Re: Toadler on life support in England
September 03, 2018
I just read this thread for the first time today. What a fucking clusterfuck. Honestly, why don't hospitals have any sort of limits or quality control when it comes to keeping people on life support? If they're very sick, but will probably get better with time and proper care, then sure, let them have their damn life support. But if they're brain dead or going to die the second the tubes come out, what the fuck's the point? The person has absolutely no quality of life, all because their idiot kin can't accept reality.

I love this part of the original article:

Francis said. "I want to reiterate and strongly confirm that the only master of life, from the beginning to its natural end, is God, and our duty is to do everything to protect life."

That statement seems to contradict itself. If God is the only master of life from beginning to NATURAL end, then keeping this dead kid on life support is going explicitly against God. It's called "playing God" for a reason. But, oh, I guess it's okay if it's for a kid or so someone doesn't have to cry. Also, there has to be life before it can be protected. Someone whose body is being kept "alive" by machines does not have a life. Their earthly remains are simply existing artificially, so this indefinite science experiment life support bullshit is not protecting life whatsoever. Then again, I don't know why the hell I'm surprised that the church has no idea WTF it's talking about.

And of course the parents have already made a replacement! Because there's no better aphrodisiac than your dying child! They wasted no fucking time either - three months after the first kid conks out, the second one comes along.


Both Kate and Tom carry a rare gene which sparked Alfie’s mystery illness.

So the poor kid's condition is due to genetics and the parents go and have another biological kid. I suspect we might be hearing from them again in a year or so when this kid winds up on life support from the same fucking thing. Honestly, how is it not some kind of a crime to go and make a child knowing full well you have genetic problems that have a good chance of being passed on? Both these morons have the same genetic mutation, which means that any kid they have is going to have a very high chance of having whatever the "mystery illness" is. The article said the new kid "reportedly" doesn't have the same mutation, so they can't even say for sure that this kid isn't sick too?

I know losing a child is horrible and something no parent should ever have to experience. But keeping a doomed child alive with machines like some freakish sci-fi story and holding out for a miracle is far more cruel than letting them go.
Re: Toadler on life support in England
September 03, 2018
That cunt must be brain dead.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Toadler on life support in England
September 04, 2018

Both Kate and Tom carry a rare gene which sparked Alfie’s mystery illness.

So the poor kid's condition is due to genetics and the parents go and have another biological kid.

I hate this. I fucking hate this. I have a genetic condition; my parents didn't know anything about it, but I suspect even if they had, they still would have had me. The pain I'm in every day be damned, because they were anti-choice. Better a suffering human than flushing a clump.

Then there are others I know, parents who were traumatized when their very young daughter was diagnosed with diabetes. They said her childhood was being stolen, her life was at risk, everything was awful. Then they decided to have a second child in spite of a 25% chance of that child having it, too. Their reasoning was thoughtful-- they said they both derived so much joy from their own siblings that they didn't want to deprive her of the same experience. Okay, fine. Fucking adopt. If you can't adopt, then suck it up and raise her as an only child. Luckily, kid #2 was fine, but to me, 25% is way too high a chance to take. And that's just diabetes, generally controllable with Science yay. These people with one dead kid and popping out another? If that kid dies, too, they should be charged with manslaughter. They should reasonably know that their actions were going to lead to a child's death.

Ugh. I'm disgusted.
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