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Why Good dads make moms jealous (article)

Posted by kidlesskim 
Why Good dads make moms jealous (article)
September 26, 2008
(whole article)

Selected passages and my commentary:tongue sticking out smiley

"Now stay in bed and go to sleep," my husband, Bill, said as he hugged our 3-year-old son, Davey, good night. "If you don't, I'm gonna talk in my troll voice all day tomorrow." I smiled with pity at this poor, deluded man.......that night though, Davey didn't get up once. In the morning he ran around crowing that he'd won and the troll couldn't come.....I was also just the tiniest bit jealous. Why hadn't I been the one with the great insight? Why couldn't I talk like a troll?"
(For crying out loud, be glad the kyd stayed in his own bed and STFU with being jealous of a troll voice)

"...our guys are doing more than their dads did. Fathers clip tiny toenails and baby-food coupons. They read bedtime stories and clothing labels. And while some of our own dads had no clue about how to change a diaper, our kids' dads often have fierce opinions on Luvs versus Huggies...."
(How impressive! Having a "fierce opinion" regarding diaper brands will really give him a boost above the crowd among his colleagues)

"...But we don't want them to take over," says Pyper Davis, a mother of two in Washington, DC. "We don't ever want to be pushed off that throne of being Mommy."
(aahhhhhh, the TRUTH comes out! They DO think they are sitting on a throne)

"When our son was a baby, Brian* gave him more of his baths," says Jessica Davis* of Chicago. She believed it was important for them to have such one-on-one moments, but "I remember thinking a few times, 'I should take the bath with him!"
(NO, neither of you should be taking a bath WITH the kid, he should be bathed alone, in a tub)

"I know he's very capable of caring for her, but I want to believe I'm better at it than he is — even though I'm not. I think it's the whole 'I'm the mommy and I can fix anything.' It's almost like a savior thing."
(A "SAVIOR"?, I hadn't heard this one until now)

"It seems he's doing very well at work and then when he comes home he's doing very well with the kids, so it's like he's doing great everywhere and I'm running to keep up."
(That's because it's NOT that hard of a job. Now that duddy is proving that, the lies have been exposed!)

"Trouble is, "the more we control how dads do things, the less involved they want to be," Park says. A recent Ohio State University study of almost 100 couples with newborns backs her up: Researchers found that even dads who believed they should be highly involved in childcare shied away from doing things for their infant if Mom was very judgmental."
(That's because they want to remain in control and make their husbands thinks that THEY are the only ones who can raise a kid)

"As for curbing the green-eyed monster, it comes down to discovering things you do well with your kids. When they're babies, simply breastfeeding them is something Dad can't do, and may be enough. Later on, try sharing your passions, from gardening to karate. It's also smart to take turns doing the fun stuff, like playing with the kids, as well as the non-fun stuff (say, disciplining them). Dad's giving the baths? Great. Make storytime yours, instead of moping."
(Oh yeah, BREASTFEEDING is still a moomie only thing, which explains why it's so popular even though it's inconvenient and ruins their figures)

shrug Some men are FINALLY doing what women have whined about for decades and they STILL find reasons to bitch and moan about it. Men absolutely can not win for losing when they are dealing with moocows, so I don't even know why they even keep trying.
Re: Why Good dads make moms jealous (article)
September 26, 2008
I know a dad whose wife was deliberately and aggressively bonded with their child so it would be estranged from him.
Re: Why Good dads make moms jealous (article)
September 26, 2008
Oh absolutely! Married mawms and divorcees do that shit, it's all about control. I wouldn't be surprised if she breastfeeds the kid well into adulthood. And what is the purpose of estranging the kid from it's dad? Talk about selfish!

Rose Red Wrote:
> I know a dad whose wife was deliberately and
> aggressively bonding with their child so it would
> be estranged from him.
Re: Why Good dads make moms jealous (article)
September 26, 2008
The cows are just psychopathic. All of 'em.

Same thing can be said when they let someone else hold their baybee. The tense vibes from them are thick in the air as, although they just handed the kid to someone else, they can hardly stop themselves from snatching it back again from an overdeveloped sense of jealousy. Some younger new mothers can hold out only for a minute or two before they quite literally burst into tears and have to grab the baybee back again. It's not protective, as they'd claim - it's selfish jealousy that their kid might actually be comfortable and enjoying being physically close to some other human being.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
good dads make them mad because it shows that they really aren't all that. If a guy can work 40+ hours a week and take care of shitford better than the moo can, it shows that it isn't the hardest job in the world to be a SAHM.
Re: Why Good dads make moms jealous (article)
September 26, 2008
You took the words out of my mouth, Matush.
Re: Why Good dads make moms jealous (article)
September 26, 2008
Part of me wonders how many women insist on being SAHMs when the Duh wants to be the one who stays at home...is Moomie scared that he could do a better job of raising the kid than she could? Is there truly a fear that "paternal instinct" could be stronger than "maternal instinct", and that Moos feel threatened by it?

Kidless is right - women bitch about the Duhs not taking enough time to raise Junior, and then they bitch because Duh might be stealing the Moo-thunder. Reason # eleventy billion to never become a Duh - no matter what you do, what you say, how much you spend, where you take the family or what you sacrifice...nothing you do will ever be good enough. A man can only take so many shots to the pills like that - is it any wonder why some men murder their wives and kids?
Re: Why Good dads make moms jealous (article)
September 26, 2008
These women are really some sick bitches. First they bitch because Duh doesn't engage at home. Then he does, and they STILL bitch. I suspect they are frantic with worry that someone will figure out that doing TMIJITW isn't that big a deal...not if a guy can work 40 per hours per week and do a halfway decent job.

That, and has been pointed out in posts above, these bitches fear losing control.
Re: Why Good dads make moms jealous (article)
September 26, 2008
"I know he's very capable of caring for her, but I want to believe I'm better at it than he is — even though I'm not. I think it's the whole 'I'm the mommy and I can fix anything.' It's almost like a savior thing."

I am still rolling THIS one around in my brain. I have heard just about all of the other things which moomies think they are to their kyds, but "savior", what the hell does that MEAN exactly I wonder? Do they really think they are "God" to these kyds? They are in for a HUGE surprise because no matter how dependent they try and make these kyds, they WILL grow up eventually. As much as I don't want a baybee, if just as an experiment I took in an hour old kyd, he would think I was his "savior", I suppose. Don't they realize that whoever FEEDS the one who can't feed himself and CLEANS the one who can't clean himself, and TALKS to the one who can't yet speak, would be his "God" for the time being? They place WAY too much stock in how and why their baybees and very young and helpless kyds look up to them. Any fool knows that if you take care of a helpless animal's basic needs and show it kindness, it will love you, REGARDLESS if you physically let it ooze down your cooter.

I have 15 acres FULL of cats, raccoons, and other little critters who happen up who "love" me. I don't think for one minute that it's because I am so "special" either. MY GOD these people are so full of themselves that it's hard to believe.
Re: Why Good dads make moms jealous (article)
September 27, 2008
KidlessKim, the fact that some of these moos believe themselves to be "saviours" proves that moos tend to be delusional. They're too goddamn stupid and crazy to realise that a baby is gonna love anyone
who treats them decently and meets the following needs: food, clean diaper, place to sleep, and burping before laying them down. Stupid, delusional moos. LMAO
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