Fake News - Breeding Style
July 09, 2017
With so many references today to fake news, I would like to introduce the Breeder News Network, abbreviated as BNN. You can locate such news on your TV, radio and even on the internet. We will begin with WebMD as they seem to have a blog that is being written by a uterus.

So, shall we begin?



If you are considering not having children, you may be a bit reluctant to admit it. Couples who choose not to have children often face intense societal pressure and scrutiny. Withstanding that pressure requires inner strength and conviction – but to have that conviction, you must first be sure that it is a life you want to embrace, with all of its benefits and drawbacks.

Many people’s primary objection to becoming a parent relates to all of the responsibilities and obligations that come along with it. Parenting is a 24-hour a day, 7-day a week job. You may not want to endure the many common and painful parenting experiences, such as your child’s tantrums, your child’s tantrums in public, and your own tantrums when you feel overwrought, exhausted, and unable to take a break from your child who needs you. Then there are the issues that come along with older children, especially teenagers. While you do not need to give up your interests and passions, your ability to pursue them will be affected. And, you will also have fewer resources to put into yourself, as raising children will consume your time, money, and energy.

Another reason some people are hesitant to become parents is that they were raised in a less than loving family. Many who began life in such difficult circumstances fear that they will be abusive like their parents. Others have struggles that they think would make them a bad parent, such as having a temper or sensing that they are not nurturing enough. The truth is that such a background often does affect people, including their parenting. But how it affects them is not a given. They might have an inner drive to be a better parent. Or, they might be motivated to heal the hurts they carry, spurring them on to be a healthier person and a better parent.

Some people decide that they don’t want to raise children because doing so is just not of interest to them. Their decision is not because they face overwhelming fears or are injured by their own childhood. Their interests simply lay elsewhere. They have passions that carry them in another direction, such as championing a cause, pursuing a career, or simply enjoying other interests.

While all of the above are reasons for choosing not to raise children are reasonable, being a parent clearly has its rewards – or no one would choose to do it!

Aside from the many tender and purely joyful moments that come with parenting, it also offers a sense of meaning. There is no question in most parents’ minds that they are engaging in an important and meaningful “project” as they care for and attempt to shape their children. They take pride in their children’s accomplishments, enjoy their successes, and support them with great compassion through their failures. Without this focus and these challenges, their life would undoubtedly be easier; but they might feel lost, aimless in life, or unfulfilled. (For this reason, people without children often benefit from investing themselves in something that offers a sense of purpose.)

Many parents find that raising a child helps them to become better people. They learn patience and focus more on becoming their best selves so that they can be a good role model. Having a child also offers a chance to have a legacy. In shaping your child, you help to influence the future of society.

If being child-free does seem appealing to you, think it over. Make sure that it is a choice. People who put off making the decision to have children can be left regretting their indecision and inaction in their later years. While you can’t know what each path holds for you, you can make the best decision for you given what you know now.
Re: Fake News - Breeding Style
July 09, 2017
While all of the above are reasons for choosing not to raise children are reasonable, being a parent clearly has its rewards – or no one would choose to do it!

You go you walking uterus! I applaud you!

If doing drugs eventually killed people, nobody would choose to do it, right? Why do so many people try drugs? Peer pressure. Why do so many people breed? Peer pressure. One can stop doing drugs. One cannot do anything if they had a kid that is being overwhelming.

Fucking without protection creates pregnancies. Social stigma that is so against abortions creates babies. I say it is time to drop the political correctness and say it how it really is. A good portion of pregnancies are unintended and unplanned.
Re: Fake News - Breeding Style
July 09, 2017
Here's what I don't get. If a person does not want to be a parent because they had a bad childhood, don't have the right temperament, or have no interest in children; WHY DO PEOPLE THINK THAT'S A BAD THING? Aren't they doing the intelligent and responsible thing by not creating an unhappy dysfunctional family? Dog knows there are way too many of those already. How exactly are fucked up families good for anybody?
Re: Fake News - Breeding Style
July 09, 2017
While all of the above are reasons for choosing not to raise children are reasonable, being a parent clearly has its rewards – or no one would choose to do it!

You go you walking uterus! I applaud you!

If doing drugs eventually killed people, nobody would choose to do it, right? Why do so many people try drugs? Peer pressure. Why do so many people breed? Peer pressure. One can stop doing drugs. One cannot do anything if they had a kid that is being overwhelming.

Fucking without protection creates pregnancies. Social stigma that is so against abortions creates babies. I say it is time to drop the political correctness and say it how it really is. A good portion of pregnancies are unintended and unplanned.

