Giving kids things even when they misbehave
June 09, 2017
Wtf is wrong with parents? Why do they give things to their kids, even when they misbehave? I had two problem parties today at work, and I just don't understand the parents' behavior at all.

The first party was two moos and their beasts. The moos tried to order their food and one of the kids interrupted her, saying "order mine first." Moo agreed and then commenced talking to her friend. Not five minutes later, "order mine first," followed by another agreement, rinse and repeat. I think I heard "order mine first" five times before the transaction actually began. The little beast did end up getting their food first. Just, saying 'wtf' . Not only would I, if I were stupid enough to have kids, have NOT ordered hers first, I would have told her that if she doesn't shut up she gets nothing.

The second party was a large group of three Moos, and their gaggle of brats. I counted five, but at that point I was tired, and some of their group waited outside. Moo orders a chocolate kids cup for her brat, and kids cups for everyone in the group. When Moo gets to the register, her beast comes in to get the kids cup. Moo excitedly tells beast he gets a kids cup of chocolate, and what response does she get? Not "thank you," but "but MAAAAAAAAWM, I wanted strawberry!!" And, again, instead of telling it to stfu, Moo buys it.m a cup of strawberry. saying 'wtf' if that where me, I'd have told Snotleigh he either is appreciative for the chocolate or he gets nothing.

My question is, why? Why do Moos do this? They do get that they are raising a generation of assholes, right?

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Re: Giving kids things even when they misbehave
June 10, 2017
Most breeders are lousy parents.
They do not grasp the basics of child psychology, including reward systems in their repitoire.
Also, people are basically lazy and if the easiest method to get on with their lives presents itself, most people do not take the more difficult or longer-term path.
Re: Giving kids things even when they misbehave
June 10, 2017
No, no and NO. If I misbehaved I got NOTHING and that was just the way it was. My mother always ordered for me at restaurants when I was little because sprogs that age can't even make up their underdeveloped minds, which is why they "change" them every 2.5 seconds. I got what I got and if I didn't eat it there was going to be a firestorm when I got home - and no TV.
Re: Giving kids things even when they misbehave
June 10, 2017
My question is, why? Why do Moos do this? They do get that they are raising a generation of assholes, right?

No, they don't get that at all. They think they're raising rainbow unicorn children who, instead of growing up to be entitled monsters, are going to grow up to Save The WorldTM.

No, seriously. It's what they believe.
Re: Giving kids things even when they misbehave
June 11, 2017
It's because they're too lazy to be arsed teaching the kid proper decorum and manners, so it's the easiest route. Give the crotch screamer what they want, and they will happily shove it in their piehole for a few moments of silence. That's why the brats are getting fatter, angrier and more entitled - as the parents instantly fold as it's the easiest thing to do, and feed them all manner of processed crap and cutting edge tech, so they can get some quiet time.

As Sky also says, the 'anti-parenting'/ can't be arsed movement also believes that their raising the unicorn rainbow miracles, and do everything the crotch cricket shrieks.
Re: Giving kids things even when they misbehave
June 12, 2017
I also think because the don't use logic in parenting nor a balance of emotion and logic/common sense, they instead use all emotion. They feel sad if they are the bad guy who actually parents, or what I really think happens, they are totally reliving their emotions from their childhood. *I felt sad when my moomie punished me so I wont punish Bratley now* *I never got all the ice cream I wanted or the flavors I wanted and I had to share w/ my little brother, and now I don't want my brat to feel sad like I did back in 1985* You can almost see this calculation in their eyes working, it has nothing to do w/ "hmmmm, I'm the adult here, I need to make rules and limitations and boundaries and follow thru w/ consequences even tho I know I will end up dealing w/ a brooding brat for awhile" they just want to make everything funtime for brat.
Re: Giving kids things even when they misbehave
June 12, 2017
I once heard a little girl in Target tell her mom she was a "bad Mommy" because she wouldn't buy her kid candy in the checkout line. On the conveyor belt were multiple toys that the mom still bought, despite this comment!
Re: Giving kids things even when they misbehave
June 12, 2017
Giving a kid something when he/she is misbehaving just reinforces the crappy behavior.

