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$1000 to get sterilized, proposed by Republican

Posted by nowhiggers 
See, I just cannot subscribe to all republicans being evil.


Typically, what I've seen is more republicans or conservatives supporting sterilizations, and more democrats or liberals crying bloody hell over it and telling everyone "if we just haaaaad more munnnnnny for welfare programs and edumactationnnnnn!!" BULLSHIT. angry smileyangry smileyangry smileyangry smiley I would vote for a republican, even if i did not like their abortion views if they actually implemented a pay to sterilize program.

How many cf folk out there would run, not walk, to the sterilization center if the government was paying $1000 a head? And how many of these short-sighted small brained breeders would see $1000 BLING BLING and do it for immediate gratification? Yeah that really puts a smile on my face. grinning smiley
Re: $1000 to get sterilized, proposed by Republican
September 24, 2008
Breeders, Christian fundies, and few other nutjobs absolutely freak out at the mention of sterilization for anyone, even terd worlders who are starving to death. Even though I know the reasons they give and have a basic idea about the religious and philosophical idealism behind it, I absolutely can not comprehend WHY they feel the way they do regarding it. "It's just wrong", "It's a sin", and "It's just the way I feel", are not sufficient answers if they would open their minds and look at the big picture, or in some cases the smaller one. To some of the fundies especially, they truly believe that even the most impoverished, handicapped and unable to properly take care of a child, life would be in jeopardy if knocked up women, and even homeless should STILL be "open to life" if they are married. They are convinced that natural famblee planning works, yet people are writing in to forums like the "Catholic answers" ones every single day asking if it's ok that after their 10th kyd the wife gets a tubal and they emphatically say, "NO".

They believe from the depths of their pea pickin'little hearts that it's "God's will" and that "God will provide" and that birth control should NOT EVER be used, that abortion is NEVER "ok" under any circumstance, and that the only time a "live", or presumed not dead, embryo may be removed from a woman, other than to birth it, is with an ectopic pregnancy. I do not understand this and I never have, how they think it's 'God's will" when a homeless woman has a baybee, rather than prevent it, for instance. It is perhaps a phenomenon which will never be unravelled and personally, I think it's a form of mental illness to be such a DIE HARD believer in baybee making, regardless of the circumstances. It's as if they learned it by rote and never bother to think it through or question it.
From the article:
But critics of such plans have long said the idea is racist. Sheila Griffin, interim director of the New Orleans Women's Health Clinic, criticized the idea as targeting poor black women and said better proposals to aid the poor would be to raise the minimum wage while improving education, labor laws and health care.

The problem with this assumption on the part of the bleeding-heart liberal director being quoted, is that she assumes these baby mamas actually want to turn their lives around. They don't. They want money the fastest way possible, whether by birthing another welfare baby or a one-shot deal to get their tubes tied. Raising minimum wage? Improving labor laws, education and health care? Only works if someone is willing to get up off their ass and work for a living. The fact that the majority of the poor women who would be affected by this program in New Orleans are black is irrelevent. Breeder trash is breeder trash, I don't care what their skin color is or what part of the country they are from.
$1K wouldn't be enough incentive for any but the poorest. It just isn't enough money with today's costs, though it isn't too bad either. The proposal needs to be more ambitious. Make it $10K and you got a deal. The government would save loads of money in the long run.

The next step would be to limit or eliminate the dependent tax exemptions on income tax. If the Repubs want death to be a nontaxable event by eliminating the estate tax, then birth should not be an event mandating more money in breeders' pockets.
Anonymous User
Re: $1000 to get sterilized, proposed by Republican
September 25, 2008
Im ok if only the poorest of the poor jump on the $1,000 poor people SHOULDNT have kids,
$1000 can buy some good crack rock, and a whole lot of cheap liquor! Hopefully, the type of women who would be exicted over that will get sterilized. They make the shittiest type of parunts, and the most pathetic kinds of kids, in most cases.
Anonymous User
Re: $1000 to get sterilized, proposed by Republican
September 25, 2008
This won't work much.

