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Posted by KidFreeLuvnLife 
September 23, 2008
GAAAAA!!!!!! MY EYES!!!! MY EYES!!!!!!! I opened my email this morning, got one from my cuz and his wife. Subject line seemed benign enough: "Hey There!" Stupid me, I opened it and got struck in the face by a fucking picture of their latest ultrasound. AAAAHHH!!!

These people are 37 and 36. 11 years ago, they were told "NO KIDS EVER" because of some problem the wife's got, so they adopted an 8 year old girl with severe emotional problems. This kid's been with them for about 6 years now and is still having big problems. Needless to say, this repugnancy is the end-all, be-all, there is much celebrating, crying, you name it. Nothing else matters at this point except THEIR HOLY REPUGNANCY.

My guess is, once the biological baybee comes in late January that the high-maintenance behavior problem kid will be kicked to the curb.
Re: Ugh
September 23, 2008
I get a picture of my sil's kid every single day. even my e-mail filter doesn't work.
Re: Ugh
September 23, 2008
I e-mailed an old friend from college a couple of years ago, asking how she was, how her work was going, how things were with her new husband, etc. I then told her a bit about my own life. When I opened my e-mail to see that she had replied, imagine my excitement!

Too bad my excitement died down quickly once I realized that the 'e-mail' wasn't a message at all, but a dozen attached photo files of her baby that she had sent not only to me, but about 50 other people. In essence, the personalized reply I had actually hoped to get from this friend was nothing more than a generic mailing list of pictures of her kiddie-poo. TO THIS DAY, I still have never gotten an actual reply from her, and not once has she ever asked about me. All I get, every so often, is pictures of the kid teething, getting dressed, sitting on the training potty, etc.

Eventually I sent her an e-mail with one word, set at about a 100-point font type, and in red letters:


I made sure to copy it to the rest of her list. Hey, I felt obligated to speak on their behalf, too.

Ah, moomies....what a one-track mind.
Anonymous User
Re: Ugh
September 23, 2008
RatsNotBrats Wrote:
> I e-mailed an old friend from college a couple of
> years ago, asking how she was, how her work was
> going, how things were with her new husband, etc.
> I then told her a bit about my own life. When I
> opened my e-mail to see that she had replied,
> imagine my excitement!
> Too bad my excitement died down quickly once I
> realized that the 'e-mail' wasn't a message at
> all, but a dozen attached photo files of her baby
> that she had sent not only to me, but about 50
> other people. In essence, the personalized reply
> I had actually hoped to get from this friend was
> nothing more than a generic mailing list of
> pictures of her kiddie-poo. TO THIS DAY, I still
> have never gotten an actual reply from her, and
> not once has she ever asked about me. All I get,
> every so often, is pictures of the kid teething,
> getting dressed, sitting on the training potty,
> etc.
> Eventually I sent her an e-mail with one word, set
> at about a 100-point font type, and in red
> letters:
> I made sure to copy it to the rest of her list.
> Hey, I felt obligated to speak on their behalf,
> too.
> Ah, moomies....what a one-track mind.

ohhhhhhhhhhh i LOVE that, UNSUBSCRIBE GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Ugh
September 23, 2008
RatsNotBrats Wrote:

> Eventually I sent her an e-mail with one word, set
> at about a 100-point font type, and in red
> letters:
> I made sure to copy it to the rest of her list.
> Hey, I felt obligated to speak on their behalf,
> too.
> Brilliant.
Re: Ugh
September 23, 2008
nokyds4me, I used to get that shit too, I'd spend about 20 minutes composing a well-thought-out, long email to a friend, telling them what was going on in my life, catching up, etc., only to get an impersonal mass-mailing in return, like the Christmas Letter, with all the updates.

