Preggo complains on yelp over store bathroom use
March 25, 2018

I hope the link works. It is for a new age tarot place in New Paltz, NY. A moo goes in for a tarot reading pays for it and buys something else and then complains that the owner wouldn't let her use the bathroom when was was leaving. When she went in before employees who didn't care let her use it, but she goes in and this time the owner says "nope" Moo goes on on yelp about how since she is a "paying customer" she should have access to the bathroom and goes on about how she is about to pop and has a "little one pushing on her bladder" She complains that it is winter and was she supposed to pee on the stores floor or on the sidewalk. The real reason is a plumbing problem when you own a business and everyone comes in there looking to use the crapper. Third one down and a funny read
Re: Preggo complains on yelp over store bathroom use
March 25, 2018
It is up to the discretion of a business whether or not to offer bathroom facilities. Anyone having a bad stomach day may want to stay home or stick to places that have public bathrooms, most of us have been there and done that. I've had to plan out and know where the closest bathroom is on more than one occasion and that is my responsibility not the shop owners. Fail to see how whining about it does any good. Stay at home or preplan, moo!
No pignasty special treatment!
Re: Preggo complains on yelp over store bathroom use
March 25, 2018
I think public bathrooms should be widely available. People have medical issues they can't help, or just simply need to use the bathroom! At that time of the month, anything in my bladder just makes my cramping worse.

But that's an issue to take up with city planners. There's no reason a small business should be obligated to provide toilets to the public. If someone is dissatisfied with a business for refusing to accommodate them, the simple solution is to not go back.

But these days, everyone must whine on social media, and news outlets for some reason seem to like amplifying this pointless crap, I guess it is cheaper than reporting news.
Re: Preggo complains on yelp over store bathroom use
March 25, 2018
Yeah, how dare she have to walk all of two minutes to get to the PUBLIC bathroom /eyeroll

No one gives a shit that you were outsmarted by a condom, bitch. Even if you were allowed to use the bathroom in the past, doesn't mean you have immediate consent to use it in future. Rules change and there's a public bathroom nearby.
Re: Preggo complains on yelp over store bathroom use
March 25, 2018
I have a number of conflicting thoughts on the topic of publicly available bathrooms.

Having multiple chronic disabilities that lead to many other short-term illnesses, means that things like public benches and public bathrooms being plentiful and available are crucial to me being able to take care of even the basics of life (groceries, medication, medical care, etc).
I am deeply appreciative of public bathrooms in businesses and convey that to the staff.

Also, in my experience preggos, and breeders are the most demanding members of the public with no consideration for either staff, nor other members of the public.
Did you notice that even though that preggo poster virtually vomited a huge diatribe, she did not ever advocate for the disabled or seniors who might need the facilities, nor asked the staff if there were actual reasons for the lack of access to the bathroom.

In the past, I have worked in many settings including retail and restaurants, which had public bathrooms.
After a few years, you have enough stories about the disgusting and destructive things that random people do to those washrooms that you loose faith in the people in general.
Those back rooms and bathrooms frequently were also used for various types of theft from the store.



you are warned


Damage to public washrooms that I personally witnessed

- shit smeared on the walls
- period blood smeared on walls
- every small item in the room stolen
- damage due to cigarette or drug usage
- physical parts of structure damaged (locks, doors, lights, faucets, soap dispensers, towel dispensers, etc)
- every small item in the room smashed
- a lake of diarrhea leading to the bathroom and on the floor
- vomit on floor
- vomit on surfaces other than the toilet
- shit all over and around the toilet
- piss on and around the toilet
- unpaid store merchandise used to wipe urine, shit, vomit and period blood
- (one time) complete smashing of walls and porcelain fixtures (loud so police called)
- graffiti written or carved into surfaces
- random weird occurrences (ie person purchased hair-cutting scissors which were left in the room and dramatically changed their appearance (ie hair, beard, etc), clumps of mud so large it was almost a field on the floor, hair dyeing in public washroom, chemical hair removal with large smears left on almost every surface (ie dangerous), etc)
Re: Preggo complains on yelp over store bathroom use
March 26, 2018
I have a number of conflicting thoughts on the topic of publicly available bathrooms.

Having multiple chronic disabilities that lead to many other short-term illnesses, means that things like public benches and public bathrooms being plentiful and available are crucial to me being able to take care of even the basics of life (groceries, medication, medical care, etc).
I am deeply appreciative of public bathrooms in businesses and convey that to the staff.

Also, in my experience preggos, and breeders are the most demanding members of the public with no consideration for either staff, nor other members of the public.
Did you notice that even though that preggo poster virtually vomited a huge diatribe, she did not ever advocate for the disabled or seniors who might need the facilities, nor asked the staff if there were actual reasons for the lack of access to the bathroom.

Well, unless she's been living in a cave, she knows why the bathroom isn't available. In fact, given her attitude, I fully expect she's the kind of person who leaves pee on the seat, at a minimum.