The kind of people who are responsible enough to get themselves sterilized, would probably not be breeding a lot of unwanted kids anyway, if they could help it.

If a woman is obsessed with having lots of babies and being on welfare, she is not going to voluntarily get sterilized.

I think the government should offer birth control and sterilization at either reduced rates, or free of charge.
Re: $1000 to get sterilized, proposed by Republican
September 25, 2008
it would never happen in this idiot country, but I would love to see families limited to two children and after that, the woman must be sterilised. Unfortunately breeders don't have the sense to do it for themselves, so this might help with the problem--take the decision out of their hands.

Of course it will never happen, but hey, I can dream!
The fundamentalist-types I've run into (and they are almost always Republicans) have a problem accepting women as men's equals. OF COURSE a woman is supposed to breed, that's her purpose in life! eye rolling smiley As I've mentioned before, I'm an ex-Catholic and that life-script was very big in the Church.
Re: $1000 to get sterilized, proposed by Republican
September 25, 2008
Why on earth was his idea derided as "racist"? Presumably it would be available to anyone in a given income bracket. Sounds like a good investment to me, saving tons of cash down the road. But as casseyrod said, the responsible folks who'd actually be interested likely have family planning in place to begin with.
I don't believe it. This has actually been proposed???


O.M.G. I am so glad some politician had the guts to put this bill forth. You just know there's gonna be one hell of a storm abrewin' if the breeder-pleasers don't manage to sweep this under the rug before the public/media takes notice.

The sad thing is that many of my conservative friends go absolutely bonkers every. single. time. the idea is brought up. Even the mere suggestion of incentives for being snipped or tied sends some people into a frothing rage...no matter what the life circumstances of the parents, the area they live in, anything. In their minds even a flat-broke mom in a dangerous slum neighborhood has an inalienable right to have as many kids as she wants, and it is noble and good for the rest of us to help (at gunpoint via taxes) if/when she can't make ends meet. I was actually told this to my face.

MerlynHerne, you have the right idea, although I wouldn't want an *outright limit* on kids. That's a little too much government power. But I'd sure support a limit on use of public resources; you can continue to have kids after #2 or #3, but they will not receive ANY tax-funded benefits. No extra food stamps - no free lunches - no nothing! And if you are found unable to support said extra kids, you lose them.
Re: $1000 to get sterilized, proposed by Republican
September 25, 2008
Can you buy a $1000 sterilization 'gift certificate' for someone on their birthday? And they HAVE to use it?? Excellent. I'll take three of them for a few jollies coming up.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: $1000 to get sterilized, proposed by Republican
September 25, 2008
Although I still favour a limit on children, if the government agreed to no extra tax exemptions or benefits, I could live with that. Maybe if breeders have to pay for this all themselves, they might see the wisdom in limiting their reproduction.
Anonymous User
Re: $1000 to get sterilized, proposed by Republican
September 25, 2008
Breeders don't think the government should have any say in how many children they have -- but they'd damn sure expect the government to pick up the tab if they couldn't afford to take care of them. They can't have it both ways.

