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Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!

Posted by KidFreeLuvnLife 
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
September 26, 2008
DrDanCorelli Wrote:
> Male breeders are a schizophrenic lot. They like
> the "Og make baybee" crap at the same time they
> are bitching about the responsibilities they
> shirk. You have a few dickless wonders who act
> like not fathering a baybee makes you less of a
> man. These types are the ones whose testicles are
> kept in a jar in their wife's nightstand.

Gah!! One of the guys in my husbands band is just like that. SAHDuh with a mouth breathing 4 year old who isn't potty trained yet. Begged and begged to knock up his uninterested wife again, so she lets him. Now there's another kid in the "family bed", again his idea. They never get to sleep because they can't let the kids cry it out, again, his idea. Doesn't do squat around the house except "care" for the children, seriously, if he wasn't bald, he'd have his hair in scrunchy ponytail. He'd have packed on several dozen pounds by now too, if he wasn't such a shallow self obsessed asshole.

The minute his wife gets home from her 40 hour per week job, he throws the kids at her, and runs out for "Man time" at band practice where he whines and cries about how hard it is out of one side of his face, while at the same time riding my husband's ass about when we're going to have kids because it's what a "man does" and "why'd you get married in the first place if you aren't going to have kids?" line of bull.

Fuck, even if I had the slightest inclination to, I wouldn't have kids just to spite AND avoid him. He'd want our kids to play together and I'm sure would freak the out if my husband and I raised our (theoretical) children in a similar manner to our parents (as opposed to his wackadoo attachment parenting b.s.)...letting them cry it out, potty training, actually using discipline and being the adults who say 'no" when it's needed. Wow do I NOT want anything to do what that shit.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
September 26, 2008
k-man Wrote:
> "Male breeders are indeed just as bad." Drat, I
> guess that with this thread I must confess my
> deepest of dark secrets. My posts have been glib
> and thoughtful in hopes that Feh, KFLL,
> KidlessKim, Amethyst, Amethusos, two cents ¢¢, and
> Rose Red would all run away and join the K-Man
> Harem and have my love children. Lots of them.
> grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley

Bawww chicka wah wah!
69 sex
If I'm in your harem, you'd better be ready to give as well as receive....HAR!
I'll love any children we have, if by children you mean KITTENS!!
I'm flexible though, really, I'll also accept BUNNIES!! PONIES!! PUPPIES!! I'm no mammalist...let's have GUPPIES!

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
September 26, 2008
roger Wrote:
> men are usually worse to other men and are intimidated
> by cf women

That's what is clear -- male breeders have to be frustrated by the fact they can neither dominate nor tempt CF women. Their currency in Sperm Dollars is meaningless to CF women.

CF women are only interested in them if they excel in things like Physical Attractiveness, Personality, Sense of Humour, Intelligence, Energy, Companionship, Sociability, Taste, Wealth, Kindness, etc, for their own sake and for their appeal to her and only her. She does not get her interest in these attractive traits for the sake of obtaining all these qualities implanted in her chyld. I really despise anthropoligists' and psychologists' suggestions that women only want men to have positive traits because they want them passed on genetically. As if women have no ability to discern quality men purely for their own physical and emotional pleasure.

So being confronted with happy, healthy, attractive and smart ladies who are NOT interested in their proudest bodily fluid must make them feel completely vulnerable and totally unarmed. Suddenly, life becomes really complicated and difficult for a lot of guys, who used to think that the ability to chew with their mouths closed and to squirt sperm every few weeks is as much 'work' on themselves they ever needed to do. And thanks to the breeder sisterhood, we can't really blame a certain number of men for living under that illusion.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
September 26, 2008
Amethyst Wrote:
> roger Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > men are usually worse to other men and are
> intimidated
> > by cf women
> That's what is clear -- male breeders have to be
> frustrated by the fact they can neither dominate
> nor tempt CF women. Their currency in Sperm
> Dollars is meaningless to CF women.
> CF women are only interested in them if they excel
> in things like Physical Attractiveness,
> Personality, Sense of Humour, Intelligence,
> Energy, Companionship, Sociability, Taste, Wealth,
> Kindness, etc, for their own sake and for their
> appeal to her and only her. She does not get her
> interest in these attractive traits for the sake
> of obtaining all these qualities implanted in her
> chyld. I really despise anthropoligists' and
> psychologists' suggestions that women only want
> men to have positive traits because they want them
> passed on genetically. As if women have no
> ability to discern quality men purely for their
> own physical and emotional pleasure.
> So being confronted with happy, healthy,
> attractive and smart ladies who are NOT interested
> in their proudest bodily fluid must make them feel
> completely vulnerable and totally unarmed.
> Suddenly, life becomes really complicated and
> difficult for a lot of guys, who used to think
> that the ability to chew with their mouths closed
> and to squirt sperm every few weeks is as much
> 'work' on themselves they ever needed to do. And
> thanks to the breeder sisterhood, we can't really
> blame a certain number of men for living under
> that illusion.

