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We've Known This All Along

Posted by Peace 
We've Known This All Along
December 08, 2017
This article from The Guardian validates what we've said all along. The data and graphs are here.

All I can say is, I am so glad to be CF, especially now that I'm older, and don't have to deal with teenage angst, teenage pregnancy or college tuition for another person.

Re: We've Known This All Along
December 08, 2017
but placenta brained wanna moos and duhs never read the stats.

two cents ΒΆΒΆ


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: We've Known This All Along
December 08, 2017
So basically, kids will fuck up your life differently depending on your gender or marital status, but they will fuck up your life. You're right, we knew this, but it's nice to see it in print. (Remember the studies that showed parents are unhappier than CF people? I think we're going to see more and more of these come out, and the backlash against them is going to be a shitshow.)
Re: We've Known This All Along
December 09, 2017
So basically, kids will fuck up your life differently depending on your gender or marital status, but they will fuck up your life. You're right, we knew this, but it's nice to see it in print. (Remember the studies that showed parents are unhappier than CF people? I think we're going to see more and more of these come out, and the backlash against them is going to be a shitshow.)

All they'll do tho is take the data, and make demands on companies, and then work benefits will change nationwide over time, just like they have already since more and more women stay in the workplace while breeding instead of being SAHMs. They will say they need different benefits because the American system of work/life balance is failing women and da chyldren. They will end up getting all the flex time, 2 yrs off for every kid they pop out, and attending baseball games will earn them tuition dollars for the kids' futures or something. While we work at work, and only get paid for working, or being sick, not while enjoying family time w/ people we love.
Re: We've Known This All Along
December 09, 2017
You have to wonder who looks at a steaming pile of shit like that and says, "Thanks, I'd love some!"
Re: We've Known This All Along
December 09, 2017
You have to wonder who looks at a steaming pile of shit like that and says, "Thanks, I'd love some!"

That's how it's always been tho with bratz and breederz tho. They just can't say no to the logic. Think we're the weird ones.
Re: We've Known This All Along
December 09, 2017
Ahead of our time here in CF land. I figured this out about 50 years ago.
Re: We've Known This All Along
December 09, 2017

All they'll do tho is take the data, and make demands on companies, and then work benefits will change nationwide over time, just like they have already since more and more women stay in the workplace while breeding instead of being SAHMs. They will say they need different benefits because the American system of work/life balance is failing women and da chyldren. They will end up getting all the flex time, 2 yrs off for every kid they pop out, and attending baseball games will earn them tuition dollars for the kids' futures or something. While we work at work, and only get paid for working, or being sick, not while enjoying family time w/ people we love.

In some ways I am glad I can't work and must live on SSD all my life, but my life sucks even though I am brat free. My Fibromyalgia means I feel like I have the flu 24/7/365. It's so bad I came down with sepsis MRSA pnemonia and didn't even know I was sick. I went into a coma and a room mate saved my ass when I wouldn't wake to get a taxi to a medical appointment. I was in a coma for 3 weeks, one week on a ventilator. After I left hospital, the doctor said I had a 20% chance of kicking that bucket.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: We've Known This All Along
December 10, 2017

In some ways I am glad I can't work and must live on SSD all my life, but my life sucks even though I am brat free. My Fibromyalgia means I feel like I have the flu 24/7/365. It's so bad I came down with sepsis MRSA pnemonia and didn't even know I was sick. I went into a coma and a room mate saved my ass when I wouldn't wake to get a taxi to a medical appointment. I was in a coma for 3 weeks, one week on a ventilator. After I left hospital, the doctor said I had a 20% chance of kicking that bucket.

Wow. I have Fibro too, but not that bad. I too feel like I have the flu all the time, but if I get sick with something else, I can feel it. You have my deepest sympathies.
Re: We've Known This All Along
December 10, 2017

In some ways I am glad I can't work and must live on SSD all my life, but my life sucks even though I am brat free. My Fibromyalgia means I feel like I have the flu 24/7/365. It's so bad I came down with sepsis MRSA pnemonia and didn't even know I was sick. I went into a coma and a room mate saved my ass when I wouldn't wake to get a taxi to a medical appointment. I was in a coma for 3 weeks, one week on a ventilator. After I left hospital, the doctor said I had a 20% chance of kicking that bucket.

Wow. I have Fibro too, but not that bad. I too feel like I have the flu all the time, but if I get sick with something else, I can feel it. You have my deepest sympathies.

Your sentiments are deeply appreciated.

I found out I had Fibro when I was at the nerologist's for unrelenting migraine headaches. Sense I was so sensitive for touch, he thought to run a Fibro test. I was found to have 16 points of sensitivity in less than two minutes. He simply stopped after 16 squeaks.

Even though I am this sick SSD sends me paperwork that make me PROVE I am too sick to work every year with out delay. I just thank the fact that West Yavapai Guidance Clinic has my back, and will send any and all paperwork with alacrity.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: We've Known This All Along
December 10, 2017

You have to wonder who looks at a steaming pile of shit like that and says, "Thanks, I'd love some!"

Well, that's the $64,000 question, isn't it? I've known people who professed to not wanting them, but do it anyway because they feel obligated by their spouse, their parents, their Sky Daddy, or society. (Which is the biggest joke of course, since childfree people are doing more for the Earth than Breeders.)

It's crazy that adults feel obligated to go through with something they know will ruin their lives.
Re: We've Known This All Along
December 11, 2017
You have to wonder who looks at a steaming pile of shit like that and says, "Thanks, I'd love some!"

Guessing it was the same kids in high school who would drink until they passed out and puked everywhere. As soon as the pain of a hangover wears off they are planning their next binge...because...drink. While some people have decent decision making processes most don't. Or they buy into the "biology" rhetoric. Or perhaps it is the same ones who always say parenting (or whatever else) will be different for them and they will be better parents than their parents, despite all evidence to the contrary and the fact that lots of people say that and end up exactly like their parents. Or perhaps they have terrible memories and don't recall how crappy kids were in general or how much of an effort most parents put into not having to spend time with their kids. Or maybe they never had to babysit and only have romanticized concepts of parenting.

Or perhaps they do become gainfully employed and have a spouse who is also employed and somehow think they can do it all because they still aren't aware of the fact that they can only choose 2: money, kids, time. I know of someone who is in the very rare minority of having tons of money, tons of free time and was able to raise and homeschool his kids.
He went out of his way to teach them lots of practical skills, they went on tons of tours and traveled and also met up regularly with other home schooled kids. For subjects he couldn't teach he hired tutors. So, one in a million in quality of education. They're dependent brats who are adults and don't know how to drive a car. Daddy has to chauffeur them back and forth from college. And one of the kids complains bitterly that she didn't get to attend public school.
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