They should just get rid of the Moo parking spaces
June 25, 2017

Of course, the couple was wrong for pouring orange juice on them but this guy was being a parking spot hero, as he already had his spot. Those spots have no legal connotation, at least in the US. I purposely park in them all the time, no, I dont care if a moo didn't get her sleep the night before. For ten yrs or more, I lived on 4 hours of very poor sleep and felt awful 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there was no special parking spot for over-worked attorneys last time I checked. If we're gonna have special parking spots for anyone, it should be for doctors and ER nurses, etc.,(outside the hospital lots I mean) as they don't always get very much sleep either and have to make life and death decisions all the time depending where they practice.
Re: They should just get rid of the Moo parking spaces
June 25, 2017
And to add to the stupid parking spot hero dad, “It could mean the world to someone who hasn’t slept for days or a mum who has worked all week." It's a freaking parking spot for pete's sake, get over it.

and plenty of people don't sleep because maybe their spouse is in the hospital or worse and plenty of people, with additional responsibilities, work all week, where's all the prize parking spots for them? Do you really think you're the ONLY one? Parunts live in their own little bubble. They just want little prizes given to them all thru the day for shitting one out when they discovery there's no joy in it.
Re: They should just get rid of the Moo parking spaces
June 25, 2017
Those spots have no legal connotation, at least in the US. I purposely park in them all the time, no, I dont care if a moo didn't get her sleep the night before.

No, they hold no legal protection here in the UK either. The amount of times I've been out with my mum and I'm all like "park in that parent and child space; you're my parent, I'm your child" but she won't park there (to be honest she's quite particular about which space she'll park in).

If we're gonna have special parking spots for anyone, it should be for doctors and ER nurses, etc.,(outside the hospital lots I mean)

I agree 100 percent.

Idiot Duh
“I went into Tesco and they just said they’d put a note on it, but that’s not good enough because people keep getting away with it."

Getting away with what, exactly? Parking in a space that wasn't being used? Again, those spaces have no legal protection - guaranteed this idiot would get annoyed at someone using the toilet stall with the baby change mat in it. Yes, it's adapted for breeders, but it's still a toilet that serves a purpose - it shouldn't have to stay empty in case a breeder happens to heff their way into a public bathroom.
Re: They should just get rid of the Moo parking spaces
June 25, 2017
And to add to the stupid parking spot hero dad, “It could mean the world to someone who hasn’t slept for days or a mum who has worked all week."

If you haven't slept for days, you should not be driving at all.
Re: They should just get rid of the Moo parking spaces
June 25, 2017
I agree. If they want to add any spots I'd say do it for the elderly. Many of them have a hard time getting around. There are also lots of people who are almost able to qualify for the impaired spots. It upsets me to think moos expect to be a protected class. No, dumb shits, having kids doesn't mean you get special parking unless you have an actual physical impairment. There are people out there who need it much worse than you do!

Normally I park as far away from the drama as possible, unless it is a known dangerous parking lot. But when I've had a sprained ankle, etc. I appreciated the front spots greatly.
Re: They should just get rid of the Moo parking spaces
June 26, 2017
I hate parent and child spots, but what I hate even more is parents using the disabled spots when the parent and child ones are all taken rusty chainsaw
Re: They should just get rid of the Moo parking spaces
June 26, 2017
I looked at the article, the duh looks like a real smug entitlement minded ass.
Re: They should just get rid of the Moo parking spaces
June 27, 2017
And I love the 'reserved for expectant mother' spaces. Unless you're 8 or 9 months along who really knows if you're inpig or not? Some women just have 'tummies' (like me) Some women just don't 'show' till way into the pignasty. What? Are they going to ask to see 'the stick?' No way they can enforce that.
Re: They should just get rid of the Moo parking spaces
July 01, 2017
I agree. If they want to add any spots I'd say do it for the elderly. Many of them have a hard time getting around. There are also lots of people who are almost able to qualify for the impaired spots.

A grocery store in my home town actually did this! The closest spots were the usual handicap spots, complete with blue logo, signs, etc. Then next to them were three "senior spots" that were striped in yellow and had their own signs. Not legally enforceable, yeah, but a nice gesture of respect toward seniors who may have mobility issues but don't qualify for a handicapped plate or hang-tag.

Our local mall has a few "stork/family" spots that I don't hesitate to use, because if a pregnant person is SO fragile that she needs a special spot close to the doors, she should be parking at her doctor's office, not the damn mall. Get a temporary disabled hang-tag if you're that disabled by your pregnancy.