I agree with the above. Breeder men have NOTHING to offer most CF women and they have NOTHING that I want, that's for sure. They feel threatened because they have no power over a CF woman. They seek out women with low self esteem who think of breeding as their greatest potential accomplishment. These type women are so grateful to them that they are willing to become maids, cooks, and unpaid whores in order to be able to spawn and stay at home and do nothing with their lives.

Has anyone else noticed that CF women are rarely ugly? From pics I have seen and from the few I have met, they are generally attractive and/or well groomed. On the other hand, MOST breeders, especially the religious fundie ones, are butt ugly. Even if they started out reasonably attractive, after popping out a few they don't take care of their personal hygiene, their bodies, or even bother to change out of sweat pants or run a comb through their hair before they leave the house. They shuffle through the grocery store aisles in scruffy old shoes or flip flops, their hair is matted, and they look like they slept in the clothes that they are wearing and just rolled out of bed.

I think that breeder men choose these types of women because they can have complete control over them and that it's only a millimeter away from slavery. I am not sure which I detest the more between the two types, the controlling breeder men or the breeder women who allow them to be that way.
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
September 26, 2008
I so agree, kidlesskim. My wannabreeder ex was also very much into having the upper hand in the relationship...he tried to dictate what I wore, where I went, how long we spoke on the phone, who I could talk to, and many other things. The story is very long-winded and I've told it here way too much, so I'll save everyone the trouble. He absolutely did not like the fact that he could not control me and he got very frustrated and eventually began making idle threats about killing people to try and sway me. Asshole. It comes as no shock to me that he has yet to have a decent relationship with hi attitude.

But just goes to show that some men don't even need to have fucktrophies to be the kind of assholes most breeder men are - all they need is the urge to breed and they may end up being controlling assholes anyway.
Anonymous User
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
September 26, 2008
Amethyst, I really, really agree with you and think it is quite true. For an example of this, I actually had some customers NOT want to give me money once I informed them that I didn't have "needy" kids at home. Once they found out that I didn't have kids and spent my money wisely, they seemed put off somehow. I guess because I just ruined their imagined "power" that their dollar bill or $20 had over me. I had this happen a few times over the years.

A few actually said, "Well, I WAS gonna spend my $100 on you, but YOU don't really NEED it like Chelsea does, she's a single mom of three!" That ALWAYS pissed me off to no end..Sooo, because I was smart and not a whore who has three kids with three different guys by the time I'm 25, I get punished? Like I don't have bills, too? Fucking nice!

This even happened with the first GM we had...I made him mad over something and he threatened with "Hey, keep it up...how'd you like a 2-week suspension starting tomorrow?" This was THE BEST and most effective threat to all the single moms in there, because he knew 99.99% of them blew ALL of their money the day after they made it - they had NO savings to even go 2 days without working in there.

Anyway, you should have seen the look on his face when I said right back, without hesitation, in front of EVERYBODY backstage "That would be GREAT, then I could go on another cruise!" He never fucked with me after that and left me alone. Over the years he actually grew to respect me.

Later, he even helped me make money by bringing me to the "bigshots" who would come in there. He knew I would carry on an intelligent conversation, and NOT just go on and on and on about my "babies" and how they need formula and diapers. They could hear about that crap at home.