And they wonder why their lives suck and their kids won't do what they say.
Re: Giving kids things even when they misbehave
June 12, 2017
I did see one mom throw a mr softee in the garbage because the toadler would not share a bite with her. I had heard the conversation before she bought it "I'll buy you a cup, I just want one spoonfull." Of course, toadler tuned this out. Boy did he get a lesson that day. To top it all, I was only around 7 myself. (possibly even younger but I don't remember exactly)

two cents ΒΆΒΆ


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Giving kids things even when they misbehave
June 12, 2017
One thing I wish parents would buy more of for their kids: Children's clothing. Seems that many parents are happy just having little kids parading around in nothing but Pampers. What ever happened to dressing the kids when they go out somewhere?
Re: Giving kids things even when they misbehave
June 12, 2017
mr. neptune
One thing I wish parents would buy more of for their kids: Children's clothing. Seems that many parents are happy just having little kids parading around in nothing but Pampers. What ever happened to dressing the kids when they go out somewhere?

Last weekend saw a toadler old enough to walk with no pants on and the moo was taking him to a city event at a public garden. Really moo, why weren't pants on the kid?
Re: Giving kids things even when they misbehave
June 12, 2017
Oh im sure theyre all just awtistic bull shitting
Re: Giving kids things even when they misbehave
June 13, 2017
It is hot as hell in the summer here in Tucson, so I can sort of understand the toadlers wearing only pampers. It's still gross, but I can have some sympathy. What pisses me off is seeing that in the winter. And barefoot kyds in public squick me out no matter what the season. Think of all the nasty germs they must be picking up.two faces puking
When it's hot I wear flip flops in the house and sandals in public. It's not hard. Too many parents just can't be arsed to teach their crotch turds any kind of civilized behavior anymore.
Re: Giving kids things even when they misbehave
June 13, 2017
mr. neptune
One thing I wish parents would buy more of for their kids: Children's clothing. Seems that many parents are happy just having little kids parading around in nothing but Pampers. What ever happened to dressing the kids when they go out somewhere?

It's either one extreme or the other. Insufficiently clothed, forcing us all to see the diaper, or dressed up in ridiculous over-the-top outfits. Whatever happened to hand-me-downs or second-hand clothes? They grow quickly, that's why you don't buy a bunch of fancy, expensive crap, but they still need clothing.
Re: Giving kids things even when they misbehave
June 18, 2017
I've come to the conclusion in some of these cases that Moo & Duh are picking their battles. Some of these lil' assholes that they JUST HAD TO HAVE (since your not fully an adult until you help make or shit out a kid sarcastic clapping) battle their breeders on every single frigging thing, from what time to get up in the morning, to what to eat, what to watch on tv, where they are going that day, little picky stuff as well as the big stuff. So when I see some lil' Precious shuffling along with her parental units wearing a Princess outfit (complete with tiara) or full on pajamas, I figure maybe Moo/Duh thought, "Well, she won the battle of what to wear today, maybe I can get her to eat two bites of a vegetable later on." These kids are so unpleasant every moment of the day, I have to wonder why in the world they would want another one. No joy, no sticky kisses, no "I love you, Moms", nothing. Boss lady at work was sharing the story of how her toadler had a meltdown when Boss Lady took her toothbrush from AFTER the toadler told BL she was finished brushing her teeth. And no, I don't think some of them grow out of being completely unpleasant.
Re: Giving kids things even when they misbehave
June 20, 2017
Yesterday at shoe store, heard a moo say"you dont have to get anything" to kid, and the clerk said, "having a rough day?" and moo says "everyday's a rough day" (and her kids really weren't doing anything crazy in the store that I could hear).

Back when I was younger, that would just be another clue to me that being CF was they way to go. I'm sure this moo tells her friends what joy moohood is and how its the greatest thing in her life, but tells a random clerk an element of the truth. At the same time, she'll probably beg hubby to get her preggers again when the kids start growing up.
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