In the past, I have worked in many settings including retail and restaurants, which had public bathrooms.
After a few years, you have enough stories about the disgusting and destructive things that random people do to those washrooms that you loose faith in the people in general.
Those back rooms and bathrooms frequently were also used for various types of theft from the store.

People. People are why we can't have nice things. I think that every time I'm waiting to catch a bus and there's wind and rain getting in the shelter because some asshole decided to smash the glass in it, or I'm trying to read the schedule but can't because a jerk decided to amuse themselves melting the plastic covering with cigarettes, or I'm trying to buy the ticket but the touchscreen is smashed. It's what I think every time I encounter a public restroom that is too filthy to use, or a drinking fountain - a rare enough find these days - encrusted with chewing gum. I think: Who are the people who do these things and what the fuck is wrong with them? Do they not pay taxes which go to pay for the things they damage? Don't they need to make use of these services just like the rest of us? What possible enjoyment do they get out of being so destructive?
Re: Preggo complains on yelp over store bathroom use
March 27, 2018
It is up to the discretion of a business whether or not to offer bathroom facilities. Anyone having a bad stomach day may want to stay home or stick to places that have public bathrooms, most of us have been there and done that. I've had to plan out and know where the closest bathroom is on more than one occasion and that is my responsibility not the shop owners. Fail to see how whining about it does any good. Stay at home or preplan, moo!
No pignasty special treatment!

This causes me constant problems. I've medication side effects and nerve damage that cause me issues. For the most part I just stay home but some trips can't be avoided.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Preggo complains on yelp over store bathroom use
March 27, 2018
If I was a moo in waiting, I'd wear a depends just in case. Find solutions for one's self, not others.
Re: Preggo complains on yelp over store bathroom use
March 28, 2018
People. People are why we can't have nice things. I think that every time I'm waiting to catch a bus and there's wind and rain getting in the shelter because some asshole decided to smash the glass in it, or I'm trying to read the schedule but can't because a jerk decided to amuse themselves melting the plastic covering with cigarettes, or I'm trying to buy the ticket but the touchscreen is smashed. It's what I think every time I encounter a public restroom that is too filthy to use, or a drinking fountain - a rare enough find these days - encrusted with chewing gum. I think: Who are the people who do these things and what the fuck is wrong with them? Do they not pay taxes which go to pay for the things they damage? Don't they need to make use of these services just like the rest of us? What possible enjoyment do they get out of being so destructive?

This deserves its own thread! I did know several kids who were purposely destructive to everything from a young age, one of them would destroy stuff and her parents would buy her new, every time. She liked the manipulation, bragging to friends about it and getting away with "something". Maybe it is this mentality that causes people to destroy public property - thinking someone else will replace it and being too immature to realize it is collective tax dollars replacing damaged items?
Re: Preggo complains on yelp over store bathroom use
March 28, 2018
This deserves its own thread! I did know several kids who were purposely destructive to everything from a young age, one of them would destroy stuff and her parents would buy her new, every time. She liked the manipulation, bragging to friends about it and getting away with "something". Maybe it is this mentality that causes people to destroy public property - thinking someone else will replace it and being too immature to realize it is collective tax dollars replacing damaged items?

I sometimes wonder if mandatory community service would help address the problem. On one hand, it is kind of unfair to serious, well-meaning young people to make them waste their time picking up litter and so on. On the other hand, it helps reinforce the idea that we all make up society, and everyone must contribute. When you're older, you mostly contribute through taxes, but when you're younger, you don't have the same stake in the system.

Idk, I didn't grow up in a country with mandatory community service so I don't know if it is effective in training people to be concerned with the maintenance of public spaces, or if assholes are going to be assholes, no matter what. I do suspect that most vandalism is done by younger people, but I'm not sure if that's the case for littering and other assholery.

As for parents who replace things their kids broke, they are sure teaching some wonderful life lessons there. I'm sure they'll have great fun when their child's toys don't cost a few hundred but a few thousand (car, apartment deposit, damage to public property). And they (the parents) couldn't be more deserving (of the fines).
Re: Preggo complains on yelp over store bathroom use
March 29, 2018

This deserves its own thread! I did know several kids who were purposely destructive to everything from a young age, one of them would destroy stuff and her parents would buy her new, every time. She liked the manipulation, bragging to friends about it and getting away with "something". Maybe it is this mentality that causes people to destroy public property - thinking someone else will replace it and being too immature to realize it is collective tax dollars replacing damaged items?

A lot of antisocial behaviour stems from the fact that these people simply don't care or respect public or even other people's property. To them it's fair game, and in their mind, they can do what they please with it. Some of it is bragging rights, or a public display of them 'marking' their territory. Most simply don't give a shit about what they perceive as 'other people's stuff'. It can also be petty jealousy as well.

For others it the sadistic satisfaction they get pissing people off, and they like forum trolls, do it to get a rise out of people, which results a form of twisted satisfaction in their sick minds, similar to when a sadist tortures animals/people. In actuality, many of them have in their past engage in varying forms torturous behaviours.