But at first, he really did have it out for the few CF women in there, and he didn't even try to hide his jealousy... or emasculation... or whatever it is that these guys feel. Powerlessness? Maybe that's it.
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
September 26, 2008
It's a big mistake to EVER let a male boss know that you "need" the money anyway. Most of them will try and take advantage of you or coerce you into doing extra shit which is NOT part of your job description and hang your job over your head if you don't succumb, IF they think you are dependent on that job. Some will even try and get into your pants with promises of promotions and raises. I ran into this early on in my work experience and this took place in the late seventies while I was still a teen and most of the 80's. It didn't take me very long to learn the game and it was ALWAYS older married men with kyds at LEAST as old as I was who tried this type of shit too. Breeder alpha males do this because they can get away with it and if caught by their wives they ALWAYS blame the young girl, always.

It's not so rampant these days because of all of the sexual harrassment laws and whatnot, but it STILL exists. Breeder male customers and clients do it too and tried that shit as recently as 2 years ago with ME, when I would have the need to be alone with them while working as their real estate appraiser. They were ALWAYS married breeder men too. They picked the WRONG poptart when they picked me because I would put them in their places so fast it would make their fat heads spin. I can see how a young and naive' woman could fall for this shit though, especially if she really needed the money. It's just a hair shy of forced prostitution to coerce a young woman who really needs the money into sexual favors with promises of promotions and money.

GOD I hate men like this with a passion.
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
September 26, 2008
I truly and seriously believe that most women suffer from a form of mental illness at some stage, or many stages, in their lives due to their hormonal poisoning. We laughingly call it 'baby-rabies' or the 'biological clock ticking' or whatever, but what we are really referring to is a woman's chemically-induced obsession with reproduction. All women suffer from this in medical terms, but certain self-aware intellectual women cope with it infinitely better than the majority who 'let it all hang out' and don't bother to switch on their intelligence, and kind of allow themselves to be tugged to and fro by momentary whims such as "ooh, gosh, shall I eat another grape popsicle now or shall I get impregnated by my new boyfriend?!"

Men, since the dawn of time, have taken huge advantage of this problem that women have. They know the vast majority of women will be brought to to their knees over their desire for pregnancy and, for so many women, any form of sperm will do. Withholding the sperm from those females who want it at any cost gives men a huge amount of power and influence over women (as if economic and physical power weren't already quite enough).

I feel a PhD thesis coming on... wink

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
September 26, 2008
If I ever suffered from desperately wanting a baybee, I don't recall it. I have however had strange and unprovoked mood swings and I assume it's hormonal fluctuations and they are not pleasant. I think that women who have these hormone induced bouts of mental illness that makes them want baybees over everything and anything else is because they have no other outlets for their urge surge. Quite frankly, the fact that they were hiding behind the door when God passed out intelligence is part of the problem. Breeder men do NOT have these "instincts" like breeder woman do and it certainly does give them a one upmanship on the woman. Anytime you have a demand for something (baybee) and someone has a supply (sperm), and the demand(need) is stronger than the supply (desire), then the supplier ALWAYS wins. This is basic marketing and economics 101. Personally, I don't know any women who have "overcome" the urge to replicate, because if they have the urge to make baybees then by God and come hell or high water, they just succumb to their desires.

These women have no self control, no power over their own minds or bodies, and have one track minds when it comes to the breeding. I can hardly stand to be in the same room with them as they disgust me and I have absolutely NO respect for them.
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
September 26, 2008
Amethyst Wrote:
> I truly and seriously believe that most women
> suffer from a form of mental illness at some
> stage, or many stages, in their lives due to their
> hormonal poisoning. We laughingly call it
> 'baby-rabies' or the 'biological clock ticking' or
> whatever, but what we are really referring to is a
> woman's chemically-induced obsession with
> reproduction. All women suffer from this in
> medical terms, but certain self-aware intellectual
> women cope with it infinitely better than the
> majority who 'let it all hang out' and don't
> bother to switch on their intelligence, and kind
> of allow themselves to be tugged to and fro by
> momentary whims such as "ooh, gosh, shall I eat
> another grape popsicle now or shall I get
> impregnated by my new boyfriend?!"
> Men, since the dawn of time, have taken huge
> advantage of this problem that women have. They
> know the vast majority of women will be brought to
> to their knees over their desire for pregnancy
> and, for so many women, any form of sperm will do.
> Withholding the sperm from those females who want
> it at any cost gives men a huge amount of power
> and influence over women (as if economic and
> physical power weren't already quite enough).
> I feel a PhD thesis coming on... wink

Before my hysto, I didn't want brats. But also before my hysto I was on numerous anti depressants for years, my depression was crippling...

after hysto, only had a couple of times i needed a mild dose of anti-depressants and now am able to handle depression with natural stuff, fish oils, vit b, exercise, etc.