And like starlady said, there's no way to enforce those stork spots. What will they do, ask to see a note from my doctor? Run out with portable ultrasound equipment? Pfeh.
Re: They should just get rid of the Moo parking spaces
July 02, 2017
Because the spots are not there by law, there's no way to enforce it as they can't give you a ticket. I parked in a Babies R Us one the other day. Always have a spot at that mall because of this.
Re: They should just get rid of the Moo parking spaces
July 02, 2017
Until they issue special tags or hangtags for these spaces.. they're fare game.
Re: They should just get rid of the Moo parking spaces
July 02, 2017
Until they issue special tags or hangtags for these spaces.. they're fair game.

Yep yep.

Those signs and special purple-striped lines don't mean a damn thing. In fact, if I'm in the right mood, those signs are like a big ol' magnet. Generally I don't give a fuck about parking far away and walking...hell, I need the exercise...but if one of those is open, I'll go out of my way to park in it. In fact, I'm working on amusing answers for if someone ever tries to confront me about it. I mean, aside from the usual "go to hell; those spaces aren't enforceable". There's gotta be the perfect answer that points out the idiocy of those spaces in a hilarious way. Maybe we should start a thread of comebacks.
Re: They should just get rid of the Moo parking spaces
July 02, 2017
"Would you like me to take a pregnancy test right here?"
"Oh you bastard! I just had a miscarriage!"
"I AM pregnant, you just can't tell"

I've been drinking beer and that's the best I can do for now. grinning smiley
Re: They should just get rid of the Moo parking spaces
July 04, 2017
Nice. It would be even better to follow up any of those with "Kinda pervy that you're interested in what my reproductive system is doing right now..."
"'re asking a stranger about their uturus?"
"I'm the mother of a dog / cat / bird / etc"
"I am the mother of dragons"

That's all I can think of for now, but can I just say, I love this prompt!

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Re: They should just get rid of the Moo parking spaces
July 04, 2017
Why is it that duhs and moos like this LOVE to pose for pictures in tabloids? Attention whoring to the extreme.
Re: They should just get rid of the Moo parking spaces
July 04, 2017
Ugh. Just found the article on the right about decriminalising abortion.

“We wouldn’t dream of withdrawing care from a baby in one of the incubators at our neonatal unit just because parents didn’t want it,” says Dr Hudson. “Just because a baby is in a womb, rather than an incubator, I still believe that it deserves legal protection over its rights.”

So according to British scientists I'm an incubator.
Re: They should just get rid of the Moo parking spaces
July 04, 2017
My local supermarket has moo & brat parking spaces that are closer to the shop than the disabled parking spaces! hitting head against a brick wall
Re: They should just get rid of the Moo parking spaces
July 04, 2017
tea princess
Ugh. Just found the article on the right about decriminalising abortion.

“We wouldn’t dream of withdrawing care from a baby in one of the incubators at our neonatal unit just because parents didn’t want it,” says Dr Hudson. “Just because a baby is in a womb, rather than an incubator, I still believe that it deserves legal protection over its rights.”

So according to British scientists I'm an incubator.

They keep forgetting that 'baby' in the womb is attached to a human being. If the parents didn't want the child in a real incubator, they would sign away parental rights and walk away, and the hospital might keep it alive and put up for adoption, but a woman isn't an incubator, I repeat, a woman isn't an incubator.
Re: They should just get rid of the Moo parking spaces
July 04, 2017
I agree. If they want to add any spots I'd say do it for the elderly. Many of them have a hard time getting around. There are also lots of people who are almost able to qualify for the impaired spots.

A grocery store in my home town actually did this! The closest spots were the usual handicap spots, complete with blue logo, signs, etc. Then next to them were three "senior spots" that were striped in yellow and had their own signs. Not legally enforceable, yeah, but a nice gesture of respect toward seniors who may have mobility issues but don't qualify for a handicapped plate or hang-tag.

Our local mall has a few "stork/family" spots that I don't hesitate to use, because if a pregnant person is SO fragile that she needs a special spot close to the doors, she should be parking at her doctor's office, not the damn mall. Get a temporary disabled hang-tag if you're that disabled by your pregnancy.

And like starlady said, there's no way to enforce those stork spots. What will they do, ask to see a note from my doctor? Run out with portable ultrasound equipment? Pfeh.

Yes, pretty sure doctors encourage pregnant women to get exercise. If they are on bedrest then the mall is off limits (I mean, really?) and if they have a disability then as you said get a temporary hang-tag.

Stork spots are for families, and all of us have one if the definition is loose enough. So I'll use them if I want and especially if no other spots are available.
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