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The final response to 'Coranth/Guardian- GO AWAY'

Posted by Coranth/Guardian 
The final response to 'Coranth/Guardian- GO AWAY'
September 25, 2008
Rose Red, Poofy_Puff, NoKyds4Me:
"Coranth/Guardian- GO AWAY"

No. I. Won't. I don't post here often; only when I find something interesting to share, or when there's something interesting here to respond to. And I will keep posting here occasionally; this place is interesting. I have no idea what your goddamn problem is with me, and I really don't care. All I know is that this began when you guys began vilifying me, and Kidlesskim chose to categorize me as an 'adult kid' who wouldn't leave. I stay here because I choose to stay here. My Mother does not wait on me. I do my own fucking laundry.
etc. I am not a breeder. I am no troll and no coward. I'm sorry I pissed you all off. But... I'll be around. So will Guardian. It's a free country. We can do what we wish. BTW, Kidlesskim is incorrect about a great many things in his/her supposed 'profile' of me. However, I'm not going to make the effort to respond, and neither is Guardian. Why? I don't want a flame war, and HE believes that you aren't worth his time, except for Rose Red whom he finds highly amusing. (He thinks fondly of Rose Red as his, 'Little Flower') You people can say, do, and even believe whatever you want. As for my posts... if you don't like them, delete them. You can do that, can't you. Surely the software that enables this board to run--or the people who supposedly moderate it--are capable of locking, or deleting threads, yes?
Re: The final response to 'Coranth/Guardian- GO AWAY'
September 25, 2008
The internet is not a "country". Everything you try to "share" is OLD. Next thing you'll be telling us you discovered the website "Happily Childfree". WE ALREADY KNOW. Get a LIFE.

I sure hope this is your final response.


"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: The final response to 'Coranth/Guardian- GO AWAY'
September 25, 2008
Coranth says:
"....Kidlesskim chose to categorize me as an 'adult kid' who wouldn't leave. I stay here because I choose to stay here......"

Coranth, if you are 27 years old and "choose" to live at home with your mother, then you ARE an adult kid who won't leave home. Like I said in the beginning, unless you have a disability which prevents you from leaving, then you ARE a kyd who won't leave. A 27 year old able bodied man should NOT being living with his mother, unless he is there to take care of HER because of a medical condition. For the most part, your "audience" here are adults who pay their own bills, live in their own homes, and many of us work full time and/or so do our spouses, if applicable, and some of us struggle to make ends meet, pay for our own insurance, cars, food, etc...... So, when a TWENTY SEVEN year old man comes on here and says he is still living at home with mommy, "by choice", and then proceeds to complain about a grandchild (and your own nephew) who his mother is temporarily helping out, and rather than lift a finger to help your own flesh and blood you childlishly slam your door, crank up the music, and play RPG's, it's really hard for some of us to drudge up any sympathy for you.

If you have represented your situation accurately, then you are an intelligent, able bodied, GROWN MAN, and you need to be living independently. Don't blame this on me fella, I have only been a member a couple of months. Apparently you had quite a following before kidlesskim was even born.
Re: The final response to 'Coranth/Guardian- GO AWAY'
September 25, 2008
He SAYS he has CP, but he can obviously type, so it can't be so bad that he couldn't do a job like, maybe, medical transcription, which pays really well and usually has a quota toward people with disabilities who would have a difficult time working outside their place of residence.

So I don't buy any of his excuses, either. He probably doesn't work by his own "choice", just like he lives with mommy by "choice". I wish *I* had the same "choices" - my mother is deceased. As a matter of fact, 7 years ago TODAY, almost to the very MINUTE.

Poor l'il me.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: The final response to 'Coranth/Guardian- GO AWAY'
September 26, 2008
eye rolling smiley

If Coranth behaves himself here, there isn't anything wrong. His private life is none of our business anyway.

So maybe stop this bickering and go back to snarking at silly parunts and their brood?
Re: The final response to 'Coranth/Guardian- GO AWAY'
September 26, 2008
the fact that you continue to refer to yourself as 2 people indicates that you have serious mental problems, and therefore nothing to offer, here. Take a fucking hike you head case. Go bother the gamers or something.
Re: The final response to 'Coranth/Guardian- GO AWAY'
September 26, 2008
hitting over the head with a hammer
or not.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
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