The difference in my mental health before and after the hysto is nothing short of a fucking miracle. Yes the hormones my own body produced, it was like I had some sort of fucked up immune response to them, and being fertile was like living hell for me, not because of the cf thing, but because the hormones fucked with my head in ways I can't even explain.

These rabid baby rabies moos could probably benefit from an ovary being taken way, seriously, it would help their mental health in so many fucking ways, including bringing children into the world that they cannot parent properly.
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
September 27, 2008
Glad everyone got a chuckle or something out of my silly post.

Seriously, most of the men I have known who were halfway decent types either were ambivalent about having children (choosing to leave much of that decision-making to their wives), or wanted at most one or two and were not rabid about it. But these men were willing to work hard for their families in whatever shape they eventually took.

Those men I have known who were really breeder-oriented either scared me or teed me off. Invariably they were batshit "religious" and/or just plain nuts, and as many of you noted, they would hypocritically try to hit on other women while the wife was stuck at home with a brood—or would even have a mistress on the side, often with children by him. Also, many of these same men have been all too often useless to most employers. I've posted before about numerous breeder fundie men's poor work habits because of their perception that "God will provide" and so they need not do much actual work.
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
September 27, 2008
I've always thought that this ridiculous urge for baybees to be a form of mental illness--watching these idiots TTC or doing all of the crazy childrearing shit makes me positive that I am right.

I had a brief urge of the baybee shit but I didn't go with it because I knew that, deep down, I did not want them. In a short time, it went away, never to return. But then I have a decent amount of intelligence. I've had other stuff going on emotionally that seems to be improving since menopause. I dunno if that had to do with gender dysphoria or just hormones, but whatever it is, I don't seem to have as bad a time now that I'm past menopause.

But women need to start saying "Fuck you" to baybee rabies and biological clock nonsense. It's fine if you know clearly what you are getting into and you have some sense of what decent childrearing is. However, most women only think with their fucking uterus instead of their minds. Result, stupid moos who find out too late they should never have had kyds.

And the male breeders laugh and go right on with their lives.
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
September 30, 2008
You know, I don't believe I have ever in my life felt that tug or that biological urge to have children. And if I did, even to some small degree, my logic and reason overrode it every single time. That's the difference between me and most mothers. I weighed the pros and cons of having children long ago and the cons list practically buried the pros.

I have a friend with kids who said it best, I think: "There's nothing logical about a biological urge." And I think that's true in the case of most mothers. Very little thought goes into reproduction - most moomies just throw caution to the wind and go for it, no matter what their relationship status or financial situation is.
I agree that males don't typically feel that urge to reproduce, but every now and again, you meet that special brand of idiot that has knocked up multiple women and just shrugs it off. However, I think that has more to do with the guy being a stupid, doltish, over-active hamster pants who just wants to get his rocks off and less to do with actually wanting children.

I DO think some men get the urge, too (such as my own husband) - just in a different way. I think there are men who do have the urge to spread their genes and be at the "top" of a family in a provider/protector role. I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing....better a man who actually wants to be a FATHER to his kids then a guy who just gets a woman pregnant and then runs.....but like the woman who get the urge, I think they need to really think it over and consider the very real, very serious, and often negative changes having a child will bring to their lives.
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
September 30, 2008
I had a nice talk with a former student. He and wifey are TTC and doing everything in the book to put the bun in the oven.

At the core, he doesn't give a shit whether they have a brat or not. As long as he is getting laid a lot, he could care less. I suspect he had the snip, because he does not sound worried about brat expenses.