...Well, obviously they CAN -- but they shouldn't be able to!
Does anyone recall back in the 1990 all the hoopla about the "family cap" when it came to providing more welfare benefits to moos on welfare who had more kyds while on welfare? I was hoping it would be part of the 1996 Welfare Reform Act (U.S.A.) but I think the courts struck it down when a state tried to enact this cap. To me, this cap should be automatic. I agree that tax exemptions for dependents should be removed, and the CF households should get a tax credit on their local school taxes (my biggest bugaboo).
Re: $1000 to get sterilized, proposed by Republican
September 25, 2008
Exemptions for dependents should be limited to a spouse or possibly an adult who has no income through no fault of their own, in certain cases. So if meemaw lives there and gets a SS check; no exemption. Uncle Retard lives there but gets an SSI check?;no exemption. Lazy aunt or sis who won't work shacks up under their roof?;no exemption. People who adopt special needs kyds get a monthly check for it and other people who adopt should be able to afford said kyd, like a breeder SHOULD be able to as well without relying on welfare. I think that people who have kids ALREADY get a tax break via their lower payroll deductions, earned income credits, refunds of most of what they pay in, etc.... In fact, I think that anyone with any "dependents" over the one spouse who has no income, like in the case with the breeders with all the kyds, should be taxed MORE than the CF singlton or couple simply because they are a bigger drain on the very systems(s) which our taxes finance. Welfare, schools, child protective services, state/county/city run kiddie playgrounds, medicaid, free lunches, headstart programs, foodstamps, etc.....not to MENTION they use public services more often than CF, they run the roads in their SUV's, their driver age kyds burn up the roads and highways, they make more use of fire/ambulance/police, etc........... for no other reason than that there are more of them.

I have NEVER understood how people who blatantly have kyd after kyd, who drain the social systems and public services and rarely pay any tax besides maybe sales tax, can sit there with a straight face and expect everyone else, ESPECIALLY those without kyds, to finance their lifestyle. It beats all I have ever seen how such selfish people have the AUDACITY to call childfree people selfish, when all they do is take take take, and when they are'nt taking, they have their hands out wanting more and expecting other people to give them money and otherwise pay their ways.
Re: $1000 to get sterilized, proposed by Republican
September 27, 2008
nowhiggers Wrote:
> See, I just cannot subscribe to all republicans
> being evil.
> http://www.thenew995fm.com/cc-common/news/sections
> /newsarticle.html?feed=135361&article=4292234
> Typically, what I've seen is more republicans or
> conservatives supporting sterilizations, and more
> democrats or liberals crying bloody hell over it
> and telling everyone "if we just haaaaad more
> munnnnnny for welfare programs and
> edumactationnnnnn!!" BULLSHIT. angry smileyangry smileyangry smileyangry smiley I would
> vote for a republican, even if i did not like
> their abortion views if they actually implemented
> a pay to sterilize program.
> How many cf folk out there would run, not walk, to
> the sterilization center if the government was
> paying $1000 a head? And how many of these
> short-sighted small brained breeders would see
> $1000 BLING BLING and do it for immediate
> gratification? Yeah that really puts a smile on my
> face. grinning smiley

I agree that not all Republicans are evil; there are evil politicians in both parties and a rare few who are actually good.

Liberal politicians love welfare and other social programs, which is why they have fits over suggestions that those who live off us stop breeding. There's nothing "racist" about it, which is another cry of theirs to get those who disagree to back down or shut up. I see the results of welfare programs every day. angry smiley

This is for the welfare pimps: angry flipping off

I would love to see this $1,000-for-sterilization for both women and men. Because future planning is not in the typical welfare recipient's mindset, this would be great! They would take it--nail/hair salons, tattoo parlors, Walmarts, cell phone stores and other places welfare bums go to a lot should like this bill too.

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
Re: $1000 to get sterilized, proposed by Republican
September 28, 2008
Let's hope it gets passed and that they're shortsighted enough to fall for it.
Re: $1000 to get sterilized, proposed by Republican
September 28, 2008
deegee Wrote:
> Does anyone recall back in the 1990 all the hoopla
> about the "family cap" when it came to providing
> more welfare benefits to moos on welfare who had
> more kyds while on welfare? I was hoping it would
> be part of the 1996 Welfare Reform Act (U.S.A.)
> but I think the courts struck it down when a state
> tried to enact this cap. To me, this cap should
> be automatic. I agree that tax exemptions for
> dependents should be removed, and the CF
> households should get a tax credit on their local
> school taxes (my biggest bugaboo).

I was wondering about this myself. A cap like this would be a step in the right direction.
Re: $1000 to get sterilized, proposed by Republican
September 28, 2008
You know, though, that breeders would fight any benefits paid to us (such as property tax rebates, etc.) tooth, nail, and, claw.
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