Then when you don't write to them anymore, you hear thru the grapevine how "so and so doesn't hear from you anymore" and asks what's up. Email and the telephone works BOTH ways.
Re: Ugh
September 23, 2008
I signed up with classmates.com several years back because one of my former classmates (CF) had contacted me through it and we had some fun email going back and forth. In a matter of days my inbox was innundated with piles and piles of newsy letters about all of their kyds and FILLED with pictures. I would guess from the responses that the vast majority of my class of 800 or so had become breeders. I only personally know two who have remained CF, and that's the one GF I have remained in contact with via email since she is in California, and one gay friend. Even the gay friend and his SO were looking into a surrogate mother at one time and I know this because they asked ME to carry their spawn. doh face That was by far the most strange request I have ever gotten from a friend.
Re: Ugh
September 23, 2008
Snort. Placing a kid in me would create a Toxic Avenger.
Re: Ugh
September 23, 2008
Rose Red Wrote:
> Snort. Placing a kid in me would create a Toxic
> Avenger.

I know, me too! I vividly remember him and his husband asking me. We had all three gone out to eat and I knew something was "up", by the way they are acting. They just came out and asked over a plate of pasta and I was stunned. They (especially my friend who knew me for years) knew I had no desire to be a parent, but they were saying that I wouldn't have to 'do anything" after the kyd was born, could see it when I wanted, etc........There were so many reasons I didn't want to do that it would take it's own website to fill. For all of those reasons I am glad I declined, and their being married (in a civil ceremony) for 10 years was apparently no guarantee they would be together forever either as they split up a couple of years later. I can only imagine what a drama THAT would have been with a biological toddler to contend with while their gay daddies fought it out, and it was a nasty split up complete with cheating, etc........

I do not care what the sexual orientation a male is, if he is a born male then I do not believe he is capable of doing much more than pawning that kyd off on the mother at the first given opportunity, EVEN IF she only agreed to give birth to it. NO THANKS. Males will absolutely not do their share in childcare or rearing and if there are some who exist who would, I have yet to meet them. If I had done that I would be stuck with a kyd that I did not want AND have to deal with TWO baby daddy, MY GOD, it would have been worse than a heterosexual divorce where I was one of the spouses.
Re: Ugh
September 23, 2008
If you had their kid and then they got divorced, what would happen is that YOU would have to fight against paying child support to whoever used their sperm to pollinate your egg. The courts just assume biological parents are responsible, the non-bio gay parent is considered a "step" parent. You'd have had to find a lawyer to prove that it was THEY who made the decision as a couple to have the kid, even if you'd signed a private agreement to waive all your parental rights.
Re: Ugh
September 23, 2008
Being adopted, I can say I wouldn't want the baggage with being part of it's heritage.
Anonymous User
Re: Ugh
September 23, 2008
I've heard that about adopted and foster kids - they are all high maintenance, emotionally disturbed (sometimes even psychotic) and not worth the trouble. I think lots of people choose childlessness over having to deal with such a heap of crap in their lives.
Anonymous User
Re: Ugh
September 23, 2008
You know what to do when they e-mail you pictures of ultrasounds, afterbirth etc.?

You simply e-mail them pictures of Goatse, Tubgirl or 2 Girls and 1 Cup.

Re: Ugh
September 23, 2008
This new thing in recent years of glorifying the ultrasound REALLY gets on my nerves. Unless you are a doctor who regularly reads those or perhaps a trained radiological technician, no one can make heads nor tails of what is on an ultra sound. That's why regular MD's don't even discuss the results with patients, but wait until a radiologist has read the damned thing. Yet, they ALL act like they can see the baybee's heartbeat, an arm or a leg, etc.... when in fact they could be looking at the ultrasound of a jackass or even a dead monkey, or nothing at all.

Does anyone remember that case back in the 80's of the fertility doctor who was pumping women up on preggo hormones and telling them they were pregnant when they were not? Because of the hormone he injected they were all getting false positives and having preggo symptoms. Then he would cut back on their injections, they would "miscarry", and then he would get paid aLL over again for the next round of fertility treatments. Anyway, he gave those stupid whores ultrasounds and had them pointing out arms, legs, heartbeats, etc....and when one of them got suspicious and had her ultrasound read by a radiologist, the "heartbeat" was her own, the "arms and legs" were her own colon, and the "head" was some partially digested fecal matter which had not yet passed down to her small intestine.