I would give it another three months until his wife starts banging some other guy and tries to pass it off as her hubby's.
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
September 30, 2008
After reading through this thread and other women's experiences with asshole breeder men, I can honestly say that I I'm glad to have my husband. Any man who doesn't feel the need to "carry on the family name" or "spread his seed," and who isn't threatened by a smart, ambitious woman, is a keeper. So if you've got one like my husband, hang onto him!
Anonymous User
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
September 30, 2008
My wife has a hell of a husband, DAM shes lucky!!:spin lol
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
September 30, 2008
I think Pia Zadora's kids are "Kady" and "Khristopher." no idea how I know that.
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
September 30, 2008
I have always joked that I was not wired for motherhood. In all honesty, I did wonder about what parenting would be like, but it never got further than just idle speculation, as I could never get past all of nastiness of pregnancy. What finally clinched it for me was a friend who had just had her third...we stopped over to their house for a visit. She asked me if I wanted to hold their week-old daughter, so I did. After a minute the baby started to fuss so as I handed her back to her mother, I was asked the most clarifying question of my life, "doesn't holding her just make you want one of your own?" The reply, "no, it doesn't" instantly came out. My guess is that she thought she was doing me a favor, trying to point out the errors of my ways, while there was still time, and in a convoluted way, she did. Just not with her intended results.
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
September 30, 2008
Some good observations/points were brought out regarding the male perspective of breeding, being a father, and the male "urge" to procreate. Since I am female, of course I can't speak from an empathetic or very deeply personal perspective, but I sure do have some general and a few "up close and personal" observations regarding men, their urges, and fatherhood. I tend to categorize the different types in my mind and now I will attempt to put a name those types and list their characteristics, based on my lifetime of observations.

1)The Prince Charles
These are men who are generally have names like Thurgood Limuel Waterford, VII. They could not care less about fatherhood as far as actually knowing their kyds or having a personal hand in raising them or a relationship with them. They have a long familial tradition of "carrying on the famblee name." They generally succumb to the family pressure to "marry well", and do little else with their children besides maybe play some croquet, Polo, or Cricket on occasion, or possibly see their kyds at Christmas for a half an hour in the morning and while sitting for famblee portaits and paintings. Their nannies know their kyds better than they do and the pool boys "know" their wives better than they do as well. They often have mistresses, but are careful not to spawn with them so as not to tarnish their famblee image.

2)The Ward Cleaver
Forever locked into the Pleasantville image of what a father should be like, they are "arm's length" fathers who do a lot of talk and advice giving, but very little action or personal involvement. They don't really "know" their kyds as they leave actual parenting up to their wives, but do a lot of bragging about things their kyds have done. They rely on their wives relaying the kyd's accomplishments to them because they rarely are spectators or participants in their kyds' recitals, plays, ballgames, etc....because they are always "at the office". These mens' lives revolve around their famblee on the exterior, but in reality he is always looking for a way too work late, play golf, or go hunting with his friends. He is doing what he thinks he is "supposed to do", but on the inside he doesn't care much for it. He is the MOST surprised type when his son shoots up his highschool or opens fire at a train station and can generally be heard saying, "There were NO signs of this, he was such a well behaved boy". This one is good for financial support at least though.

3)The Mike Brady
This man follows the life script to marry and have a large famblee in order to keep up "appearances". He appears overly involved in his kyds' personal lives on the surface, but that is only to mask his secret life which could be a gambling problem, a porn addiction, prescription drug abuse, or more commonly he is a closet homosexual who because he fears famblee and societal persecution, will never "out" himself and live his own life openly. His wife is generally beauty pageant pretty, but also quite clueless as to his sexual orientation, because they tend to marry breeders with baby rabies. As long as he can get her knocked up every so often, he can be excused from having sex with her at other times and she will accept his excuses because he is such a "good father". He generally IS a good father, when he can be found. This one is good for financial support too and is generally pretty good at playing house, unless he gets "outed" for his secret lifestyle.

4)The Neanderthal
These types are generally ex high school/college sports' jocks and live their lives as if everything was still a game and a competition. The desire to spawn male children who they can relate to and who will inherit their athletic ability, love of deer hunting, fishing, wearing of camouflage, etc.....overrides any common sense they may have regarding what size famblee they can afford. They will have 6 kyds in order to get the "golden boy" if necessary. They will spoil all of the girls, play "the protector", and call them "daddy's little girl" a lot. They are overprotective of their daughters to the point of absurdity, and can be downright cruel to their boy to "make a man out of him". It isn't out of love or desire to be fathers that they have kyds, but it's more that they enjoy the power and THRIVE on people bragging to them about their kyds so they can beat their chests.They want everyone to know that they are NOT "shooting blanks"as well. They are VERY concerned that their son shares their physical, athletic, and sportsman characteristics and interests and can be devastated when their son happens to like music, art, and/or other boys. They will live a lifetime of inward misery, denial, and excuses if they spawn a 'girly boy". These men usually drink a lot of beer and more times than not it's Budweiser in a can or Bourbon and coke. These men go through a series of roller coaster rides regarding financial problems because of their irresponsibilities and overspending on "boy toys" like gun collections, boats, motorcycles, etc....Their wives borrow money from famblee a lot as they are too proud to ask their famblee for money.

