrong in so many levels.
Re: Moo lets sprogs pet service dog, despite sign saying not to.
June 07, 2017
I read an article where a seizure sniffing dog was patted and thus distracted from his work. By the time he alerted his owner to an impending seizure, the seizure was closer than she knew and she wound up being hurt.

Kids have to be taught to leave service dogs alone. It falls me this even has to be said.
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