Duh at 17, grandduh at 40 says breeding "saved my life"
December 02, 2017
Get out your vomit bags for a "heart-warming" story of a man telling you how lovely it was for him to become a father at 17 and a grandfather at 40. See, he was a useless waste of space as a teenager, and becoming a single dad forced him to become responsible. It's not like there is any other way to become responsible than by being faced with the consequences of irresponsibility.

I was not at all surprised that his daughter wound up getting pregnant at a young age as well, and is living at home with her father. If he glorified parenthood as a source of responsibility, why would she try to avoid making the same mistake he did?

We have 8 billion people on the planet and this fucker seems to think it's a good thing if he can pose for a "five generations in one photo" article. Parenting has really made him such a responsible person...
Re: Duh at 17, grandduh at 40 says breeding "saved my life"
December 02, 2017
I once heard of a grand duh in London who became a grandfather at 27 or 28 and of course was proud of himself for breaking some kind of record. He knocked up a girl at 13 or 14 and the resulting daughter had a kid at that age also. All this was in the welfare white ghetto of that city.
Re: Duh at 17, grandduh at 40 says breeding "saved my life"
December 03, 2017
My brother, who married a woman who had started breeding at age 17 and brought 3 boys into the marriage, was a grandfather by age 34. It didn't do him any good.
Re: Duh at 17, grandduh at 40 says breeding "saved my life"
December 03, 2017
we had a young client at the women's shelter where I worked. She came in to chat at shift change. She began lecturing me and my coworker about how she had been so irresponsible at 17, a and then she had her first baybee and settled down so much. And how much better she became with each subsequent kid! When she left we looked at each other and said "what's wrong with this picture? She's talking to two women who own their own houses, vehicles and have jobs.Advising her that our lives would be better if we had 3 kids, no car or jobs and lived in a shelter!" They simply HAVE to delude themselves to feel better
Re: Duh at 17, grandduh at 40 says breeding "saved my life"
December 04, 2017
Hate to break it to ya, duh, but you're nothing special. My mother had me at a young age, but she doesn't go around telling anyone who will listen how becoming a parent saved her life 111! And how totes responsible she is now because baybee 111! It was just something that needed to be done. No attention whoring necessary. Then again, my mom went back to school and eventually got a job. Not sure about this duh, but something tells me he hasn't done much with his life. He's probably a shit comedian too.
Re: Duh at 17, grandduh at 40 says breeding "saved my life"
December 05, 2017
My experience is that people who feel the need to proclaim to anyone within earshot how responsible they are usually aren't responsible. Same for those who brag about what great parents they are.
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