5) The Baby daddy
This one couldn't care less how much or with whom he spreads his seed, but PRETENDS to care, for a short time. He generally doesn't finish high school and menial jobs which match his educational level are not good enough for him. The military life won't do either because of all of the restrictions and discipline, and of course he doesn't like authority figures or the uniform military attire. This one does not care at all about his spawn, although he brags to people when the kyd first pops out and wants " extra credit" for buying the kyd a pack of Huggies or for buying the kyd toys and other junk, but generally his generosity ceases as the kyd reaches toddlerhood and as he latches onto the newest "baby mama". He becomes a disappearing act shortly after the birth of each kyd. He rarely holds a job which can be garnished for child support and prefers to work "under the table", or participate in illegal activity in order to live the kind of lifestyle he sees other 20 y/o's live on TV. He generally spreads his sperm across the continental US, and often has several kyds who are the same age as he hops from bed to bed of any whore who will spread her legs. His main motivators are sexual urges and high fives with other baby daddy and "the often oopsed daddy" when they congratulate themselves on their working penis'.

6)The Often Ooopsed daddy
This one has no sense of responsibility what so ever and couldn't care LESS about the kyds he creates, regardless of what he may say. He is only concerned about his dick and will stick it in anything that stays still long enough for him to do so. He doesn't even ask a woman if she is on birth control and he doesn't bother with it, so he is "oopsed" quite often or acts surprised when he knocks a woman up and CLAIMS he was "oopsed". He never offers to pay for an abortion, he acts happy to the woman's face for a week or two after she springs the "happy news", but like the serial sperm door that he is, he is only looking for his next target and keeps the current baby mama happy until he hones in on the next one. He changes his phone number and moves if necessary, generally before the woman reaches her 4th or 5th month gestation. He will NOT own up to paternity, but denies it until he can be located and forced to take a paternity test, but he is usually long gone before this can even happen. He chooses skanks and sluts for the sole purpose of being able to deny paternity and NEVER takes any responsibility and often pretends he never had sex with the woman even if they had shacked up for a time. The only "urge" he has is his own sexual one. He often has a lot of "baby daddy" friends, souped up cars/trucks, pants down around his ass, and pretends to know gang signals.

7)The Good daddy
This one almost ALWAYS had an absentee father of his own or possibly a stern disciplinarian type father who was cold to him and he vows that he will be a good daddy. He is the responsible one of the crowd in that he will "do the right thing" and marry any knocked up GF. He will hold a decent job in order to support his kyds and seemingly is a WONDERFUL father, on the surface. While this one will spend an inordinate amount of time trying to be a good daddy, he resents the responsibilities of fatherhood but harbors too much guilt not to continue the happy face and live the charade as each subsequent pregnancy is announced. He still considers changing diapers, bathing kyds, and feeding baybee/kyds as "woman's work". When he does anything at all which could be considered child care related then he is"helping", even if his wife has a job outside of the home. When he is alone with the kyds he preceives this as "baby sitting", instead of taking care of or raising his OWN kyds. Because of a near complete lack of paternal involvement in his own life, he thinks that just by living in the home and supporting his famblee financially, bringing home the occasional happy meal, setting out Santa Claus, or taking the kyds to the beach each summer, that he has done WAY more than his "share", as he had no male/father role model. He secretly wishes the wife would stop having baybees and longs for the day when the kyds are out of the house. He is the recipe for an annoying as hell, proud and doting, future grandpeepaw. This man is also known as the suburban breeder who speaks highly of fatherhood and wants ALL of his male friends to be in the same boat as he, so he continually LIES about the joys of fatherhood. This man is a traitor to his fellow man and a real sell out to bachelors at heart across the globe.
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
September 30, 2008
Awesome post, Kim! Thanks for taking the time to write it! Your observations seem pretty darn accurate to me.
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
September 30, 2008
Medusa Wrote:
> Awesome post, Kim! Thanks for taking the time to
> write it! Your observations seem pretty darn
> accurate to me.