So, when I see an ultrasound tacked up on a refrigerator, and hear all of the nonsense and the hype about, "SEE, there's his head, THERE'S his penis, THERE'S his leg", etc.....I think to myself, for all they know it's just a piece of shit stuck sideways up their own asses.
Re: Ugh
September 23, 2008
kidlesskim Wrote:
> For all of
> those reasons I am glad I declined, and their
> being married (in a civil ceremony) for 10 years
> was apparently no guarantee they would be together
> forever either as they split up a couple of years
> later.

And I would bet that they blamed you for the divorce because you wouldn't have a baybee for them, and that's what ruined their marriage.

As for breeders sending pictures: I haven't spoken to my former best friend in 4 YEARS now - and she still sent me a photo of her sprog a few weeks ago. Someone is really not getting the message.
Re: Ugh
September 23, 2008
I am sorry to report that I have seen ultrasounds recently that do indeed resemble the human form. You folks must be talking about earlier ones. My SIL put some up on her myspace page and they look pretty cool. Of course, I still don't buy into the whole thing because she is just doing it for attention, but at least she's not sending out those myspace bulletins. If she starts doing that, then I'll delete her.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: Ugh
September 24, 2008
KidlessKim, Poofy_Puff is right. Over the last two years there have been a number of news stories from around the US, and at least one from Sweden, that followed this pattern:

1. Lesbian couple decides to have a baby.
2. Male friend is approached about donating sperm.
3. Male friend agrees. He donates sperm, but not through a sperm bank, nor using medical personnel. (No, no intercourse involved, wise guys—usually a turkey baster or some such.)
4. The baby is born.
5. Later the lesbians split up.
6. The custodial parent takes the sperm donor to court seeking child support. She doesn't try to get support from her former lesbian partner, even though this would seem to be most logical.
7. Because the father was known to the biological mother and donation was not through normal professional channels, the sperm donor father is ordered to pay support.

You could well have been in a situation that could have exposed you to being ordered to pay support, though I have not yet heard of this happening to a woman in that position. You were indeed wise to stay away from any such arrangement.
Re: Ugh
September 24, 2008
Not to mention the nasty that the prgnancy might have wreaked on your body... Yikes!
Re: Ugh
September 24, 2008
casseyrod Wrote:
> I've heard that about adopted and foster kids -
> they are all high maintenance, emotionally
> disturbed (sometimes even psychotic)

I eat raw meat and run into the road to see the shiny thing! What a gratifying gift from god.
Re: Ugh
September 24, 2008
casseyrod Wrote:
> I've heard that about adopted and foster kids -
> they are all high maintenance, emotionally
> disturbed (sometimes even psychotic) and not worth
> the trouble. I think lots of people choose
> childlessness over having to deal with such a heap
> of crap in their lives.

That is untrue. Speaking from experience, many many adopted people are quite normal and well adjusted...much more than myself in many cases. A lot of it has to do with how the adoptive parents treat them, and what lies they're fed.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: Ugh
September 24, 2008
I have FAS and mild cerebral palsy (courtesy of my alcoholic bio-mother), and I can see why many people wouldn't want to deal with that. Fortunately my adoptive parents were willing to adopt me and deal with my problems--the FAS and CP were my only real problems. Otherwise I was fairly normal--I was slow to walk and talk, but that had more to do with neglect as infant and abuse in foster care. I suspect that many, if not most adoptive children are normal, at least from the adoptive children I have known over the years.
Anonymous User
Re: Ugh
September 25, 2008
I know of 4 people who have been adopted, and all 4 are kind of wacky and unstable
Re: Ugh
September 25, 2008
MIB Wrote:
> You know what to do when they e-mail you pictures
> of ultrasounds, afterbirth etc.?
> You simply e-mail them pictures of Goatse, Tubgirl
> or 2 Girls and 1 Cup.

Noooo!!!!! tubgirl!!!!! (Lemon Party)
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