The store is not your brat's playground.
June 17, 2017
I am recovering from the plague and still have a lot of congestion going on. I've been dealing with about three days of laryngitis and never-ending coughing. Last night I was at the grocery store specifically to pick up store-brand Nyquil for the cough suppressant.

As soon as I hit the medicine aisle, of course, there's some daft fucking moo trying to herd her toadler into compliance. WTF is this, anyway? If the toadler is not doing what you want, pick the effer up. Idiot was probably baby stalking or some shit, expecting every person going down that aisle to exclaim and burble over brat. Of course, I wasn't fucking feeling well, and I hate kids and their parent's bullshit anyway, so I completely ignored the moron and her science experiment. I did, however, very nicely stop my cart from hitting the clueless, wandering little pest (and her science experiment), so there's my good deed for the day.

The little shit was like a laser, bumbling directly over to the cold medicines and slapping its germy, grubby appendages all over the very box of store-brand Nyquil I needed. Fucking hell?! I practically had to slap the little fucker's hand away before I could get at what I was shopping for.

I think moo was clued in that I wasn't finding her little beast to be charming by that time. Lo and behold, she suddenly got the idea to PICK the bastard UP and get it OUT of the WAY. I heard her say "Let's go find daddy!" as I was leaving.


You're in the grocery store with your kid and your partner but you disengage from the actual shopping so you can set the toadler down to annoy people??? Bitch could have stayed the fuck HOME and kept her pest out of everyone's hair while "daddy" got shit done himself.
Re: The store is not your brat's playground.
June 17, 2017
You're in the grocery store with your kid and your partner but you disengage from the actual shopping so you can set the toadler down to annoy people??? Bitch could have stayed the fuck HOME and kept her pest out of everyone's hair while "daddy" got shit done himself.

"Daddy" probably couldn't be bothered. Like my first husband, who told me it was cuntwork, or my second, who would zero in on the magazine rack while I pushed the cart around the store like a slave.

Please note, both of these men are ex-husbands.
Re: The store is not your brat's playground.
June 18, 2017
If there was ever an argument for single payer health care it is this. Plenty of adults have a fragile immune system (especially the elderly) and cannot tolerate whatever disease(s) these germ vectors are spreading wherever it goes. And the "kiddos" (God, I hate that word!) cannot go ANYWHERE without touching every square inch of everything with their germy, grubby appendages. Thank deity for disinfectant wipes located by the carts & baskets in most grocery stores.
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