And you just know the author is patting herself on the uterus for sprouting forth with so much objectivity about children. sarcastic clapping
Re: Fake News - Breeding Style
July 09, 2017
Here's what I don't get. If a person does not want to be a parent because they had a bad childhood, don't have the right temperament, or have no interest in children; WHY DO PEOPLE THINK THAT'S A BAD THING? Aren't they doing the intelligent and responsible thing by not creating an unhappy dysfunctional family? Dog knows there are way too many of those already. How exactly are fucked up families good for anybody?

I knew a man who wanted to have kids to give them a better childhood than he had. I think this reason for having kids is a recipe for disaster. His fiancé ran the show and she was as decidedly childfree as I am. When he said this her and I would just look at each other and try to not roll our eyes. Bringing some non-existent being into the world to prove to it that you can provide a better childhood than you had...okay, first of all the non-existent being wasn't there for your childhood. Secondly, you brought the child into existence for a reason that makes absolutely no sense! Thirdly, there are no guarantees that the nonexistent kids will have a better life regardless. I translate this reason to be his attempt to stroke his ego because only he was around for both his childhood and his yet to exist offspring.

If people want kids there is no need to fabricate idiotic reasons to do so that make them sound really dumb. Just say "I want kids" and leave it at that if all you can think of are dumb reasons. It isn't neuroscience. And they definitely didn't have kids either!
Re: Fake News - Breeding Style
July 09, 2017
The article would have been all right, until the last four paragraphs. Breeders just can't resist getting their digs in.

Here's what I find amusing:


Another reason some people are hesitant to become parents is that they were raised in a less than loving family. Many who began life in such difficult circumstances fear that they will be abusive like their parents.


Many parents find that raising a child helps them to become better people. They learn patience and focus more on becoming their best selves so that they can be a good role model.


Aside from the many tender and purely joyful moments that come with parenting, it also offers a sense of meaning. There is no question in most parents’ minds that they are engaging in an important and meaningful “project” as they care for and attempt to shape their children. They take pride in their children’s accomplishments, enjoy their successes, and support them with great compassion through their failures.

My bullshit meter just hit the stratosphere.

Look, we all know many people grow up in abusive homes. Parenting isn't automatically making everyone who does it better. In fact, for most people, it magnifies their character flaws and perpetuates the abuse.

Get real, lady.
Re: Fake News - Breeding Style
July 10, 2017

Many parents find that raising a child helps them to become better people. They learn patience and focus more on becoming their best selves so that they can be a good role model.

Yeah, no. One should strive to improve themselves as a person before they create a 100% dependent person who will absorb everything their creator does and cite that as the example to follow. Using a child as the reason to become a better person is giving the child a job and the child will become the scapegoat when the breeder falls short.

Frankly, self-improvement should happen whether one is having kids or not. I'm in the process of my own self-improvement plan, primarily to reduce stress.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: Fake News - Breeding Style
July 10, 2017
While all of the above are reasons for choosing not to raise children are reasonable, being a parent clearly has its rewards – or no one would choose to do it!

Um...societal pressure. Not being imaginative enough to break loose from the LifeScript. Following the animalistic instinct to reproduce. Accidentally getting pregnant and being too stupid (or poor) to get an abortion.


Aside from the many tender and purely joyful moments that come with parenting

two faces puking


Many parents find that raising a child helps them to become better people. They learn patience and focus more on becoming their best selves so that they can be a good role model.

Or they beat them to death or leave them in hot cars when they realize what a hideous mistake they've made by procreating. I like that the article presented being CF as a genuine, viable choice, but after reading that, my bingo card is definitely full.

(Somebody needs to break down the percentage of time this article spent talking about how great parenting is, seeing as how it purports to be about supporting being CF.)
Re: Fake News - Breeding Style
July 11, 2017
...helps them to become better people...

My first thought, and sometimes response is: "You used to be worse?"
Re: Fake News - Breeding Style
July 12, 2017
Holy shit...WebMD? That's the LAST time I visit that breederific site! D:
Re: Fake News - Breeding Style
July 13, 2017

Aside from the many tender and purely joyful moments that come with parenting, it also offers a sense of meaning.

playing a violin

I knew a man who wanted to have kids to give them a better childhood than he had.

I read about it in an article written by a therapist. Those people project themselves into the children and basically
they want to give themselves a better childhood.
Re: Fake News - Breeding Style
July 13, 2017
mrs. chinaski
Those people project themselves into the children

I think all parents do that, at least to some extent. They all want or expect their children to be little versions of themselves. Their children feed their egos. Insulting their kids is an insult to them. Their kids' achievements are points of pride for the parents. Kids are expected to have the same thoughts, feelings, and beliefs as their breeders. Everything about having kids is about the parents.
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