There are also those that perceive that this behaviour can give them a form of power play - similar to marking their territory, or some strange attention seeking. Others, it more the fact that they alone, through their actions, have affected others directly or indirectly. Finally there are some that get a buzz from trashing something, or a demented philosophical motivation that they are creating anarchy or other nonsense, by giving society a middle finger.

I would hasten to think that they don't give a rats about tax dollars being wasted to repair it, rather they are quite proud that the chumps around them are paying for their destructiveness... (Id bet that these people aren't in the workforce to pay taxes, or it doesn't even factor into their minds).

It boils down to the fact that they are incredibly selfish people, with zero consideration or respect for anyone else needing to use the facilities.
Re: Preggo complains on yelp over store bathroom use
March 29, 2018
When I worked retail, I did allow a pregnoid to use our employee bathroom once. I felt sorry for her, and she looked as if she was about to burst. I did get in shit for it, but it was better than having to clean urine off of the floor.

I don't use public bathrooms because of the reasons Cassia had mentioned above. It is really gross to think of how people abuse those things. I will use the bathroom before I leave, and when I come home. I am not some kind of germophobe, either, but I have a colorful imagination and I know how nasty those things can be.
Re: Preggo complains on yelp over store bathroom use
March 30, 2018
I will use the bathroom before I leave, and when I come home. I am not some kind of germophobe, either, but I have a colorful imagination and I know how nasty those things can be.

You don't have to be a germaphobe to know to use your home facilities before you go out. That's just common sense, and something my parents taught their children as a matter or course.

Only one time did this habit not stand me in good stead: I went to a doc's appointment and they wanted a urine sample. Had to tell them I'd come back later because I was all peed out.
Re: Preggo complains on yelp over store bathroom use
March 30, 2018

You don't have to be a germaphobe to know to use your home facilities before you go out.

I can't tell you just how much I wish I could do this!


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Preggo complains on yelp over store bathroom use
April 01, 2018
People. People are why we can't have nice things. I think that every time I'm waiting to catch a bus and there's wind and rain getting in the shelter because some asshole decided to smash the glass in it, or I'm trying to read the schedule but can't because a jerk decided to amuse themselves melting the plastic covering with cigarettes, or I'm trying to buy the ticket but the touchscreen is smashed. It's what I think every time I encounter a public restroom that is too filthy to use, or a drinking fountain - a rare enough find these days - encrusted with chewing gum. I think: Who are the people who do these things and what the fuck is wrong with them? Do they not pay taxes which go to pay for the things they damage? Don't they need to make use of these services just like the rest of us? What possible enjoyment do they get out of being so destructive?

This deserves its own thread! I did know several kids who were purposely destructive to everything from a young age, one of them would destroy stuff and her parents would buy her new, every time. She liked the manipulation, bragging to friends about it and getting away with "something". Maybe it is this mentality that causes people to destroy public property - thinking someone else will replace it and being too immature to realize it is collective tax dollars replacing damaged items?

This would be an interesting thread. I was always taught to respect other people's property. I was raised that you don't touch other people's things without permission. The same applies to stepping on their land or going inside their residence.

During my high school years, our house was frequently vandalized, usually toilet paper in the trees and eggs thrown at it since I wasn't one of the popular kids. The attitude at my school was if they didn't like someone, they had a right to destroy steal, damage, or destroy their property in addition to tormenting them all day long. I attended a private, Christian Lutheran school, and that sort of behavior was considered to be acceptable there.

What I'm talking about happened 30 years ago, and it seems like it's much worse now.
Re: Preggo complains on yelp over store bathroom use
April 03, 2018

During my high school years, our house was frequently vandalized, usually toilet paper in the trees and eggs thrown at it since I wasn't one of the popular kids. The attitude at my school was if they didn't like someone, they had a right to destroy steal, damage, or destroy their property in addition to tormenting them all day long. I attended a private, Christian Lutheran school, and that sort of behavior was considered to be acceptable there.

What I'm talking about happened 30 years ago, and it seems like it's much worse now.


I grew up in a very working class environment and didn't have the good fortune (?) to attend private school, but it's safe to say that these destructive behaviors reach across all areas of the socioeconomic spectrum.

Graduation day from my K-12 education couldn't come quickly enough. I was definitely not into school and found it a waste of time. And yet in college I did very well academically, immersed myself in working a full time job, began to earn money, and my life became a whole lot richer on just about every front.

By in large K-12 schooling did very little for me educationally or socially. The teachers certainly did the best they could, but I would have been better off if there was a way in which I could just learn the material on my own and "test out" of the whole system. Socially I could have quite easily done without most of the experience beginning around age 12.

What I'm getting at is that the kids who behaved destructively 30 years ago are probably destructive now, too. Maybe they're not egging your house... maybe they're cheating their taxes, shoplifting, or worse. My hope is that you found as much of a light at the end of the tunnel as I did upon departing K-12 education. Whenever I hear anyone say, "Wouldn't it be great to go back to high school?" I simply roll my eyes. Life is so much broader and more interesting when you are actually living in it rather than living in the past.
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