LOL, thanks. Those were just off the top of my head as there are certainly many more, but my fingers got tired of typing.tongue sticking out smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
October 01, 2008
Thank you kidlesskim that was GREAT!!!
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
October 10, 2008
kidlesskim Wrote:
> 4)The Neanderthal
> These types are generally ex high school/college
> sports' jocks and live their lives as if
> everything was still a game and a competition. The
> desire to spawn male children who they can relate
> to and who will inherit their athletic ability,
> love of deer hunting, fishing, wearing of
> camouflage, etc.....overrides any common sense
> they may have regarding what size famblee they can
> afford. They will have 6 kyds in order to get the
> "golden boy" if necessary. They will spoil all of
> the girls, play "the protector", and call them
> "daddy's little girl" a lot. They are
> overprotective of their daughters to the point of
> absurdity, and can be downright cruel to their boy
> to "make a man out of him". It isn't out of love
> or desire to be fathers that they have kyds, but
> it's more that they enjoy the power and THRIVE on
> people bragging to them about their kyds so they
> can beat their chests.They want everyone to know
> that they are NOT "shooting blanks"as well. They
> are VERY concerned that their son shares their
> physical, athletic, and sportsman characteristics
> and interests and can be devastated when their son
> happens to like music, art, and/or other boys.
> They will live a lifetime of inward misery,
> denial, and excuses if they spawn a 'girly boy".
> These men usually drink a lot of beer and more
> times than not it's Budweiser in a can or Bourbon
> and coke. These men go through a series of roller
> coaster rides regarding financial problems because
> of their irresponsibilities and overspending on
> "boy toys" like gun collections, boats,
> motorcycles, etc....Their wives borrow money from
> famblee a lot as they are too proud to ask their
> famblee for money.

Now this one is a prime example of male breeder. This is similar to the film called Billy Elliot. Because his dad want him to be a bullying prize fighter boxer. But instead Billy want to do Ballet dancer because he want to show passion side of him. But again the breeder dad want him to be some tough aggressive kid which the kid doesn't want.
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
October 10, 2008
Also Kim your list is so fantastic, so I copy it and save as Word Document so I can print it off.
Re: Male Breeders Are Just As BAD!!!
October 10, 2008
I thought of one I had previously forgotten. That's the 'Joseph Kennedy" dad. This one is always a prominant pillar of the community and is successful in his chosen field which could be a Wall street business owner, an owner of a chain of laundry mats, or even a clergy man of a church. This man ALWAYS has "blood on his hands" and skeletons in his closet. He is either a current criminal of some sort or was one in his past, which explains his vast wealth regardless of his chosen profession. Many mobsters are the Joe Kennedy type fathers. These men PRETEND to care about their kids, and they usually have lots of them as well as a string of illegitimate kyds. However, since they are narcicistic by nature, they don't really understand the concept of "love", but rather they consider "pulling strings", or "cover ups", or paying off of judges or the police to get their kyds out of trouble an act of "love". To these men protection/power/money=love.

These men thrive on power over their wives and kyds and are overly protective of them to the point of smothering them to death. If their wives or kyds do anything of unfixable embarassment to them or are considered a threat to do so, they rarely kill the kyd or wife but instead ship them off to get lobotomized by paying off a shrink, send them out of the country to what amounts to a militry style concentration camp for "school", or holds something extremely damning or personal over their heads to whip them into submission, like a wife who has had an affair, an abortion, or gave a kid up for adoption at age 15. Since they are usually members of a fundie religious sect, this tactic works VERY well on their wives.

These men often have a favorite son and the rest of the kyds get a pat on the head and their needs met, but the golden boy can do no wrong and idolizes his father. The golden boy slips into the Joe daddy role after duddy dies and is often in charge of doling out the famblee money to the siblings and even his own mother, as HE sees fit. The other boys have little control over famblee business and the daughters have NO control over the famblee assets and NO SAY in any matter pertaining to the famblee estate. This type of daddy has complete control over each and every famblee member and can make immediate paupers out of them if they piss him off in any way. This daddy is just one big long power trip and a ROTTEN human being, but is idolized and glorifed by tv and the media.
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