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Now this is BIDNESS! lol.

Posted by nowhiggers 
Now this is BIDNESS! lol.
September 24, 2008
The other day I was chatting with one of my skype buddies and it seems that there are a lot of brats out there answering and placing ads on various sites for "homework assistance." Actually what this means is that there are brats with enough disposable income to hire someone to do their homework assignments and breeders who either don't give a shit they are doing this, give them money to do it, or simply, like a typical breeder, aren't supervising their brat's education and what their brat is doing online. We are talking about older teens and college kids, FYI.

I was kind of shocked at the money some people are making out there doing the brain dead simple high school and undergrad work that the schools are giving out to the brats these days. No wonder half the country is illiterate.

Anyhow, skype buddy was telling me about someone else he knows online running a service to cater to the brats that don't want to do their homework. Dude has about 15 people writing for him, collects payment up front, takes 30% off the top and give the writers the other 70% and delivers papers, homework assignments and so on, hot and fresh!! LOL.

I did ask my buddy if there have ever been any problems, he said not that he had heard, all this guy does is collect the money, and the assignment, and doesn't ask any questions.

But can you believe the brats have money to spend on this kind of stuff? And the breeders complain about how haaaarrrrd it is and how they barely get by, give me a fuckin break.
Re: Now this is BIDNESS! lol.
September 24, 2008
To think they didn't want us using Cliff's notes.eye rolling smiley How hard can it be to do this mindless shit they call homework these days? I wish that the high schools and colleges would put a stop to this and they could, if they halfway tried. Where do these kyds get the money AND the credit cards to sign up with paypal? I bet that moomie is so unaware of what the kyd is doing and is so unorganized in her bill paying that she doesn't even look at the statements. If they were truly doing TMIJITW, then the kyd wouldn't be too lazy to actually do his homework nor would he be so damned dishonest.
Anonymous User
Re: Now this is BIDNESS! lol.
September 24, 2008
This reminds me of something I saw on TV once. When I was younger I used to watch a show on Nickelodeon called "All That." They used to do some sketches that were parodies of ads. One of them was a parody of PizzaHut called "Homework Hut." Some kids call Homework Hut on the phone. "I need a report on Abraham Lincoln. Make it a B minus." 30 minutes later the delivery guy comes to the kids window with a pizza box that contains the homework. I can't believe that a company like this really exists.
Anonymous User
Re: Now this is BIDNESS! lol.
September 24, 2008
I do freelance writing and editing, and it enrages me when I see an ad on Craigslist for "Homework Help" - "help" my ass! You pay them enough, they do your homework or write your papers FOR you, period. Some of these places even advertise that they have Ivy League grads working for them. I ALWAYS flag those posts because that is plagiarism, and it's completely banned by all universities! Not to mention... I really don't want to be going to a doctor who CHEATED his/her way through med school!

Saw an ad in the paper yesterday that said "6th grade math in Tokyo is 8th grade math in Toledo" (Ohio, not Spain!) It's no secret we're falling behind in math and science. So why not, instead of having hand-holding "academic-related motivational discussions" with these kids in the hope that they'll improve on their own... just give them the F they deserve and hold their asses back a grade! If Japanese 12-year-olds can learn it, goddamnit, American 12-year-olds can too. This special snowflake/my-child-can-do-no-wrong/it's-the-school's-fault attitude has GOT TO STOP, or Idiocracy is going to be way more than a movie!
Re: Now this is BIDNESS! lol.
September 24, 2008
No joke, Kim!! My husband's younger brother is still in high school. When we visit my in-laws, he'll show us his homework sometimes and explain what he has to do or write for that week. They have dumbed this stuff down to ludicrous levels.

I swear, you could probably pull a 'Weekend At Bernie's' scenario and just put a corpse at a desk at this high school and it would still be given a passing grade. In fact, the teacher would probably think the corpse was just an autistic indigo child and wouldn't hold his lack of movement or speech against him for fear of "hurting his self-esteem".

And yes, when I was in high school, Cliff Notes were forbidden. You had to actually *gasp* read the fucking material. Total shocker, I know.
Re: Now this is BIDNESS! lol.
September 24, 2008
Seems like it would be a recession proof business to me. They'll never let the breeders starve or go without in the coming economic shitstorm.

I'd look into it if I didn't have so many other things on my plate right now. Seems like a good way to get some tax money back though.
Re: Now this is BIDNESS! lol.
September 24, 2008
Recession proof, indeed! Damn straight I'd take money from these people to do their kid's work. They get enough of my money in the form of tax breaks.

This might be worth looking into............
Re: Now this is BIDNESS! lol.
September 24, 2008
hey i've got tons of business ideas for getting your tax money back from the breeders n' brats. lol. maybe i'll start a new thread just on that when i get a chance. surely some people here could use a little extra cash part time or something to help out.

i just wish i had more than 24 hours in a day, and not so much shit on my own plate right now...
Re: Now this is BIDNESS! lol.
September 24, 2008
Oh my god these are kiddies, for chrissakes. They can be beaten at their own stupid game.

I'd like to respond to these 'assignments' and spend a couple months diddling out papers about digestive systems and haikus. I will accept cash on delivery. Then, at the end of the semester, I will send copies of each paper along with copies of all email correspondence with the cheating brat to his or her principal. I will enjoy my profits even more knowing that feathers are fucking flying in the PTA meetings.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: Now this is BIDNESS! lol.
September 24, 2008
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> Recession proof, indeed! Damn straight I'd take
> money from these people to do their kid's work.
> They get enough of my money in the form of tax
> breaks.
> This might be worth looking into............

Count me in, I would so be into helping some dumbass cheat itself out of an education if I got paid for it.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: Now this is BIDNESS! lol.
September 24, 2008
nullipara Wrote:
> I do freelance writing and editing, and it enrages
> me when I see an ad on Craigslist for "Homework
> Help" - "help" my ass! You pay them enough, they
> do your homework or write your papers FOR you,
> period. Some of these places even advertise that
> they have Ivy League grads working for them. I
> ALWAYS flag those posts because that is
> plagiarism, and it's completely banned by all
> universities! Not to mention... I really don't
> want to be going to a doctor who CHEATED his/her
> way through med school!

You can't cheat your way through med school, not possible. Sure, its possible to cheat somewhat through undergrad, but med school is a different animal altogether.

And who cares if it's banned by schools or universities. I sure as fuck don't. If my business tip helps some childfree folks make a little extra money on the side and get some of their taxes back, then it's a good thing.

And let's be clear about what kind of brats employ "homework services"... brats with BREEDERS that aren't paying attention to the brats education or online activities. These idiots should lose their tax deductions for bad parenting anyhow.

Fuck them and their "social contract."
Re: Now this is BIDNESS! lol.
September 24, 2008
Amethyst Wrote:
> Oh my god these are kiddies, for chrissakes. They
> can be beaten at their own stupid game.
> I'd like to respond to these 'assignments' and
> spend a couple months diddling out papers about
> digestive systems and haikus. I will accept cash
> on delivery. Then, at the end of the semester, I
> will send copies of each paper along with copies
> of all email correspondence with the cheating brat
> to his or her principal. I will enjoy my profits
> even more knowing that feathers are fucking flying
> in the PTA meetings.

A brilliant idea in theory, but in actual practice, as a CF you should know exactly how such a thing would go down:

Brat and breeder would take no blame at all for employing your service, YOU would be demonized and "held responsible" including possible lawsuits and so forth.

Best just to do it like my skype buddy explained it, take assignments, ask no questions, market the service as "example papers and homework" rather than "I'm doing your homework" -- play dumb early and often. Collect payment, keep your mouth shut.
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